Subgrid becomes a Static-grid after merging with the Parent Station

Peares Subverse shared this bug 3 years ago

I have a Station with a subgrid made up of hinges and rotors. I was attempting to build a Large Air Sealable landing-bay, and discovered that when you merge a subgrid to it's parent station it will convert itself into a station as expected however after unmerging form said station the subgrid will remain a station grid.


Image : Depicting 9 Blocks(1 Merge Block, 1 Button Panel, 1 Battery, 1 Hinge, 5 Light Armored Blocks) As Station Grid on the left (red-white), 3 Blocks(1 Hinge Part, 1 Round Light Armored Slope, 1 Rotor) As Subgrid 1 in the middle(Grey), and 4 blocks(1 Rotor Part, 1 Control Panel, 1 Merge Block, 2 Light Armored Blocks) as Subgrid 2(Black)

Stage Setup:

  • Unsupported Stations DISABLED
  • Enable convert to station ENABLED

Block Setup:

  • Hinge: +Velocity, Angle min=0deg
  • Button Panel: 1=ON/OFF Merge(Station), 2=ON/OFF Merge(Subgrid), 4=Reverse Hinge
  • Rotor: Power off, Rotor Lock on, Angle Min/Max 0deg, Torque 0, Displacement -40mm

Replication instructions:

  1. Build Something Similar as in the image above
  2. Note the station must be larger than the subgrid to avoid converting the station to Ship
  3. Rotate the Hinge to connect the merge blocks
  4. Disable any of the 2 merge blocks to disconnect the subgrid
  5. Using the control Panel, observe the Subgrid Info tab
  6. Take note the subgrid name differs from the parent grid name(Top Left "Reproduce")
  7. Take note the "Convert to Ship" option(bottom right) has become interactable
  8. Take note the Merge Blocks Indicate White when turned back on

Possible way to resolve the bug is to check if the unmerged grid is still a subgrid

Given that the Name in the top-left corner in the info tab doesn't match the name in the bottom-right of the tab, we know that the grid is then still attached to a Parent subgrid meaning that in the game logic we can call the existing "convert to ship" function on the disconnected grid if the name in the top-left does not match with it's own name.

I'm sure you'll figure it out, I left a teaser in the Save Game that I've attatched to this, hope it will satisfy you <3

Thank you,

Peares S.

Replies (7)


Hello, Peares,

thank you for bringing this to our attention.

This is not a bug, and is working as intended.

The design behind the merge block is such that once you merge two grids together, it becomes a single grid.

Merged grids form a single grid, with no distinction made for grid portions that may have been separate at some point. On division (e.g. by deleting the merge block) only the bigger (mass) can have the original name and status, while the smaller grid is considered a "new grid".

Thank you for your time and energy.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hi there,

shouldn't the lighter weight "new grid" technically be a ship after it disconnected? I checked the masses on the Hangars left in the world download above, the 4 segments of the door are all lighter than the station itself so these segments all turn into new grids after they disconnected. Since the advanced world setting has Unsupported Stations disabled, these segments should have a ship status, however all retain the station status.

This bug does not occur when there is no subgrid on the grid I'm attempting to unmerge. However the new grid and the station with the greater mass are still both connected with a subgrid on a hinge and rotor. If this is not a bug, could it be an incomplete feature?

If further investigation is needed, I'll be more than happy do provide more details.


Hello, Peares,

OK... after another discussion with our designers, we decided that there actually might be something wrong (at least in your save). Please try to test it some more yourself if you can e.g. through the weekend - any more information might help.

I will come back to this a little later and try some more testing as well, try to cover some scenarios and see the possible problems that might arise.

Will change the status back to need more info for you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I've ran into a different kind of problem where I was unable to Launch the game since the last major update, the log indicates that 'EOSSDK-Shipping.dll' cannot be found. I've searched through my computer and it's missing, until I can fix this new problem I won't be able to run tests over the weekend. I'm sorry about that.

"2021-07-30 02:22:12.812 - Thread: 19 -> Exception occurred: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'EOSSDK-Shipping.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

I've attached the log file and I've already submitted similar crash reports like these but I haven't gotten back yet from the crash report people. I likely only need a replacement and a location to save the dll file to.

Thank you for considering further investigations,


Peares S.

P.s.: I found a topic in the help section, I'll have it handled over there.


Hello, Peares,

sorry to hear that you ran into another problem after the update :(

We already have a topic with this here and user manage to fix it by reinstall VC Redist 2017.

Can you try it as well? Hopefully it will help you so you will be able to play the game again.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Done worked well and I made the list be more readable, I will now resume investigations! :) Thanks a lot.

I gone in and tried making an empty world for testing this, however the custom world tab seems to have replaced Empty World with the Pentam Orbiter, is this intentional? If you don't mind me asking.

Surely I can make a normal world, however for debug purposes I'd like there to be nothing in the world to have full control of the environment I'm testing in, it's also better to just have a 10km no asteroids world for top performance and no lack of physics calculations, as well as small save file sizes.

I required to create a new empty save, since I need to check whether or not the bug has to do with experimental mode enabled or not because I was reminded that experimental mode is not supported.


this is also a common problem i run into related to this bug, as shown in splitsies video at 22:28 where a block stays afloat after grinding the base in the ground.


I have the exact same issue, I'm trying to create an airtight hanger door when the sub grid/ door connects it converts into a station, when disconnected it stays as a station even tho it is not connected to any voxels directly, this issue has been in the game for YEARS now and the issue has still not been resolved? are you kidding me?


Do let me know if it was or was not helpful, anything specific I should try or something? Maybe this is outdated by now, i just thought I'd check in as this ticket is still marked as need more info


Hello, Peares,

thanks for the save! It was really really helpful as interestingly this issue is happening ONLY on this save for some reason. On mine saves with the Unsupported stations set ON/OFF, the game was behaving correctly.

This issue has been successfully reproduced and put into our internal system.

Thanks for all the info, for save and for you patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm having this issue as well, I've attempted to create an elevator within a station using two pistons with merge blocks on the end that walk up a frame like a ladder. If I manually convert each piston grid back into a ship after detaching it works great but the piston grids do not convert back into ships automatically.


I'm having this issue, further its when a merge block disconnects from my parent grid leaving it freestanding on a world where unsupported grids are NOT enabled.


I'm also having similar issues (related to merge bocks):

On large grid I tried prototyping an ended up merging a station with a subgrid (station - Piston - merged subgrid). When disconnecting the merge, the subgrid stayed as a station.

On small grid: a ship merging with 4 functionals block + 2-3 armors blocks has it's name changed (both the ship and the attachment are changed). (observed after a few merge-unmerge with a few attachments on the same ship).

Kind regards


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