Stuck with 0.1 m/s in space

RDG D. shared this bug 5 years ago

Happens when a ship is too heavy for the amount of thrusters it has. A heavy ship with only 1 small thruster for example, will get stuck with 0.1 m/s when trying to move, but won't go anywhere, however, "shaking" the ship a little bit will un-stuck it and albeit very slowly, it will start accelerating normally.

Replies (1)


I suppose it's one of the optimization features that locks grids to preserve computer resources, at least until you try to move. That's why when you turn off power when ship is fully stopped ship remains still, even if you will try to push it by your astronauts jetpack, not enough force to consider it. Other external or internal force strong enough like gyro, or heavy hit unlocks it to dynamic again. At least that's what I've noticed.

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