Save The Pressurization Feature

Malware shared this feedback 6 years ago

Please don't shunt pressurization to the side. It may seem like a pointless mechanism to you; but it really isn't for many of us. It's so much fun to design a ship around that, making sure every room is properly tubed and ventilated. It directly affects ship design and ship building, and isn't that what you want the game to be about?

"But we have just moved it into experimental mode", you might say. But it's been put in no uncertain terms, on the various streams and even Marek's blog, that stuff in experimental is not likely to be worked on any time soon. He is also saying, and I quote: "It’s still possible that in the future some features could move out of experimental mode if we discover a way to make them viable and performance-friendly.". I'm asking for that to be made a priority for the gameplay major, to actively try to find a solution to this. I'm asking for this to become a primary survival feature.

You need a gameplay reason for pressurization? For example, add a noticable nerf to manual working (welding, grinding, drilling) in vacuum. Note manual working, obviously. That wouldn't only encourage building pressurized spaces so you can make tool ships in order to do the bigger jobs, but also encourage making construction bases on pressurized planets. (Fellow community members, please add your own ideas if you feel like it, I know there are plenty of ideas out there)

Pressurization is also important to the absolutely awesome feature that is realistic sounds (which also should be made front-and-center and not a secondary optional feature, it's that awesome), because it just doesn't have the same impact without pressurized areas to contrast the sound change. "Go to a planet" you might say, sure, but there you might as well not have the realistic sounds on...

Thanks for reading.

Best Answer

Hello, Engineers!

We are working hard on this feature and it should be included in one of the next major updates for Space Engineers. However, as our game development process is fluid, things may change in the future.


Replies (71)


I think it is simply an area of code they have not yet delved into in detail to improve the performance. I think it is more a case that all the confirmed tested ok features are outside experimental, and all the todo list, unstable, unreliable or unfinished things are on the other side in experimental until they get to them and move them out.


Absolutely. And I'm desperately trying to make sure this is a feature that gets due attention, as a primary gameplay/engineering feature - since I fear it will not.


This, the game needs mechanics that engage players and push them to solve engineering challenges ingame. I personally think that Space Engineers needs more actual engineering rather than simply being a ship building sandbox and pressurization is one of those mechanics.


Agreed, I'm a very big advocate of pressurization and jimmacle said it before i could... Space Engineers needs more 'Engineering'.


Exactly that. I do feel the game needs much more Engineering. We needs more goals, and more obstacles to overcome, challenges to deal with. Things to engineer for, and things to engineer around.

In my opinion, it's a game design mistake to put air-tightness under the rug. The whole atmosphere mechanics should on the contrary be expanded upon and deepen on the gaming side, and technically improved on the performance side.


Pressurization is understandably a difficult task to do well, but I definitely want them to keep it in the game. It's lead to many amazing moments for me. Being able to take your helmet off in your base gives it that final touch that feels like a job well done. Being blasted back by rushing air while cutting into a ship is just awesome. It's one of the features that sets Space Engineers apart from other games!


Absolutely agree. In a game about building in space and exploring space, air pressurisation and airtightness should be a CORE mechanic, not be shoved off like an afterthought. Please improve it and include it back in to the base game!


I also think that air tightness should be in core mode and not in "experimental". If I remember correctly, entire workshop scenario revolves around no-helmet challenge. Having to work around how to not suffocate gives a lot of depth to the game. So again - Keen, please optimize oxygen and move it back to core mode :) Pretty please? (even if the physical appearance of the please makes no difference :D)


Oh, you know, it doesn't hurt to ask nicely, does it :D


Absolutely essential for immersion. I build everything airtight in *creative* where actually it is not needed, but I WANT it for being real. Also I imagine it to be connected with heating (we know it is minus 270 degrees Celsius in space, don't we?), but if engineering in life-support could be augmented, like someone mentioned his wishes about already, and we get heating systems, I'd be the first to applaud to this! Until then - don't touch my airtightness in game, it's one of the unique features of Space Engineers!


We-e-ell... Technically speaking, that "space in extremely cold, and therefore spaceships need good heating" bit is a bit erroneous. True, the space is extremely cold, but it also mostly consists of vacuum, which can only conduct heat by the means of radiation - floating in space is nothing like, say, swimming in a sea of liquid hydrogen. On the contrary, the main challenge associated with heat in space is heat dissipation - the craft is constantly heated by the solar rays, as well as the heat losses due to entropy from the machinery running within.

You can read a bit more here and here, or just google it up!

(Keep in mind that I'm not a scientist myself, and, though I'm quite confident about all of this, it's at least probable that I might be mistaken. If you know more of the topic, I'd be happy if you corrected and elaborated. :3)


Hello Malware,

thank you for your feedback about the Pressurization Feature. Even though I cannot promise anything at this moment, I can assure you that we will be carefully looking at the feedback from all of you. And as your suggestion is at the top of all, we will discuss it as the first one.


Thank you. If nothing else it gives me some hope. In the mean time, I will keep hunting for votes ;)

I would "like" your comment, but it seems to not be working for me. I click on the heart, it reports that it was registered, but when I refresh it's gone again


No problem, as I said, I will take your suggestion to our dev team.


Oh, by the way, you should tell whoever administrates this site for you (if that's not you) that you guys need some way of distinguishing yourselves from ordinary users. Right now you could be anyone.


Yes, you are right, we need to distinguish ourselves. We have an official admins that can be easily recognizable, for SE it's Jesse, but I'm helping as the site has been just launched.


I agree, airtightness is great fun. Perhaps a different approach to handling it could be made. Keep up the good work you've been doing Keen, but please don't neglect the experimental features.

EDIT: Note community support for this here:


Making Airlocks was my very first Script. I wonder for how many people an airlock script was why they started scripting. Just about every single ship I make is made for airpressure, air compartments, double hulls, airlocks and hangers all with pressure.


Thanks for this Mal! I really like how you worded your arguments for how important this feature is for many players.

I do hope we can look into this further with the team soon!


Thanks :D


Coming soon to a stream near you....

*snaps at camera*

"Your day will be bright...when you build air tight!"

*cringes at camera*


Please don't let this feature die!

At the very least it should be optimized and restored as a main (optional) feature, but upgrading it to play a bigger role in gameplay would be truly awesome. Malware already mentioned many of the main reasons for keeping it, so I won't repeat them.

Several of my steam friends bought Space Engineers purely for the unique pressurization system and I, like them cannot play SE without it. It adds some much-needed challenge, as well as making the game more interesting and fun overall. :)


How can I take my much needed showers without air pressure? lol!


