Turrets Continue Firing despite setting changes

Burstar shared this bug 6 years ago

When a turret has locked on and started firing at a valid target, if you toggle the applicable target selector to 'Off' the turret continues to fire at the last block it was shooting at.

To replicate:

Paste in a Large grid and set the ownership to pirate

Paste/Create a powered turret within range of the pirate grid

ensure 'Target Large Ships" is ON

Supply ammunition to the Turret and turn its power on

(Turret shoots at pirate)

Toggle 'Target Large Ships" Off

(Turret continues firing until the block it was shooting at is destroyed completely).

Expected Behaviour: Turret stops shooting immediately when the targeted block type is invalidated.

Best Answer

Thank you very much guys, issue has been reported.

Have a nice day :-)

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

Replies (2)


you could used to turn the block off and it would stop and not retarget when you power back on even that is not working now,



Could you please provide us with more information regarding the issue you reported? Is it single player or dedicated server? Creative or survival? Maybe the world where it is happening would be very useful. Thank you very much. To report a bug into our system it is necessary to have reliable steps to reproduce in order for programmers to fix it.

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


To replicate:

Paste in a Large grid and set the ownership to pirate

Paste/Create a powered turret within range of the pirate grid

ensure 'Target Large Ships" is ON

Supply ammunition to the Turret and turn its power on

(Turret shoots at pirate)

Toggle 'Target Large Ships" Off

(Turret continues firing until the block it was shooting at is destroyed completely).

I followed his steps and it happed on a DS for me and location was Mars.

Hope this helps.


*applauds enthusiastically*

Well done Super Happy Alien. You are an example to us all. Well, to some of us at least. To go above and beyond like this and not even be paid for it? Truly remarkable.

It happens in SP Survival mode too.


Thank you very much guys, issue has been reported.

Have a nice day :-)

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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