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Server not responding - Many unable to join Servers

Kuroshi shared this bug 6 years ago
Need More Information

Since the release, many people have problems connecting to servers. They will get a "Server not responding" or a "Server Host left" Message shortly after trying to connect. They then have to keep trying until they eventually get in.

This is a huge bother for many players and appears to get worse on bigger worlds.Additionally, sometimes players load into a single player world of the server which also saves locally.

Some logs are attached and I will tell people to post their logs when it happend here

Best Answer

So, I took rexxar's fix (thanks!) and I investigated it more. There's an even simpler fix I'm going to submit:

        public static bool IsScreenOnTop(MyGuiScreenBase screen)
            if (m_screensToAdd.Count > 0 || m_screens.Count == 0)
                return false;

            return m_screens[m_screens.Count - 1] == screen;

That's all of it. It replaces the old method that was there. The old method was doing something very odd to detect if the specific window was on top.

The trouble is, the mod downloading message is a MessageBox, and for some reason, it wasn't being checked. Since it was the topmost window, that old method returned true when it should have returned false.

I'll be submitting this fix directly to them. We'll see if they accept it.

EDIT: I have submitted it.

Replies (61)


Similar problem- notice how in the log file there's a line about the server responding AFTER the connection has 'failed.' This could have something to do with the loading into single player- the data about the default world (star system) gets loaded and the loading in gets initialized, but then the actual data- voxels, grids, etc. fail.


Some Server side logs since I was asked for it are too large for the site apparently


I am also having this issue on every single server as well as others. I can join servers from other games just fine


It’s really annoying when it fires up into offline mode game. Literally nobody wants this outcome.


For me Connecting works fine, until you come across a server with mods.

When it's up to mods, it's downloading some (like 1-2mins max) and then aborting the connection, and i will get this message too.

Atleast for servers with mods downloading all the mods manually before joing the server has worked for me so far


I have had this with modded servers and tried subscribing to the mods the server uses before hand. That didn't work for me. I tried unsubscribing from all other mods and only keeping those specific mods, that didn't change anything either. I've ended up in a single player world after trying to connect also. I haven't been able to connect to any modded servers since the update.


I have this same issue as well. Though when I did disable my firewall for a moment it started to join the game but this time said the host has left the server and after reconnecting again it displayed the same message of "Server not responding."


I'm having the same issue, but it's as 69 people so I'm not gonna press the button


Same issue here, No fix so far. Keen seems unwilling to patch it and only wants to focus on vanilla.


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I am wondering if it's not a Steam Server issue.

Right now I can't connect to my server and when I check steam status, it seems EU west servers are offline.



Really need some fix. Players just can't download mods before they kicked. Maybe it's possible to give us some tool for setup timeout on DS?


Is this not being investigated anymore?


I am also getting this error on a dedicated server I host. I will see another player on my server, and I will not be able to connect to the server. It may take me about 6 to 8 tries attempting to connect to the server for it to let me in, or a server restart.


Bug is still here, there has been no fix as of yet.


This problem still exists and its making this game extremely hard to play and manage. Any dev response on the issue would be appreciated


Let's be honest, John. If this game breaking bug has been around for 3 months I highly doubt they'll be touching it any time soon. The only sign of hope we ever seen was when they switched it to "investigating" but that's honestly about it.


Someone from Discord had told me that if you have a 200 plus ping then the server you are connecting to immediately kicks you due to your large download time whether it is modded or unmodded. Hope this helps.


This happens frequently on modded servers. It's as if the interface timeout is shorter than the mod download period. I run a server with ~50 or so mods but have noticed this issue occurring when there is a single large mod to be downloaded. This makes it impossible for new players to join my server as they simply move on from one server to the next without knowing what the problem is and the only way to let them know is add them as a friend on Steam and inform them to download the mods in advance.


Yeah I just put a comment on the description page telling them about my collection, As long as they subscribe to it and download the mods it'll work. I have no clue why its so hard to fix something that's so simple. You could join modded servers before this major overhaul on survival.


So want to add my 2 cents here.

The last update to public caused some sort of issue that is just like this issue.

I went to join Keen official servers, so unmodded, vanilla DS.... and repeatedly I was unable to connect.

I restarted my game and was able to connect after 1-3 attempts.

If I reconnected, it gave me 'server is not responding' messages consistently.