There isn't much I can add that Malware didn't already say.

Having pressurization enabled gives the player a real engineering goal with their constructions.


There is one thing you can add. SE are reality-based and NASA is buiding their crafts pressurized ;)


Honestly, I have never enabled air pressurization simply because I am an admin on a multiplayer server so due to the stress the current system adds I have it disabled. That said, I do want this feature.


Please correct me if I am wrong and this feature already exists, but one of the features I would like is for there to be a much stronger vacuum pull when something becomes depressurized quickly. This would make for some absolutely epic streaming moments when I am running in a ship that gets under combat and I get sucked out into space from the breach in the hull. It also adds to the need of creating a ship with multiple pressurized rooms.


Sigh I really wish I could like posts but it refuses to work. You're proving a point here. People aren't not using the pressure system because they don't care for it. They're not using it because of the performance impact it currently have. If that could be improved, more people would use it.


@Malware, I think votes get recorded, just after refresh you get served cached state, not fresh one from DB. If you click heart again (after refresh) it will say that vote was removed.


@Malware I just recently started playing, and I absolutely love the pressurization system. Additionally, I've not found any performance issues while using it, even with multiple rooms, vents, doors. and programming. I think it should stay, and should continue to remain a toggle option for the game (as it is now). Without it, you lose a large number of parts (o2/h2 generator, ship/station oxygen tanks, airlocks.. probably others). I think its one of the features that make this game quite realistic, and as a space game, should 100% stay.


@AccidentallyTheCable, You didn't mention if you were playing on a server or not.

If you are playing solo, or with a few friends, you are unlikely to see an issue.

However, on servers, where you can have a dozen players, and potentially hundreds of grids, it becomes very noticeable. It can drop server sim speed by a significant portion while it does room calculations and whatnot.

Anyway, at a minimum, the air vents should work to allow you to suck up oxygen from a planet atmosphere and fill tanks, even if pressurization is turned off. Currently the air vent is useless unless you are in experimental mode.


Shut up and take my vote!


Without the pressure there is no reason to have vents or airlocks. I always play with it enabled because it just adds so much realism.


please keen I didn't pay £15 to see the game go from good game to broken wreck with all of its features removed.


Space Engineers has much to offer in general, but I feel like airtightness is especially essential to a realistic, immersive, NASA-inspired space simulation and engineering game. Shortly after its introduction, it was the first feature in the game that I truly started to explore and analyse in detail, and it prompted the creation of one of my first ingame automation scripts. It poses a fun engineering challenge in the design of stations and ships, and boosts the immersion incredibly with the realistic sound system. Upon learning about the introduction of realistic sounds, I jumped up from hype, because what had been bugging me for a while in terms of immersion (everything sounding the same everywhere, no matter what) was finally being addressed, and I could enjoy a much more accurate and delightful space simulation.

In short: Yes, I would definitely urge the SE team to work on finding viable optimisations and bugfixes for pressurisation, and reintroducing this system, together with realistic sounds, as a non-experimental feature, and potentially a default setting for new worlds.


Everyone knows space is a vacuum, even some 1st graders know that. When you go to space, you have to deal with Engineering air pressurization - this is absolutely critical. So shoving a critical element into Experimental robs everyone - including some 1st graders from the polish and shine you are working so hard to give to SE. Who would play a space engineering game with air in space!? Nobody!! That leaves everyone to have to kick on Experimental mode! Why not release the game without Experimental mode so that we can all play without the air and you can save all that hard work for the next couple months!! Great idea, eh!?!

Look I'm sorry to be sarcastic but space without air is really important!!! Seriously, air pressurization is half the fun of SE. "Can't take a big ship to space until it's sealed," is what I always say.


Helping to admin a fairly established server, air tightness is a feature that we get asked about every time we make a new map. Players always want it, for many of the reasons that people have gone into already: it gives an advantage to offset the challenge of working in planetary gravity, it makes ships "feel" like actual spaceships, etc. We try to have it enabled every time, but once we're a week or two in and sim started to drop, we have had to turn it off on map after map. Maybe with this update we can keep it a few days longer, but its always immersion-breaking when we remove it.

Please, put the effort into fixing air tightness! Make it a toggle in the Info pane of a grid like ship/station, just "check for pressurization" - and have it default to "off" in order to save running calculations on all the armor slabs and gantries that never were intended to be sealed anyway - but let us have it on the grids that need it!


It could be on/off based on if grid has air vent


I've owned SE for a few years now, having bought it the same day that multiplayer was released. Since then I've put 500 hours on the game between a few days of sessions with friends but mostly single player. The survival elements of SE is one of the things that always brings me back into it. The mining, hostile creates and drones, but most importantly the pressurization of bases and ships. Bring able to survive on a Mars base or building a moon base deep in a crater (which my girlfriend and I are currently working on) without constantly wearing a helmet makes the game so much more immersive and fun for us. It's an actual challenge to ensure these are bases are the true example of livable structures. The realism is drastically cut down without this feature I feel. Without having to worry about such survival functions in a space game, I don't feel like there is much point of setting it in space.

I love this game, and I've only been able to bring the love to one other person. I don't want to see either features cut out or the game in general suffer because of limiting factors put on the engine. I'd love to see more support for survival elements in the base game, because otherwise I have to search for mods. Judging by how my game runs as of now, I'm not sure how many I'll be able to keep for everything falls through the floor.


Yeah pressurization need love.

But only with a good gameplay.

In the vanilla game this feature is useless except for RP.

I play with the "no helmet" mod, then I need this feature to be able to leave earth, and it's really challenging to manage to live in space only in pressurized area !

Vanilla game need a way to make the vacuum a real threat, this is a big part of the problem to solve to give something to do.

The suggestion before to only activate airtightness per grid is good.

I'm not dev, but KSH need to find a way to "cheat" and not use too much ressources to use this feature.

This is a important gameplay feature.


After owning SE since it's release on Steam it was fun to build ships and Crash them. Then, after the Feature of Oxgen and Pressurization me and my Friends are over excited to build ships with Oxygen and Airtightness, this just feels more natural and realistic.

And today its one of the features that makes the difference to other games like SE.

So please, don't remove this great feature. This feature is a great gameplay experience. This is always a musthave for any surival game I started.


I always play with this feature enabled and consider it fundamental to playing SE in single player survival mode.


The same effect can be achieved without the resource overhead by adding an atmospheric shield generator block to ships.

