Replay Tool not saving character interactions

James shared this bug 3 years ago

I want to start my own Mechenima series and tried playing with the replay tool the other day only to discover it doesnt save character interaction with things like doors, the character tries to walk the path i set but wont open any doors i opened.

Replies (2)


Hello, James!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. I've just gone to test this and have found that my character will interact with the doors (please see attached video) Is this the same sort of thing you are doing? If possible, could you record the issue you are facing? Hopefully, I am able to reproduce this by seeing it from your side :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi, Laura

I've tried replicating the issue, here's what I found out so far

Note: For clarification, any character who when replaying, is seen from the first person, whit the HUD, or simply as the player itself, will be refeered as "player"; any other character who does not, and is seen by third person, will be refeered as "puppet"

  • If there's only player, no issues will be seen at replay. (This can be seen at your video!)
  • If puppet tries to interact with a door (by the door area) no action will be seen, and door will not open
  • If puppet tries to interact with a door (by the terminal) door will open/close*, but any other interaction with any other block, will then open/close said door regardless of pupet's proximity to it
  • Puppet cannot interact with seat/cockpit or button pannel
  • Player can interact with button pannel, however, if player enters a seat/cockpit, it will not be able to get out unless the replay ends
  • Puppet an player can equip and use welder, grinder and drill without problems
  • If puppet equip the assault rifle, it will fire non-stop** even if the recording data does not contain firing inputs
  • Player can equip and use the assault rifle with no problems

* This interaction happened twice, but stoped after the fourth testing

** This interaction was tested withouth reloading world. REsult might change after doing so

So far I suppose the main issue comes from Puppet not having a HUD; hence, by not being able to higlight buttons and panels, it won't be able to interact with them. I cannot record a video so far, but I hope to help however I can.


Hello, Alexander!

Thank you for the further information. Can I ask what the puppet actually does instead of interacting with the door? If for example, the puppet should open the door and walk through. Would the puppet get stuck at the door or, go off in another direction? Could you also try the reload function and see if this changes the outcome at all?

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura

When puppet cannot open a door, it will get stuck, but still tries to follow the replay commands. This means that, if the replay contains commands like "slide left(D)>jetpack on(X)>fly up(SPC)", puppet will do them at the door and not wherever the player wanted them to be. This only affects local position of the puppet, and does not interfere with the replay data or any other aspect of the game.

I've done some more testing, so far I've got these

  • The reload function does not appear to change the outcome so far; I've tested [Reload World button/F5], not reloading, save then reload, save and reload then save again.
  • I can confirm the issue with puppet and the assault rifle, it affects both [LMB] and [RMB]. It can also be replicated
  • The remote block interaction can be somewhat replicated (see image); to do so, Player must highlight the door in first person view [F6] then switch to spectator view [F7, F8 or F9]. Using function key [F] will do no action, but using [LMB] will do so, and using [RMB] enters the terminal screen. (Moving far away from the door will disconnect the terminal, but this is however, normal and expected)
  • Puppet can also replicate the remote block interaction, as long as it is facing the door when the replay begins

I hope this information helps a bit more, if you need anything else you'd want me to look at, I'll try to do so with pleasure

Image: Player is facing away from the door, but it can be seen as highlighted and being activated


Hello, Alexander!

Thank you for the further information. I'm still having some trouble with this. The last point from you was quite interesting in that you said the puppet can replicate the block interaction as long as it is facing the door. I have found that the puppet can go slightly off course and in this instance, it is not at the door so cannot open it. If the puppet is at the door and facing it, it will open it. It's quite hard to see what you're doing and reproduce the steps as this is not a simple 'do this' sort of thing :) Is there any possibility you are able to record a video or, have firm reproduction steps where it is not working for you? I appreciate you've given a lot of information but I'm still struggling to reproduce it from my side :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura!

It took me quite the while but I finally learned how to record and edit video. Here are six examples of Remote Block Interaction (RBI) issues (

  1. Expected Behavior: Shows the correct functionality of the replay, serves as a reference
  2. Puppet Behavior: Shows the puppet behavior. In this instance it is highlighting the door, even if it can't be seen.
  3. Puppet no highlight: In this scenario, the door is open, so puppet cannot highlight it at the beginning nor link to it. This also demostrates that puppet cannot highlight any other block during replay.
  4. Puppet path block: Here the door is closed, but puppet does not highlight it*, simmilar to the previous case. Since the door is closed, puppet (tries, but) cannot move forward and the path is now altered; it will then execute the replay commands at it's new location.
  5. Player Manual RBI: Shows live player RBI using the spectator mode [F9] as well as what button is used to interact with the door.
  6. Player Replay RBI: Shows the player behavior during replay but using the spectator modes [F9] and [F8].

Let me know any other information you may need, I'm always whiling to help ^u^

* When reloading a world, before playing the replay, you must first cycle through all character (either by [F6] or the [Cycle Character] button) to make sure all puppets load their respective HUDs and can highlight any block in front of them. In example 4 I intentionally did not cycled


Hello, Alexander!

Thank you so much for this. I have a quick question regarding 2-4 steps just to verify. The other steps mention using the spectator mode, am I right in thinking the other steps are not in spectator mode? I ask because I am still managing to get the interactions each time and think I must be missing a really obvious step that you're doing. If I am in F8 spectator mode, I am missing the interactions from 3 out of the 4 doors which would line up with what I saw in your video. I know you mentioned spectator mode earlier so just wanted to confirm :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi, Laura

All 6 scenarios/examples contains two character, Player and one single Puppet. Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 are recorded from Player's (my character) point of view, or [F6] mode. In scenarios 2, 3, and 4 I just stood still above the platform, with jetpack and light off to give a proper, steady and consistent view

Spectator mode [F7], [F8] and [F9] only affects player; while puppet is by all means inmune and unnafected by these

If you need a detailed how-to step list on how to recreate any of the six scenarios/examples, I'll write it down for you (although it might be fairly lengthy)


Hello, Alexander!

Thank you for the further confirmation. I really appreciate all the effort you've gone to, to help me understand the issue here. I have successfully reproduced this and reported it internally. I have added all your details and test scenarios in the video which should be a huge help :)

Thank you again!

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department.


this sounds on par with the issue i had, it was only one character in world during replay, the world would reload defualt with camera as fps so the characters hud would load before starting the replay, id then swap to free movement camera to set up the shot angle i was going for then id test the replay and the character would start their path but when they got to the door the pathing was either incorrect or the character would just walk into the closed door and not open it. So it would seem that maybe the absence of the hud showing possible interaction with the door is the issue. My machinima project requires several angle shots in 3rd person for it to work in game, right now im looking at everything envolving characters will have to be filmed 3rd party in blender untill this issue is fixed.


I have also found my puppets can't open doors.

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