Not sure what was changed recently but this didn't happen until the latest public update.


I've had the same BUG for months.It's frustrating because new players can't join and don't reconnect again...


Still not fixed? -.-


Maybe the fix will only come with the next major update.


Strange, but i seems have problem only when i try to join server with mods (in process downloading mods appear).


2019-09-23 18:01:56.755 - Thread:  28 ->  Peer2Peer_SessionRequest 76561198020696099

2019-09-23 18:02:11.778 - Thread:  28 ->  Peer2Peer_ConnectionFailed 76561198020696099, Timeout
2019-09-23 18:02:11.787 - Thread:   1 ->  User left ID:76561198020696099
2019-09-23 18:02:11.788 - Thread:   1 ->  ERROR: Removed client not present: 76561198020696099
and we get "host has left the server" this started just yesterday out of the blue. one guy DCed and came back to this while I was still playing with no issues. I then DCed my self to see if it was just him.....and you know what I now have the same issue. im shelling out money for a server that no one can connect to now and you've got my money for the game and the DLC how about fix this! problem is more than 6 months old ive seen reports as far back as 2014 of this issue. think that's plenty of time. and no im not happy right now.


I am suprised by this. I play 5k+ hours and now this problem. Please Keen help us..


so this is not a mod issue this is not a person made map issue. I have reset the server fresh no mod files on the server wipe the server clean and a fresh install changed nothing in the configs just started the server up and still the same thing. some feed back from you keen would be nice. are you looking into this? have you found anything? do you ever care? im getting to the point where im getting ready to file something with steam.


Hi guys,

thanks for your messages.

We are trying to reproduce this issue.


After 6 months of this being posted? Sounds like a new record.


I have a server hosted on GTX and last week this started happening to me. Being the Admin its a big difficult that I can not get connected most of the time. Happy to help any way I can.


This is the error from my client side log that seems to be where things go wrong. World requested - failed, server changed


@ 0x00015 - The record has to be the "grid anchored to space" bug which persisted forever and was never able to be reliably reproduced despite happening constantly.


OK, so for my server I was using Torch and Essentials. Essentials has a setting to preload that planet data. By turning this setting off I was able to mitigate the problem for all of my users. The logfile shows the volume of data sent to the client dropping from about 26 meg to less than 1 meg. My guess is the data being sent is larger than the clients internet connection speed can transmit before the hard coded timeout occurs. From the Git repository of the game code from a few years ago that hard coded timeout appears to be 40 seconds. I suspect in very large environments with more bandwidth constraints you may see this issue show up even without torch. I began to suspect the size of data being sent because of the profile of users that had it happen and the type inet/speed they had with other things in the household. I even noticed it worse when I was streaming content and trying to connect at the same time. I wanted to share my experience so that others can explore more from where I left off.


No thanks, If it's a bug only reproduced in experimental they will most likely avoid it or just say there was no way to reproduce it. Why do you think there is an experimental mode? ;)


This does sound like it's related to syncing on_connect. you can always feel the lagspike when a player connects on official servers when you have more then 6 players connected. If said player has a bad connection they will most likely timeout trying to sync as they connect to the server. If the sync size is too big they get disconnected before the sync is completed due to a timeout on the connection end. We do know it says "connected" way before a player can even interface. This should be streamlined on the side and have a loading indicator instead of just letting them hang in the loading window with nothing to indicate whether they did succesfully connect or not.

We had multiple players in our official faction that had bad connections that has a very high disconnect rate when attempting to connect with 6+ players in game. peak hours are their worst hours they say.

If the syncing was queued even with an indicator or delay pr. active player it would be easier and less heavy on everyone. plus you'd allow the player to be able to chat while observing their current synced status.


I have I 1gig fiber line bud its not my internet. 30 ping to the server


i said it had a very high impact the low connections, syncing is server controlled. hence the reference to the "lagspike" for everyone when a player is connecting.

I am on a high end computer with same internet specs and even have the same behavior on a LAN connected server when external players join in. it is not optimal nor optimized at all and does affect players both connected and connecting ones.


Maybe rather than try and reproduce it, you get with server owners who are currently dealing with it?


After update: I still had an issue joining a server for the first time, although instead of failing and then firing up the world in single player, I got stuck at the respawn screen with infinite loading wheel icon.