Since SE has wanted to keep tech realistic to today +70 years, this should be achievable by then:

Basically what you do is generate the shield on all airtight blocks and if a block is removed, show the shield effect in its place. to keep it immersive, set the max shield coverage to 5 connected blocks. Any five, not a 5x5 grid. Then the inside volume can be pressurized or not. There is no more checking every time the grid is altered (damage, construction, grinding). Only an overall O2% check for the total volume for a given vent and a check for contiguous shield ! > 5 (maybe a max total shield areas per generator block)


This is not for me. Not if I have a choice. It'll eliminate the need for airlock systems, for one. If it's the only solution, then fine. It's better than nothing.



I love being able to play this game in the weightlessness and vacuum of space. Being able to pressurize my environment is a critical part of making this game believable. Please keep pressurization! It adds a ton or the realism of the game.

Best and love SE,



yes i like my oxygen filled rooms so dont side itt


Hy Marek first its a good update! But I like pressurized ships, and i know CPU resources is presuss i have a idea in vanilla we dont need to presureize small grids so world creation i would be nice to get a menu that disables small grids pressurization PS : the GAME IS GREATT!!


They tried that. The resulting outrage from modded small ship builders were painful. However, perhaps small ship pressurization could stay in experimental, while only large-grid pressurization is made mainstream. It's an option, at least, if this is actually a problem.


Pressurization is very important for immersion in my opinion. Not only does it mean that when you are in your ship that you don't need to constantly be refilling your O2, but also it adds an extra thing to look out for in combat.


will i be able to make oxygen food? to be able to eat


I am OK with the concept of there being a hard limit on the size of pressurized rooms (except in experimental) if that would help performance. I suppose there might be other new rules or restrictions that could be applied for a non-experimental pressurization to work.


Agree completely


Because I didn't want to create yet another account I logged on here through my Facebook account. I'm otherwise known on KSH forums as Stardriver907.

You folks said there would be no planets. The community said this game would not work unless there were planets. Then you said there could be planets. Now we have planets, and they're damn good. However, we now have two environments in SE where on one pressurization is a given, and in the other it doesn't matter.

I can see moving pressurization to "experimental" for the time being, but I can't honestly agree that SE would be a complete game unless pressurization was something that mattered when designing and building a spacecraft that will hold a pilot and/or passenger.

I sincerely hope that you are not considering selling a space game that ignores the very thing that makes space different from planets and lets the engineer slide when it comes to solving the problem. If you're going to call it a space game, if you're going to keep the word "space" in the title, if it is indeed all about engineering, do what must be done and don't pull any punches. Just like you did with planets.

You owe it to yourselves to get the base game right.


Since discovering Space Engineers about 4 years ago, it has been my favorite game and almost the only one I play. I have logged over 3000 hours in the game, but since loosing my Alienware computer I am stuck with a lesser system that will only run on low settings so I avoid multiplayer most of the time and play off-line. I am not much into combat, but instead enjoy simply creating until my system can not handle any more blocks. Oxygen and airtightness is a very important aspect of my gameplay and if it is removed that might be a deal breaker for me and I would begin looking for something else to occupy my time. Realism is a very high priority for me and it would not be the same without pressurization. I would rather be able to have only a small space pressurized than to see it disappear completely. I would like to see the game not only keep pressurization, but also to embrace other aspects of survival as well such as maintaining temperature and the need for food and water. It is the challenge of overcoming all of these details that keeps the game interesting for me. Every ship and station I build is designed with the maintaining of life support systems as a high priority. Ther is a satisfaction in finally getting the ship sealed and being able to open up my helmet and sit back and relax for a while knowing i don't have to worry about my oxygent tank running out of air. Pressurization, in my opinion, is a must for the game and I would like to enthuastically add my vote for keeping it. I could go on explaining many reasons for it, but much of what I would say has already been said in the comments above so i won't waste a lot of time. I will just simply say please don't throw away one of the best aspects of the game.


To my mind, pressurization represents whether you've created a structure that supports human life for an extended period of time, and creating structures that are reliably pressurized is a basic engineering challenge in the game. In fact, I'd say there are three basic engineering challenges: pressurization, power, and gravity. If pressurization doesn't count as core gameplay, I'm at a loss what the gameplay is supposed to be.


Pressurization is one of the most unique and exciting aspects about this game! How can you not love running along your pressurized ship while being bombarded and watching sections of your ship depressurize? Or last time I was playing I was in my engineering bay making some repairs after my last encounter when I was attacked and the pressure leaked from engineering, my O2 tank was empty, time was running out as I barely managed to get into the next room and run the sequence to engage the breech doors as I sprinted towards the helm! Air Tightness adds a whole new factor to the game and pulls you in! Probably my single favorite feature about this game.


It's been said over and over, pressurization is mandatory for a game claiming it is about engineering in space.

Additionally, the really exciting survival gameplay is driven by things you REALLY can't go without for even a moment...


I've heard it stated something to the effect of "space engineers should be not so much about food and wildlife survival, but rather using engineering to survive". I agree with that sentiment. SE should be about "have problem, build a working solution for it".

This is where Pressurization factors into that heart and soul of Space Engineers, enough so that is needs to be given more attention to bring into the mainline branch of the game.

A great example of how pressurization challenges a player to engineer solutions, is to do what I did and talked quite a bit about a while ago: Played Crashed Red Ship with the Malfunctioning Helmet Mod.

When breathable air became a requirement of survival, I had to literally engineer solutions to everything- from mining ice right outside to building my first airtight hangar. To me THIS is the heart and soul of Space Engineers: "I'm screwed. well, I gotta engineer and build a solution to survive".


Make it so Number One.


Why are you putting the pressurization aside? That's why I bought the game and I'm not the only one. Before making the next major overhaul (which are very good updates) already try to correct the problems due to the current elements and to improve them. For now, the only thing you do is put enough to disable them in the game options. When you finally remove most of the checkboxes (not all of course since some are still useful) but you should correct the current features and improve them. To answer the post, I would like a realistic suction effect when there is a depressurisarion. Space Engineers is a very good game but there are problems that you unfortunately do not fix.

Translations may not be 100% accurate


Realistic sound is in the top 3 features of Space Engineers for me. It has such a great atmosphere and a sense of accomplishment, when you enter pressurized area and start hearing the ship systems, knowing you have built the room properly. Also, as the OP said, pressurization could have even better gameplay impact.


Since everything has been said already, i'll just add my vote.


yeah mine too :)


Survival isn't wat is was without being able to pressurize your ship and space base. Making sure you have airlocks everywhere. It makes the game even more realistic.


