Sensors/Timer and Custom Light Groups Bug

Dennis Remmling shared this bug 6 years ago

I have a bug right now with Custom groups and lights.

I build 4 Lights, name them, set them on blinking and put them in a group together. When i use a sensor or a timer and say, Turn Block On (or Off) for my Custom Light Group, neither the sensor nor a timer changes the On/Off status of my Lights.

On the other hand i build one Light, and tell a timer or sensor to turn block On or Off, it works perfectly.

This phenomene is most of the time reproducable (1 out of 10 it works like it should)

Edit: So more Information after Forum Discussion

It is just a short Frequency i build.

4 Interior Lights, name them 1 to 4 and make Group Light

Build Sensor and set Group on and Group Off

Or Timer Block Set Group On/Off

Replies (1)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

We will address all reported issues during future development and we will attempt to fix your issue as soon as possible. We are currently close to a Major release, which is under heavy development and this takes up a lot of our time.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

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Keen Software House: QA Department

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