After reconnect, I went straight into game already spawned, no respawn screen.

Similar cause, different effect, still not quite right.


yeah having this same connection issues as well also 7 months thats a long time for a reply with no promises anyways ive ran into a little problem of my own i cant even see any of the servers each time i load up now first time its happned to me stil owrking to get it fixed if its on my side but something tells me its not on my side.....

and another thing bc of this issue it has ran alot of popular servers into the ground


Hi Everyone,

In order to address these types of issues, we need moddless save files or the IP address of the active server.

Additionally, please keep in mind that if you're utilizing Torch, specific mods or if you're having connectivity issues, we cannot guarantee optimal performance.

Please send all of the necessary information (save files without mods, IP address of the active server) to our support site: and we'll be happy to investigate each specific case ASAP.

Lastly, we apologize for the late reply, but we had to prioritize addressing other issues before we began looking into these problems that you have reported to us.

Thank you and we appreciate your patience.

The Space Engineers QA Team


If you're unable to attach the moddless save file via our support side tickets, please upload the file in-question to Google Drive and send us the link.


Example server IP:

The server is running mods, but as you are likely aware, mods do not have any possibility of influencing the connection. Additionally, torch plays no role in this either since the client is the problem

Making a save file for this is nearly impossible due to the bug being connected to the connection timeout among other things. Mostly the initial cause is inoptimal connections which the game can not handle, even though they were previously completely fine and should be well good enough for any kind of connection. I recommend testing with a speed limit of 50mbits download or lower.

Here is some log linked for you, you can see the clients time out


Additionally, if you want the easiest reproduction for this, try joining a server whose mods you have not loaded. you will get the "Server not responding" message while downloading the servers mods, despite there obviously being an established connection in which the server responded. the same happens for very large vanilla worlds


Sounds like multiple issues. I get the first issue, but the workaround of waiting for steam to download the mods has been working. Albeit, it'll try to load a local copy of the server's game from that first attempt, which I don't find very useful. But IMO it all works in the end (sort of). The second sounds more serious if you ask me, but I don't know if Keen can do too much about it. Kudos Keen if you can.

Edit: Unless your focus is about the false feedback from the game, which I also find to be very problematic, but more fixable.


Sound like they aren't even remotely close to understanding what is going on, if they are still testing this issue on moddless servers.

That's a real disappointment.

I'd be happy to provide access to my logs, and server files in general if it would help.


Hey Keen, here is an actual fix from rexxar that he needed about 10 Minutes for.

Thanks for leaving this absolutely critical, easy to fix issue open for an entire fucking year so now my entire community is dead because they were UNABLE to play on my server anymore.

I hope you implement this into a fix at some point in my lifespan, even if its too late for my server hope you understand the degree of my disappointment in this support forum and the entire company, as I will never again buy anything made by Keen Software House and will explicitly tell people to do the same


A number of other bug/feedback submissions on this site fall right under this issue.

Our community server is going through this same problem. We haven't found a solution. I have done everything from a clean server install, to reducing mod count. Everything aside from a new world file.

Watching the logs I see failed connection attempts almost constantly. Yet players CAN connect and play....

No one solution has worked for everyone. When I couldn't connect, I resolved it by doing a game validation. When it happened again, I was able to resolve it by either spamming 'connect to server' or restarting the game and steam. Other players report doing a variation of things, and eventually getting in. Some players are still trying, who knows how many haven't/won't bother.


In the topic of modded servers, it's likely because the game automatically times out when trying to connect to a server and downloading workshop mods. The timer runs independant of any actual connection to the server, it only starts when you attempt to connect, and ends when it runs out, instead of resetting when getting a response from the server.


I was just gifted this game from my friend and we can't really play together because of this connection issue.

What I was able to learn so far is that the server is flooding too much data at once, which also causes some older routers to detect it as DOS attempt and cuts the whole network connection for a bit. Optimizing this data transfer might solve it for everyone.


Noone on the server i was playing could connect to server then admin said he can join without problem some of us needed to validate SE files some of us needed to reinstall thier workshop mods some entire games and some entire steam and i'm one of many that not even validating or reinstalling worked because of this but many of players can't play,


I posted a thread on the reddit that contains a client-side plugin for an immediate fix, as well as source code and a diff that Keen can apply directly to the source.