Oh my god, you said the word realistic, the masses will descend upon you and smite you for having a brain! :O

At least thats what always happens to me. :|


Let's try to keep this on topic. This site is for giving feedback to Keen, not for regurgitating salt.


Added my vote also. :)


This is useless in the PVP scenario. It's my opinion.

But as most want, they also put these doors like vanilla.

Isso é inútil no cenário PVP. É a minha opinião.

Mas como a maioria quer, que coloque também essas portas como vanilla.


How ia it useless?

Just curious to how you think it's useless.

As I see it is, if most players have their helmet off and you can breach their hull they will suffercate.

And keep in mind that you want get O2 in a pilot seat unless it's the room is filled.

Which means that all members of the crew will at some point be forced to leave their post ;-)

That's actually a good tactical decision.


If it's useless in a PVP scenario, don't use it in a PVP scenario :D

PVP is, after all, just one small part of this game.


Personaly I will never turn off pressurisation as it feels like a core aspect of building and working in space. I mean it's rather pointless if you build your ship or station to be totally safe but you still can't actually "survive" inside it.


This is a feature of the game removing it even to a experimental branch where its very unlikely to be re added is very disappointing to be even suggested. We need this to stay in the game many people enjoy this feature and enjoy building just about anything to keeping things airtight.


As a fellow no helmet person I am adding my vote. SE needs more engineering challenges not fewer.


Clearly, with the no helmet mod space is finally a dead place where it's difficult to survive !

Space is dangerous, oxygen and airtightness is one of the problem to solve.

We need more problem to solve :)


Pressurization is [engineering] feature. Making airtight space, a way to supply air and making a functioning airlock are all interisting engineering challenges. Not many games have those. Now combine it with realistic sound that goes hand in hand with pressurization and it's clear as day that this feature is worth saving.


Couldn't be more behind this one.

I've never played with airtightness turned off. The very idea of playing without it just seems preposeterous to me. I don't understand how anyone could not want this feature to remain.

I mean it's space - there's no point building a room with walls, doors, windows & a ceiling in space if it's not going to be pressurised. That'd be like making a game about submarines & having the option to wear a diving suit & fill the submarine with water instead of air... what does the submariney part of the sumarine do again exactly? Keep the fish out?

Without pressurised rooms why bother to buld spaceships at all? The Jetpack goes just as fast & we already have all the tools & weapons in handheld form.... we wont need windows or doors, so they can go. Oxygen generators & farms, they can go next. No need for Oxygen Tanks, Bottles or Air vents - get those nasty things out of here! Hell, might as well do away with all the blocks & give us portable assemblers & refineries instead... though it's hard to know what we'd find to do with them.

Spider & Wolf shooting simulator 2018 anyone?!


Played the game without pressurization. It did make the game harder, because I was still suffocating, but it felt weird because it made the game feel less like a space game and more like a travel game. Plus it takes like literally, half the engineering out of Space Engineers. I guess Space Engineers just make Engines?


Maybe you can wear an under suit (no space suit at all) and get a bonus to something. But then if you have a depressurization you cannot close helmet because you are not wearing one. so you got till you die to get back into pressure. So it would require male and female outfits without space suit.


Space suit is big, bulky and heavy. Having just a uniform on could give bonuses to movement speed, reduce collision box (maybe add prone position too) for easier access to cramped spaces. Tools could also be made more efficient/faster without space suit on, maybe healing could be faster, and energy requirement could be removed/replaced by some kind of battery pack for the tools. The uniform/jump suit could also have some kind of body armour (unless a specialized combat armour was made as a separate suit), emergency breathing mask (would allow to breathe with Low O2, but not with None), parachute (I'm sure that in 22nd/23rd century they'd have ways to make parachutes way less bulky than that space suit backpack) and mag boots (in case gravity goes out).


I like some ideas posted here, not only proposing to save the pressurization feature, but also give it some survival/engineering meaning. I like the idea of having bonuses while being in pressurized area. I also like the idea of uniform (because living on planet in space suit is weird).

Here's my suggestion - how about making the uniform have booster instead of jetpack? You would hold space and it would boost you up as long as you are holding it, spending hydrogen, while space suit (which already has ion thrust colors on jetpack) would work as it's working now just in space, spending energy. Mateusz Brzozovsky suggested suit parachutes, which would feel awesome (requiring canvas in your inventory).

Yes, the game is about engineering, not about player character, but giving the character a small bit more certainly wouldn't hurt. Skins already make players feel so much more alive, especially in big groups.


Can I also ask that when you open a pressurised area into a Vacuum that you are pushed towards the breach like you use to back in the day. it added some realism to it


Yeah that would make it way more realistic, if the pressure is too high and is exposed to a vacuum the ship will break and you will be sucked (flung) out of the hole / door


I agree, realistic sounds are awesome, and so is space being space. I understand that calculating pressurization bakes potatoes, but I'd rather see it as something the user can disable if their system is weak, not something that many new players will never realize exists.


This has some PVP applications so I support saving this.


I not even Sure why This would get removed as it works 99% with out any issues, and the 1% is people who build Grids too big etc etc.


As i get hands on SE and see this feature, it rememberd me this:

I know that game in that time haved this as "faked effect" but i always like that part and SE really give me that RF feel. (GameMap_Compare.jpg)


Hello, Engineers!

We are working hard on this feature and it should be included in one of the next major updates for Space Engineers. However, as our game development process is fluid, things may change in the future.



Awesome! Thanks for listening to us!


Fluid like water?


Water confirmed! BEST DAY EVER!


Thank you very much for listening!


great news!


Yay! we can breathe again!




Yes. This is a great feature, and I'd love to see it become default.




It would be nice to have a fast or slow depressurization depending on the air in the room and the size of the hole in the vessel or door. It should be possible to keep pressurization by closing the door in time (because depressurizing a 1000 m3 vessel just with a 500 ms opening is not very realistic). It would also require a suction effect with a decrease in sound volume at the same time as depressurization. I am very pleased to see that the pressurization is being maintained and that it will be improved in the next major overhaul.


Thankyou for listening Keen! I think a lot of people don't realise just how well you do listen - but the fact that you do isn't lost on all of us. It goes a long way & we really appreciate it, even if we don't say so often enough!

Keep up the great work guys!


