Small-grid industrial cockpit lacks DeformationRatio

Vox Serico shared this bug 4 years ago

Unlike the other enclosed small-grid cockpits (SmallBlockCockpit and DBSmallBlockFighterCockpit) SmallBlockCockpitIndustrial does not have a DeformationRatio of 0.2 - Making it much less resistant to impacts than its brethren.

Replies (1)


Hello, Vox,

I tried to replicate your issue and found out rather different results.

I was testing it just with shooting to the cockpits (tried small and big grid variants) and found out, that SmallBlockCockpit takes significantly less damage before it breaks comparing to the rest (and big grid Cockpit and Industrial Cockpit in comparison one to another). Is that possible?

Did I do something wrong? Can you elaborate more how you found out? Can you (and I as well) reproduce it somehow in the game itself or did you found it going through the code and settings in the files?

Thanks for any more info in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I don't have the DLC that the industrial cockpit is in, so I cannot easily test it. Edit: I temporarily removed the DLC restriction of the two blocks.

I came across this while updating from the "CubeBlocks_Control.sbc" and "CubeBlocks_DecorativePack.sbc" files.

Your tests of shooting the cockpits match what I'm seeing from the numbers. DeformationRatio does not affect damage from bullets, but it does affect damage from explosions and collisions.

I have verified in-game too now using a simple battery powered by an ion thruster as a kinetic missile at one block's distance from both large cockpits. The regular cockpit takes no damage from the impact, but the industrial one is destroyed completely.

The industrial cockpit has a higher integrity, due to its components, which makes it survive more bullets; But it does not have the 20% DeformationRatio multiplier (Instead defaulting to 100%) which makes it much more prone to damage from collisions against voxels and blocks (as well as nearby explosions). Essentially making it 5 times more fragile.

See this video for an example:


Hello, once more :)

I did manage to replicate your issue successfully according your video. However, those blocks shown on video are big-grid ones. Small battery looks differently and also pillars do not exist in small grid version. Wasn´t able to reproduce it on small grid versions. Can you please check once more whether the not-corresponding setting are for small or big grid versions of the cockpit?

What seems also strange is that only this one particular build seems to have this issue. When cockpits are built on light/heavy armor block, they both gone in the moment of the impact.

I´m ready to put this issue into our system so developers can take a look to it, but I still need this questions answered beforehand.

Thanks for your excessive cooperation and for your patience :)

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Both the large-grid and the small-grid versions of the Industrial Cockpit lack the 0.2 DeformationRatio the other cockpits have.

The large-grid pillars was used in the repeated tests because they don't deform and amplify damage like regular armor blocks do.

I am confident that the problem described is exactly the same with the small-grid versions, even if the testing methodology makes this more difficult to ascertain.


Hello, Vox!

Thanks for providing additional info. This issue has been put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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