So, I took rexxar's fix (thanks!) and I investigated it more. There's an even simpler fix I'm going to submit:

        public static bool IsScreenOnTop(MyGuiScreenBase screen)
            if (m_screensToAdd.Count > 0 || m_screens.Count == 0)
                return false;

            return m_screens[m_screens.Count - 1] == screen;

That's all of it. It replaces the old method that was there. The old method was doing something very odd to detect if the specific window was on top.

The trouble is, the mod downloading message is a MessageBox, and for some reason, it wasn't being checked. Since it was the topmost window, that old method returned true when it should have returned false.

I'll be submitting this fix directly to them. We'll see if they accept it.

EDIT: I have submitted it.




How would you do this? Im new to this


Hello, Engineers!

Are you still experiencing this issue in the newest version 194.211? We made some adjustments that should fix this issue, at least some of the cases.

Thank you for all your information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I am currently experiencing this issue on 1.196, i have been able to join a server twice but every other time "server is not responding" and i cannot even join my own dedicated server. my ping to servers is low and it keeps timing out. It is also doing the "host has left the game, retry".


i have this error on 1.197 only after new update bloody over all these erors after each update and i pay for my host and no one can connect not even if i run a friends only game and they still can't connect so cancelling it all


i get this dont matter what server i try and join with or without mods


Yup i just payed for a server that im not even able to join... this issue has persisted for the past week for me and its getting very frustrating, is there really no fix for it yet? im able to join and play some times but only for maximum an hour then i get kicked with the message "the server host has left the game" and im unable to join for up to 24 hours...


Yes and it's quite severe. Can't do anything, since in most of the cases I just get disconnected and then can't reconnect anywhere due to this bug...


1.197.073 still same issue "server host left"


I recently Installed Space Engineers on my new computer, on a brand new hard drive. I have no mods currently installed. I can play single player on my computer. The problem I am having is I am unable to join any server at all. Not the official servers or hosted servers. My friend setup a server through Nitrado, and all of my friends that have the game are capable of joining the server and playing, but I can not join it or any other server. It also appears that when I do try to join my friends server that it crashes the server and causes it to restart. We have tried to connect for several days now and it keeps doing the same thing. I get a message saying that "The server host hast left the game" and then it attempts to reconnect but it never does. I used to be able to play the game just fine, so what has changed about the game that is preventing me from playing on any server? I have all the DLC. I have uninstalled the game several times and verified that all files were removed from my computer, and reinstalled the game. I have verified the files several times. No matter what I do I always get the same result as stated above. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN!


Dude same issue here.

Haven't played in over a year. Tried to play it a week ago and I get exactly the same issues your having.

Every time I try to connect, I cause the server to crash.

I paid for a this game a long time ago and I still EXPECT to play it.

What the hells going on KEENSW?


Also, have soma problem. But sometimes I join the server but it's in the offline mode.


This has been a problem for me for 3-4 updates now. I can only play solo games. I have tried to host a dedicated server on a server I own. I have purchased server space from a 3rd party. I have even tried connecting to an official server. None of them work. I'm starting to think they either can't fix it or don't care. This problem has been around for years and seems to be expanding on who it is affecting. I really hope someone can figure this out.


I am experiencing this issue aswell. I was able to join a specific server one day, now im only getting server not responding issues. Ive checked with many other of the players who play said server, none of which are having the same issue.


When my server stops responding, I simply connect the remote client. After that it immediately appears in the fav list again...


Keen Support, what additional information are you looking for EXACTLY to move this ticket along? Gwindalmir proposed a code fix already for this game bug. do you need client logs? if so, which ones do you need? server logs show ZERO connection attempts by the affected player.


I bought a new computer and now have this issue I get the "Server not responding" or a "Server Host left" Message shortly after trying to connect, I never had this problem on the old computer. I have tried starting a new game hosting on my computer and no one can join. Also tried to join a game hosted on my sons computer i get server host left and his game crashes. He is able to join servers normally.


My old laptop still works just fine. Oddly it doesn't meet system requirements for the game, but can run not only solo games but also connect to any server I want. My new laptop which not only meets but exceeds system recommendations can't connect to any servers even ones that I host on a server within my network. I have tried connecting to the "Recommended" servers and it crashes them also. I don't know what log files you are wanting. Do you want client side logs, server side logs, computer specs, you tell me what you want and I will find a way to get it to you. I just want to be able to play this game with my friends. I can switch back to my old crap laptop that for some reason can run multiplayer just fine, but I would rather play on my new laptop that looks amazing. Please figure this out or at least show some signs of trying to fix it.