Thank you Keen for listening. :) And might i say that I love building Huge builds myself, and it is fun just making them as realistic as possible given the constraints of the game, my computer, and my current know how. :) The only issues i have run into with huge builds is that i have to add a lot of oxygen generators and vents to oxygenate certain areas of my ship for some reason. space engineers apparently thinks these sections are separate or are depressurized though they are the same huge ship and plumbed up correctly and there are no leaks. Once i add a oxygen generator and vent to these areas They pressurize without any issues. Other then that i must say that oxygen in star ships is a must, it is one of the things that drew me to first play space engineers and continue playing the game. :D What other game allows you to build a functioning, flyable, defendable, customizable and expandable star ship to your every unrealistic specifications and need! :P Again thank you so much Keen for lending an ear I love the game. :)


why would KSH even consider removing a feature that ppl spent hours working on and money spent on....that can be said about many other games aswell.


Thank god they are working on it!


Thank you for making this a priority! One of the first things I do when building a base is work toward making it airtight. It is nice to have a place to work, where I don't have to worry about running out of oxygen. I also like building hangers where I can work on ships. So that I just have to worry about hydrogen.

I also love building ships that are airtight, so that I can wander the ship with my visor open. No need to run to get a refill. Which also makes things interesting for space battles. Since battle damage is more relevant. Since it can limit a crew's actions to when they are close to an oxygen source.

There are ways to work around this, but airtightness is quite handy and encourages more engineering. Both to implement an effective oxygen system, and to protect critical rooms. All in all, I would love to see airtightness restored.

Though, I wouldn't complain if it was made fancier. Like having the size of the room/hole influence the rate at which air escapes. But, if a binary system would be the most efficient, then I would be perfectly happy with that.


Keen, as a significant help to air pressure management, as you roll out this feature, could you include a leak analysis feature - similar to the Leak Detection mod, please? This would be helpful with the Blast Door blocks, and the Hangar Door block (and many other blocks registered as non-airtight: to trace the path to the unknown leak.

Without something like this we'll need to add the mod to do the analysis, kicking us back into Experimental mode anyway.


Forget air-tightness mechanics. Suppose you get some creative types to use that in a survival sort of campaign, and you must race against the clock to not suffocate. That's great! But that's a one-time play through.

It isn't going to get people coming back to the game. I seriously doubt that single-player experiences are going to get those kinds of numbers, you need multiplayer for that.


So, you are saying that having an airtight ship in space isn't important? We have to deal with refilling personal air tanks, which can become quite tiresome. Having airtight ships makes life in space a lot more practical. Just ask most astronauts, space suits are not super comfortable.

I don't disagree with your desire for multiplayer to be a priority, but shouldn't both aspects be important to the future of Space Engineers? Having an airtight environment gives you the feeling of progress. I feel pretty good when I have an airtight base or ship.

We just don't want Keen to toss aside airtightness since more than a few players see it as a key part of the game. No one is suggesting that multiplayer be forgotten. It's important too.


As an admin on a long-running dedicated server, we very frequently see people asking us for air tightness, When it is off, there is much less incentive to build ships with interiors, and it takes away an engineering challenge that balances the need to constantly be refilling suit oxygen anyway - you have an oxygen generator, you're harvesting ice and/or running oxygen farms and oxygen tanks, so NOT being able to start filling your rooms with an atmosphere serves to break the immersion, and puts extra strain on the suspension of disbelief that allows us to be invested in this digital world.

Being able to have those pressurized ships with interiors and not having a massive performance dip in the game when you do? That IS going to bring people back, and help keep the ones that are here. Single player, multiplayer, survival or creative, it is a big draw to be able to have that extra piece of immersion.


Please stop grids reseting airtightness when merge blocks are used. Thanks.


Air pressure for the inside of a ship which is under fire, in my opinion, is a very difficult thing to compute. This game already has enough issues without the extra calculations needed for air-tightness.

Aside from a role-play situation, you aren't going to be spending any significant time walking around your ship just checking whiz-bang dials and readouts. You'll be flying your ship, and you could get the same quality-of-life improvement by keeping your helmet down and making flight seats refill your o2 as well as a cockpit. Or just use a cockpit, as that refills everything as well when connected up properly.

Yes, some people ask for air-pressurization and yes its an extra level of immersion. It's a great feature of this game. I'm not saying its bad, I am saying that in terms of which issues need developer attention, air-tightness is so far down the list that none of us should have any problem with this being tossed into the experimental bucket.


I don't doubt that it is challenging to implement. I wouldn't mind if it were second to multiplayer. But, super low on the list? I don't think that is fair to say. It may be wise to work on multiplayer in tandem with airtightness. Simply to make both work efficiently together.

I wouldn't be opposed to most sitting/control chairs providing oxygen. Perhaps have oxygen supplies for players work similar to power. where smaller tubes are in the armor? At least as a temporary workaround. I still want to have airtightness repaired. I like having an air tight building/repair bay on my ships and bases.

What do you think is more important than airtightness? Aside from multiplayer, since I think we both agree that is integral to the game's success.


I could list a few bugs off the top of my head that I think would be higher priority...

There's a pretty bad bug right now with multiplayer where physics gets weird. Connectors / merge blocks glow white and are non-connectable, and players w/ jet packs can just fly through solid objects like voxels or blocks.

Large / small grid welders get easily confused and refuse to repair blocks even though the resources necessary to fix a block are in a connected container. The only fix is to destroy the welder and create a new one. Or wait for a server restart. Or fix the block manually with a hand welder.

Your pilot stays in a location if you disconnect, which is great, but you still lose whatever is in your inventory, which isn't great.

Using a jump drive while other ships are connected via landing gear or connector often applies 'ghost' momentum to the grids such that when the ships are disconnected they begin spinning wildly out of control.

Using a jump drive (at all) often results in a jump that is so far away from origin (0,0,0) that getting back is impossible without admin intervention.

When two grids are connected with a merge block, and each grid has it's own cockpit / gyros / thrusters - there's approx. a 1 in 10 chance (by my estimation) that one of the grids will be bugged with a 'this ships is being remotely controlled' message, resulting in the ship being un-flyable until server restart. Merging / re-merging grids after this happens results in both grids having this same problem.

Hydrogen flight based thrust behaves poorly, in that the destruction of a single hydrogen thruster has a chance of shutting down all hydrogen thrusters on the grid, regardless if they share the same hydrogen system.

Weapon systems often get bugged during fights, and stop pulling ammo from connected containers.

A few immersion based 'features' that I would consider higher priority:

In gravity, one can reduce fuel costs by setting the grid to station (and turning thrusters off).

Destroying blocks on a stationed grid does not cause the station to topple.

Applying gyroscopic roll to an accelerating ship actually causes the ship to accelerate forward faster, which makes no sense.

Faction members cannot un-station grids which are owned by another member.

