[V.1.197.170][BUG][LEGACY SAVE]Savegames Pre 10-2016 Corrupted

Kennet0508 shared this bug 4 years ago

New patch corrupted a third of my old saves

Booted up the game today, got an Eula i agreed to, game started, went to the loading screen message says:

One of the world/save files is corrupted and can't be loaded.

See log for details.


that is 32 of my 97 saves are in red that the game assumes corrupted.

That is every save pre 06/11.2016

after that most work with exeption of:

one dated 12/12.2016

two dated 10/6.2017

Maybe they already were corrupted and with the new patch does a "check for corrupted saves" now, but i am pretty sure that i didnt have 32 corrupted saves last i booted the game.

in the earlier days, we could use SEToolbox to repair corrupted worlds, is there a way for me to recover theese worlds now? (apart from spending hours on hours downloading an older version of the game client, booting up SEToolbox, repairing the files and then reload the saves in the updated client?)

Previously one could use tools like SEToolbox to work around corrupted saves by deleting corrupt content, but today it seems i need to spend a day or more to download and install old build, Save all the files, update the game again to the lates build and save them once more.

There should be an official "fix legacy savegame" that has some powertool options for fixing this issue. Examples like

"Extract blueprint from grid" (with a list of grids with attached subgrids)

"Remake in empty world" (make an empty world with only the built grids)

"Update to latest build" (updates and saves the game to the latest build)

As noted by Steamuser: fabricator77

As per usual with these corrupted saves, there is nothing wrong with the stations, ships, asteroids or planets. The save file containing all this information (SANDBOX_0_0_0_.sbs) is perfectly fine.

What is wrong is missing data in SANDBOX.sbs , which is just the world settings, list of mods, player data etc. It is NOT corrupted, damaged, or broken. This config file is simply an old version, which lacks some information.

Something in the <SessionComponents> section if I recall.

Tips to fix this, without having to resort to multi GB downloads of an old version of the game, then downloading the current version all over again.

Steps (try at your own risk, make copies of saves before messing with)

1. Install Notepad++

2. Rename SANDBOX.sbs to say SANDBOX.sbs.old

3. Beg, borrow, or steal SANDBOX.sbs from a known working save.

4. Open both files in Notepad++

5. Copy the SessionName from the old file into the new one. eg <SessionName>Asteroid Base - TPD 4622</SessionName>

6. Copy the list of mods over as well.

7. (maybe) copy over the list of players/NPCs as well, if you care.

Link to steam forum post:


Link to Corrupted saves and .log file:

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lbv0v9tmeorfml2/AADSgGsJe8YATIbKa1Am14sPa?dl=0" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lbv0v9tmeorfml2/AADSgGsJe8YATIbKa1Am14sPa?dl=0">https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lbv0v9tmeorfml2/AADSgGsJe8YATIbKa1Am14sPa?dl=0

This is important as there are thousands of gigabytes of legacy SE content with players, and loosing your old stuff in a game like this is not good. it would be like loosing a creative lego build you spent days, weeks months on that you put up on a shelf for safekeeping but due to lego making new bricks, the build vanishes into thin air never to be seen again.

Best Answer

Hi Kenneth, Sorry to borrow your thread here...

I have a corrupted old save file too. It was uploaded in steam workshop back in 2014.

I tried the fixing steps mentioned above it does changed the save from red to normal but the game still stuck at loading screen for forever(like 1 hour).

I attached the save here and wish Keen house people could have a look with the save and restore it.

Just in case the attachment dosen't work:

steam workshop link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265679733

Thank you.


Replies (2)


Hi Kenneth, Sorry to borrow your thread here...

I have a corrupted old save file too. It was uploaded in steam workshop back in 2014.

I tried the fixing steps mentioned above it does changed the save from red to normal but the game still stuck at loading screen for forever(like 1 hour).

I attached the save here and wish Keen house people could have a look with the save and restore it.

Just in case the attachment dosen't work:

steam workshop link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=265679733

Thank you.



Hey man! In my original steam post there is a link to the latest version of SEToolbox.

Make a new empty world, save it, then open 2 instances of SEToolbox. Open your new and old save Just drag and drop the ship files from your old save to the empty world. That worked for several of my old saves.


Thank you Ken. This is amazing, my old cruiser is back !

But I see you still having many saves that are unable to be fixed by this SEToolbox.

I hope Keen software house can take care of your legacy files and make the corrupted file restoration easier.




Hey guys thanks for the great tips however I can't get SE toolbox to open since that update broke it any further advice?


Hello, Kenneth!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. Thank you for the information provided. I have successfully reproduced and reported this issue internally.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department

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