I have the same problem. Constantly "Server not responding" or "Server Host left". If I sometimes finally connect, after a few minutes in game I have a download 0 and a disconnection.


I couldn't join on any server with mods and with out mods


I was just watching what was happening while trying to connect my server. My server is sitting about 20 feet from me. Whle not trying to connect I have a ping of 1-2. As soon as I try to connect to my server my ping hits 130+. There is obviously something causing huge latency spikes. I am not sure what would be causing that, but I hope this helps. I'm not seeing anything from Keen on here anymore so not sure they are even watching this thread.


Update on my issue.

I have 3, computers sitting side by side all; plugged into the same router, and each one with its individual steam account. Computer 1 and 2 log in to space engineers just fine and can join servers normally including games hosted on each other but not on computer 3. Computer 3 can play solo games just fine; but not login to a multiplayer game on a server, or hosted locally on computer 1 or 2.

Because computer 3 can play solo, I bought all the DLC's for it last night and decided to try to log in to the server. Holy Crap it logged in and played perfectly I was so happy until the server gave a reset warning we all logged off and waited 5 minutes. When we logged back on computer 3 started with the warnings again (server not responding) and now won't play remote games again.

I am bewildered by this what is going on and how do i fix this.



My friends have been trying to join my dedicated server for a long time. Dedicated server is hosted from my computer with no mods. It's a basic solar system. Settings are standard with options turned on with friends who can join.

I was using cell service as the internet before but now I'm back to using fiber net. They still can't join. We tried with my firewall disabled. Didn't work. All of us checked the steam side of things in terms of any corruptions ect. Nothing changed.



did you also forwarded the ports from your router to your pc? It's one thing that your pc let's Space Engineers through the firewall, but when your router is blocking the ports to your pc, nothing will happen. The standard port is 27016. And I don't know if you have to have a public IPv4 adress. most providers give you an ipv6 adress oder an IPv4 adress through a ds lite tunnel.


Hey everyday,

After a year or more of trying to sort this crap out. Port forwarding, uninstalling, different machines etc. nothing worked. I came across a reddit post regarding ISP's using something called CGNAT carrier grade network address translation. CGNAT prevents any port forwarding and so whatever I did was useless. I spoke to my ISP and they did in fact confirm that CGNAT was in use and that yes it did prevent clients from port forwarding and they offered to opt me out of using CGNAT.

Once they did, I was able to properly port forward the ports and they were actually opening. Installed Space Engineers and BAM joined a server straight away no fuckin issues whatsoever. Everyone having issues with joining, I suggest contacting your ISP.


Find this thread here, which has a DLL that actually fixed this issue, if anyone else runs into this issue!


I have tried this .dll and it doesn't fix my problem. I'm not being loaded into a single player game it is crashing the server completely. My internet speed is well about the required. I ping around 80Mbps. Even after the most recent game update it is still crashing the server.


I had same issue when took model and voxel details to max; lowering those allowed me to join same servers.


This has helped the issue. It will allow me to connect more often, but it still sometimes crashes the server as soon as I log in. But, I have been able to connect more often than not.


Hello, Engineers,

as this thread is quite old now, with last comments from you as well, can I please ask you whether any of you are still experiencing this issue?

If yes, can you write to us more information, whether and how the issue changed/is observable now? Or was it fixed in a meantime?

Thank you in advance for any update.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I am still having this issue. I have lowered all of my graphics down to the lowest settings and can still only connect maybe 1/4 of the time. I don't know when the last update was on the program, but I haven't tried to connect to a server for over a month now. I gave up on trying to fix it. I will reinstall the game when I get home and test it and see if this is still an issue. I usually try to connect to one of the NA servers which in turn causes the server to crash and reboot.


I have tried to connect to 3 different servers. Two crashed and one let me connect. They were the World NA #1 (connected) World NA #3 (crashed) World NA #4 (crashed). If you want to pull the logs it occured around 8:20 PM CST. I will give you whatever information you need just let me know.