Towing a ship does not reset the center of gravity for the connected grids.

Dynamic lighting, the game calculates whether you are in-shade or in-sunlight very poorly, and so the brightness oscillates in certain positions. I wish we could just turn off that dynamic lighting until it gets patched.

Cargo containers should have lights indicating how full they are, similar to batteries, hydro tanks, or o2 tanks.

Max-range on multiplayer servers needs work. Current boundaries are implemented in-game as a square, when it should have been a sphere, and jumping past the boundary is still possible without even so much as an in-game popup letting the user know their grid would be deleted on the attempt.

In-game messaging doesn't work right, messages designed for only faction mates either don't get sent, or are sent to the entire server.


I purchase this game for three people and play with my ship pressurized always. it's a major feature for me if you were to remove it from the game somehow I would not play it anymore. I have never had a problem with it. if anything it should be an option. it's a huge part of engineering a ship properly.


"if you were to remove it from the game somehow I would not play it anymore." Yeah I don't believe you.

"I have never had a problem with it." But if you've played more than an hour, I can guarantee you have had issues with myriads of other bugs...

"if anything it should be an option." It always was, is now, and looks to be so going forward.

"it's a huge part of engineering a ship properly." It's not as important as ensuring you have weight balance, proportionate thrust, balanced power output, armor, gyros, fuel, etc... Things get even more complicated when said ship is designed to mine, enter/exit atmosphere, or enter into combat with other ships.

Space Engineers offers a level of complexity in ship construction that is hard to beat, and even without air pressure mechanics. What SE lacks is the ability to remain stable with a lot of things going on, and air pressure calculations are tough to get right.

Your spaceship can continue to be a spaceship without air pressurization on the inside, and this is especially true when you take into account how long you'll survive with merely suit o2. Add an air bottle and your irl legs will fall asleep before you run out of o2. I have played over a thousand hours on this game, and almost never on a multiplayer server have I even used an o2 bottle.

Given what I've said, I'd much rather developer time was used to hit a few of the low lying fruits I mentioned in my prior message rather than spend a lot of time figuring out how to get air pressure mechanics not to destroy a multiplayer gaming experience. I waited over a year for conveyor systems to be optimized, and even now there are still plenty of issues.

What is more important? At best, air pressurization mechanics only mildly slow down the server IO for that tiny little bit of realism. Meanwhile, the horrid issues with dynamic lighting are present to remind you that this simulator is far from reality. Conveyor bugs remind you the game is barely playable in an MP survival scenario. I know of only 15 - 20 people that even have the endurance and love for this game to keep playing on MP survival servers. The bugs I mentioned can set you back to a starter ship on an MP server in an instant - whether you've been playing for hours, days, or weeks.

But stick around we did, and we learned how to avoid some of the worst bugs, and minimize the damage of others. Most, I know I've seen it plenty, quit the server (and the game) as soon as they realize all their efforts were just destroyed because of a bug. If you're going to quit playing this game because air pressurization is gone, then you weren't very loyal in the first place, were you?


You are allowed your opinion. You don't find it important. Fine. However it seems like a lot of people do find it important. Keen has seen this, and we are getting this. It's already being done. That does not mean the other issues you mention won't get their fix. Although with my 2800 hours of playing I don't know all of the things you talk about. What dynamic lighting issues? What conveyor bugs? I do know something about the latter, but those are worked around by resetting the power of the grid... Annoying, but by no means game breaking. I keep hearing a lot of good things about the current multiplayer too... both with plain performance and stability. Yeah there's still some issues, but they're still working on those. Heck, have you even seen the vids of WastedSpace and co? Seems to work rather well to me, especially in comparison to how it used to be not too long ago...


@Malware well said. The dynamic lighting may be a reference to the funky way your eyes adjust to light and dark as you transition between areas, just a guess. With regards to the rest of these issues, @Raymond Bannan, have you submitted these issues as bugs yet? It seems to me that you've done a fair bit of research into these issues, and can probably help the devs reproduce each one of these issues (though some sound more like latency issues or server option settings rather than bugs to me...)

If not, please consider submitting them as bug reports - if you can include a workshop link to an example world that illustrates the issue, or describe it in such a manner than they can reproduce it, that would be of great value to everyone.


Correct - dynamic lighting is pretty terrible when viewing a dark area from an illuminated location, or switching between the two. Lighting in this game is just generally unrealistic, and that isn't even counting how it used to just oscillate constantly. LCD screens glow way too bright, shadows are too dark, even the sun's bloom effects can't be turned off, and that only happens due to camera lens flare, not your eyes.

I could help recreate the issues I cited, though most of them should be very familiar to multiplayer regulars.

It is very clear to me that SE was first and foremost a single player sandbox, and even now post the multiplayer update I seriously doubt any keen employees are multiplayer regulars. Even if they were submitted as bugs, it is clear to me that you single player advocates are going to have your every wish fulfilled first, and I sure hope you all love playing by yourselves because that's exactly what your going to have to do for the foreseeable future.

@Malware Sure, some of the issues with conveyors just needed a power cycle. Often that didn't fix the issues though. For example, if you tried to route inventory through a refinery, your grid could become glitched until the refinery was no longer routed through. Or concerning the welder issues I cited, they'd just stop grabbing resources. Put them in manually and sure, it welds a little bit more. Things get very weird when you try to repair something which you may or may not have parts for, and once glitched, it wont matter whether you get the missing parts or not. The best way to avoid that issue, by the way, was to ensure you always had surplus of every kind of component, and had ownership / built-by on both the welding and welded grid.

Power cycling was just the most common error with conveyors, there were many more, and they only happen on dedicated survival.

@Dain White, I don't have the saves as they were on dedicated survival PvP servers. I do have some blueprints on grids that were affected by some of these bugs, but to trigger the bugs its just best if you see for yourself. If you want to hit the dedicated survival bugs, here's my recipe for success...

Find a server that incentivizes PvP. Thorium rocks, all the asteroids spawn in one area, conquest, whatever.

1. Land on earth, merge the lander to the ground to convert it to your starting base, put a beacon on it.

2. Build a small-grid atmospheric drill ship. (and try to repair with large grid welders when you wreck it, your going to be doing a lot of wrecking.)

3. Mine enough resources to build a large atmospheric drill ship. (platform with a long drill bit on the bottom. Don't wreck this one. No really.)

4. Mine enough to build a hydro / atmo transition ship, fly into space. (Don't re-enter, there used to be a bug that caused your thrusts to become ineffective as soon as you enter gravity. Haven't checked if that's gone now.)

