Ship/Connector location inconsistent on server

Marcel G shared this bug 6 years ago

Had problems connecting large ship connector to stationary grid connector.

Difficult to see in image but:

Friends all reporting the ship in a different location. Did a test by ejecting gravel from connector.

Gravel cubes in screenshot (Bottom left) marks where the connector was ejecting items.

Possibly related to connector woes?

Replies (3)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Is this still an issue? If yes, please keep voting for it as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm a little surprised to see a 2-year-old bug that is still showing up in the latest version.

I regularly have issues lining up my connectors because the server and my client always disagree about what my ship's location is. The easiest way for ME to figure out where the server ACTUALLY has my ship is to lock the brakes, which forces the ship into the server's location for it. From there, I can determine how far off I am from the connector. When I release the parking brake, the game moves me back to the "wrong" place. If i move my ship the correct amount to where it *should* connect (based on how far off it was when it was parked) and then press "P" (even though it will seem like i'm not lined up) it will work, because in reality, the server has me at the right place.


dnes zaznamenán ten samý problém na serveru Chillout, loď po připojení ke stanici (podzemí) byla v pořádku na svém místě, po restartu serveru se loď ocitla cca 50m mimo konektor, přesto že se chovala jako stále připojena. komunikace loď-stanice probíhala v pořádku, přesun věcí taktéž. Po odpojení se při prvním pokusu vymrštila opačným směrem jako by byl staniční konektor luk, a loď byla šíp na napnuté tětivě, druhý pokus proběhl bez jakéhokoliv poškození a loď zůstala na místě (čili cca 50m od staničního konektoru) pokud se bude opakovat přiložím fotodokumentaci

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