It's Sunday evening here, and trying to connect to Keen AU#2. The splash screen says eight players online, but can't get past that point. Everytime this happens, Task Manager says the app is not responding. Sometimes it just crashes out to desktop after what seems to be a random period of time. Always seems to happen when there's a largeish number of players on (not that eight is that many!)


I have this issue everytime I attempt to connect to the official KEEN servers Keen CA #1 CA #2 NA #1 NA #2 ect..... I must try many times to different servers until maybe one will connect before I give up for the evening. I am on a PC.


Playing on a official Xbox server on pc, Sense yesterday I can't join that one server in particular, I just keep getting a looping "joining world" and "attempting to reconnect".

Keen US-EOS #3

Home System EOS US #3



this is a demonstration of what I mentioned, its on my YT channel


Is there any update on this issue? Have we even figured out if everyone is having the same issue? I'm really missing playing this game.


Hello, Engineers!

This thread is quite old now, if we can ask, is this issue still happening?

If yes, can any of you kindly provide us with some more information, like, if the game is crashing or the whole server is? What does the crash look like, does it take you back to the Main Menu or crash to the desktop?

Does the issue persist even after following the advice from other players in this thread? Is this issue mostly being experienced when having high ping, joining multiplayer servers while having active VPN/Antivirus/Firewalls, and slow internet connection speed?

We also recommend lowering the Graphic Settings to a minimum and trying to join multiple servers again.

If the issue persists, kindly send us the log files.

  • You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


When I have the issue the client runs fine. The server crashes. I tried to connect to Keen NA #1 at 9:45 PM CST in case you would like to check the logs from the server. I have attached the log file I believe you are looking for. I set my graphics to low. When trying to connect to the server it goes from Joining World to Waiting for server to respond to Lost connection to Host/Server. If I let the count down finish it goes back to Joining World and just stays there.


When trying to connect to the server it goes from Joining World to Waiting for server to respond to crash to desktop. I think its still trying to populate the server list with a thousand servers.


I just finished doing some testing. I am able to connect to EOS servers, but not Steam servers. I don't know what this pionts to, but I find it interesting. Even when I create my dedicated server as a steam it still crashes, but when setup as EOS it works fine. Also not sure if this points to a Steam issue or not.


Well, since a few fixes after the automatons update, and still, as of the most recent fix, I have been unable to join multiplayer servers myself. I can connect directly to friends games via the steam "friends" list, but trying to connect through the in-game multiplayer or direct-IP connect, seems to be completely broken. Clicking on server settings, shows an error of unable to download server settings. This happens on modded servers, unmodded servers, the official servers... Every time I click Join game, nothing... Direct connections go to joining game, then server is not responding, and back to the server selection screen. I've updated my video drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled SE, validated the files, deleted the space engineers.cfg in the %appdata% folder, made sure the proper ports are open, etc.. Nothing seems to fix the problem. Like I said, the direct connects when I right click on a steam friend and "join game" seem to work just fine. I AM able to join and play on the EOS servers US#2 and others, without any issues, but not the steam or other servers through the normal multiplayer server list, or direct connect...

I should note that the game doesn't crash or anything, it just refuses to connect to any multiplayer games through the steam connection side. It's like the join world button is just broken and doesn't work.

I used the Andromeda server as an example because it's the one that my friends are CURRENTLY playing on, so I know it's working. None of us can figure out why I'm the only one that can't seem to connect for whatever reason, but my inability to connect to the steam listed servers is absolute.. Like I said though, the EOS server connections work just fine and I can play on them without any issues.

This is quite frustrating to say the least and it's been several months now.. Please get this fixed asap.


Lemme do a follow up to this... Somewhere along the lines, I think the TCP/UDP ports for how SE communicates via steam got changed. I went into my router and out of an act of bullshit desparation forced open ports 27015 through 27050 on both the TCP/UDP protocols that STEAM requires, but doesn't tell you anything about and suddenly everything started working. So basically, Steam's sending all of the server data on a completely different port from what SE was originally set up to use, made the change, and didn't bother to inform anyone of said change, but let Keen take the fallout for how they're routing their multiplayer server data.... What a pain in the dick.



I stopped playing because even when I did get in, the game would freeze/stop/hang for literally 2-3 minutes at a time, then catch up to itself eventually, so it became untenable, and I have moved on.

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