5. Make a large grid ion base w/ jump drives, refineries, assemblers.

6. Make a large grid ion drill ship that connects to the base with a merge block and conveyor.

7. Mine enough (by jumping betwixt asteroids) to build a large grid combat ship (4k+ blocks)

8. Fight someone with said ship, take a lot of damage. (Jump into / out of the fight, feel free to land the combat ship on the base with landing gear to jump using the bases jump drives.)

9. Try and fix the ship using large grid grinders / welders.

10. Take it back out and have some more fun.

If you haven't done multiplayer survival before, I'd be really really surprised if you managed to pull all this off with less than 100 hours, even with 2800 hours in single-player. Even now I bet this list would take me 20-40 hours. You're going to hit way more bugs than you expected. Bonus points if you manage to create a faction and do all this with the added confusion of block built-by and block ownership woes.

I'm certain some of these issues were caused by desync / multiplayer latency, etc. That doesn't mean they are avoidable by having a better connection though. All of the non-feature "bugs" I listed had happened multiple times to me on the three-ish? servers I was a regular on, and that wasn't even a complete list.

@Malware it's funny you mention w4stedspace's videos because you can actually see the hydro issue I mentioned in his video on 'the partisan' at the end. His ship crashed because of the loss of hydro, and on creative that's no big deal. You can imagine how painful that might be on a survival server.


Ah, the ambient lighting adaptation. Yes, it's imperfect, but... the only alternative, really, is to burn your GPU. Lighting is one of the more hard-hitting aspects of realtime rendering. Most other games can get away with light- or shadow mapping or other tricks, which is how they can make lighting look better. Problem is, that kind of lighting is fixed. This game... This game has dynamic everything. There are no assumptions to make. There are no shortcuts. So, inevitably, visual fidelity suffers. Once the NVIDIA type raycasting systems gets up to speed, then maybe. That will do wonders for any kind of lighting. But as long as lighting techniques are stuck using tricks and math, this is what we get. The best they can do is adjust a little here and there, but something has to suffer for the more immediate concerns to be fixed.

I never said there are no multiplayer issues still. Of course there are. I can tell you from the viewpoint of a professional programmer that what they're trying to do there is terribly, terribly complicated. 6.6AU of open space where everything is dynamic. Nothing is fixed. Everyone can do whatever they want. Yeah. I promise you, that's not even close to easy. There will always be some issue or other. This game will never be completely bug free, not without limitations - some of which they're now providing via block- and PCU limitations.

Yeah. SE was first and foremost a single player sandbox... as multiplayer wasn't even supposed to be a thing. But now it has become practically multiplayer only. This is one of the reasons why I consider this very post a win: We of the... um... "single player advocates" as you put it - have been, against the impression you seem to have gotten, utterly and completely ignored to the advantage of multiplayer. Here, one of the very few actual gameplay mechanics was on the chopping block. No, we aren't gonna have our every wish. We hardly get anything. Multiplayer is getting all the love. Hell, you have gotten multiple entire major updates dedicated to multiplayer. We have gotten nothing, maybe a tiny little thing here and there. And gameplay updates favors everyone, single- and multiplayers alike.

Of course I've done multiplayer survival. I even used to run the Emerald Immersion servers for a while (run, not own). That in particular is a long time ago now, though. But without gameplay elements even multiplayer survival goes stale. Which is why I'm so adamant that the utterly neglected gameplay elements needs some attention.

You talk about the time aspect of this game as if it's a bad thing. That shows that you've missed what this game is about... which are not the battles. It's the building. That's the core gameplay. With a game like this things are gonna take time. Of course it is, it's supposed to. You're supposed to construct infrastructure to get around that, when necessary. There have been several polls over the years about what people want the most, PVP or PVE, one in particular even held by an avid PVP proponent who insists this is the only way to play SE. PVE keeps winning. How do you get PVE? With gameplay elements that will also benefit single player.

Finally: This feature not happening would likely not affect other stuff much. Delay a tiny bit, maybe, at worst. The devs, individually, aren't jack of all trades. They have specialized areas. We all do, no matter where we work, it's natural. We're just human. It's a rare person that can keep track of everything going on in a large project. I've been programming for not yet 30 years, about half of that professionally. I still can't do everything. What I'm saying is, this feature is likely to be worked on by one or two people. Not all of them. Like I said: This getting fixed isn't gonna stop other things getting fixed.

You've already been outvoted on this. By far, even. The difference between the votes on this and the one in 2nd place is almost as high as the total amount of votes for the 2nd place post, even though this post has had the "in progress" state for some time already and #2 is not. That should tell you something. Accept it and move on, report your own things or vote on already reported things - that is the best and only way to get your own issues fixed. Get the votes, it will help you. Arguing here? That will get you nowhere fast, no matter how hard-hitting and convincing arguments you might come up with.


Air tight ships are an idea which I find both laughable and absurd in space engineers. Air-tight ships in such a leaky game, is just hilarious.

I get that you all want air tightness, but if you think that the people here are a good representation of all space engineers players, well then you're just suffering from survivorship bias.

You're right, I am just about the only person here who's willing to say the rest of the posters 'voted' wrong for wanting air-tightness. But just because I'm the only poster with that idea doesn't mean there isn't a silent vast majority of players who tried multiplayer and then stopped playing the game entirely within 5 hours of the attempt. They aren't telling their friends about this game, they aren't trying to get them to play it with them. At best, they aren't writing negative reviews on steam.

You seem to think 'voting' is why I'm here. Like I had some notion that I'd halt progress on air-tightness so that the devs would go about fixing my every whim.

I'm not here to vote. I don't care what the devs work on anymore. I'm officially past any hope of this game reaching it's potential. I'm posting, because I'm on my way out the door - to join those who were smarter than I and stopped playing at 5 hours, instead of a thousand.

I'm not arguing here with hard hitting arguments. If they seem hard hitting, I suggest it is only because you weren't aware of the problem before, and upon first hearing it seems startling. They don't sound hard hitting to me. I'm not even doing the massive level of brokenness that is the multiplayer experience any justice, what with my five or so (common) bugs and maybe ten realism problems.

I'm posting here because I view your concern for air-tightness the same way I'd view a person on a sinking boat having concern for the quality of the live music. You can get all the air-tightness you like, but if space engineers can't turn a profit, it's not going to continue to be developed at all. Really the music could be better and all, but maybe its more important to ensure the ship stays afloat first. Take it from someone who's already under water.

As I said before, I believe multiplayer is the way this ship stays afloat, and imo, it's not doing that presently. The most important thing I think this game needs is a goal. Even a single-player goal would be a tremendous improvement. Escape from mars was great, even if it was buggy. But once its over, the only thing that is going get people coming back to play some more is objective based multiplayer. It need not be PvP, but without some objective with friends, it isn't going to continue to get people invested in the game.


As I said. This feature getting fixed changes nothing other than that we get this feature back. Nothing else has changed. No bugfix has been sacrificed in order to get this feature back. Technically; getting this feature back is a bugfix.

No, your arguments don't sound hard hitting to me. They just sound like arguments from a person who have a different playstyle than me. Which is fine. Your arguments sound as silly to me as mine does to you, because I believe the lack of gameplay elements is what will kill this game more than plain multiplayer bugs, because even multiplayer will get stale without gameplay elements. I hear that all the time from multiplayers. Oh, and at least the multiplayer bugs are constantly worked on. We simply have a different point of view. Which, again, is fine.

No, I don't think you're here to vote. That's quite obvious, thank you. Which is why I was trying to get you to vote, because if people don't make their voice heard, they won't get their way. But if you're just here to spread your salt, and nothing productive, well...

Good day, Sir. May you find a game you will enjoy more.


You know what, I think you are right. I am just being negative and I apologize. Even if multiplayer never really makes it mainstream, why should I be mad about some good music along the way? Hope you have a good day as well!


i created an account for this...i really like the realism idea of pressurization, i play space engineers for a what it offers, its a bit of a survival game as i start with nearly nothing and only work my way up from there and good fun can be had with a challenge like this


I've always thought that ship pressurization could have an extra purpose if we were to eventually get a food system for survival mode. I mean think about it: You can't really eat if you're always wearing a space suit. Eventually you've got to be in a pressurized enrivonment in order to put stuff in your mouth. Same thing for the ability to grow crops on a ship; you need oxygen and pressurization, and sunlight. Extra incentive for having a pressurized environment. I still dream of this:


Please make a suggestion with thia concept in mind, so I can go and vote it up!

I would very much like to see something like this as a part of tje survival gameplay.


Pressurization is pointless mechanic on its own.

If they save this they need add more. because current game is a bunch of barely working narrow content features smashed together in context "LETS PRETEND ITS A GAME".

Choose a frikin direction and finish god dam game. It doesnt really mater what direction.


Guys, everyone need to remember it's not a ordinary sandbox, its a physics-sandbox designed for exploration, engineering, survival in space and on planets.So remove the main code for pressurization goes against the objective of survival and engineering, and it goes against the vision of survival in space in a physics-sandbox.

So it's not a virtual Lego, it's a simulator.


I think a good idea to add to this is making voxels airtight, i really wanted to build a base inside a asteroid that had only one hole in it, but i found it would take a lot of work to get that working


That would be unrealistic, stone can’t really hold pressure against vacuum. NASA was researching this as part of moonbase feasability studies or something like that. You’d have to seal the space with some epoxy or something like that.


why not add a coating tool that coats voxel surfaces in airtight materials, that would be cool! you made my good idea even better


We have that, it's called a window.


not what i meant

that would make it boxy inside

i mean something so that it still has the general, voxely shape.


Pressurization is saved, this ticket can be closed


Yeeep-yepyepyep. Thanks @Keen for doing this! (and @Malware for voicing out)


Absolutely! Thanks heaps guys, I'm really starting to feel this relationship growing again :p


Hello, guys!

I didn´t go for this game dues to pressurization; I didn´t know this feature; and I didn´t even noticed it in the gameplay videos on youtube.

Finally, I was deligted when I first download the game and saw the "pressurization" alerts.



Kudo's to you on this endeavor Malware. Without it, we would not be able to effectively combat my most favorite new feature. Environmental Temperatures.


Thanks a lot for making it better! Now, how about using the sexy realistic sounds as default option on your official servers? It has great atmosphere.


plz fix it space engineers...i find bug in thrusters


why not make it realistic so say a hole was blown Into you're ship and the space is a vacuum right? so i was thinking why not have it where that depressurization sucks you out of the ship.


1. Because that isn't realistic. It's just 1 atmosphere. Practically nothing.

2. It used to have a slight push. I assume it was removed for performance reasons, it didn't actually do much for gameplay after all.


The original spec was if you took to a pressurised ship with a grinder, it would push you back and do you damage, revised spec was it threw you back a bit, potentially slamming you into a wall, but the auto-dampeners interferred with this behaviour so they removed even that.

Personally in real space decompression isnt immediate, i would prever to see some sort of gradual pressure loss, but the current style of checking a room for sealing would be incompatable with that I expect.. be thankful they tweaked it at all :)


Maybe they could have a temporary "virtual" block where the breach is or something, or just have "virtual air" blocks (that aren't visible, intractable et cetera) where the air was in the previously sealed compartment until the air is drained. I'm sure there's a way to make that work. Maybe once it detects a breach, it should not update where the sealed compartment is, until the air is drained.


A mod could be made for that if they add the ability for such ones to be made. that or they can add a secondary option in settings for an option that does that, like Unrealistic-Depressurization and Realistic-Depressurization.


Making properly pressurized bases/ships has always been a fun challenge. Having to deal with windows that are not airtight in any sensible way has always been a terrible experience.


Why would they ditch the feature? If they keep chunking everything to the experimental box, this game is going to be no better than some unity games - in fact one is arguably better now - runs better, supports server clustering, a great AI for PVE (and you would expect the company that touts a machine learning AI as it's bread and butter to have a decent PVE AI), and has a pretty stable oxygen system. But why should Keen care? They already have their money from us.

I just don't understand how some very low-budget unity games can somehow master things (like pressurization) that Keen seems to struggle with so much that they'd rather scrap it, than fix it.

PS Why is pressurization still running in the sim frames?



This was fixed months ago. That's what that "Completed" box means :D


It has been a while and i think they actually listened :p


I just submitted a bug on the air vents, the max capacity should ba at max capacity when depressuring pressurised room and varie depending on outside o2 level and atmosphere pressure. It may add some game mechanics with weather effects changing o2 level and increase the difficulty of producing O2 on alien planet-like and Pertam-like planets.


Also, in my opinion the max capacity may be 10 times slower for survival. tested in a personnal mod, it brought some engeneering challenges to pressurise large hangars and increase the energy demand, especially when air loss happen. You then have the choice to build an efficient small air lock system with timers, build more airvents to speed up the depressurising process of your large hangar or wait longer to save energy.

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