Please make gravity generators affect astronauts with their jetpacks on

Usernamenotshown shared this feedback 3 years ago

This would be good for defense

Replies (1)


Care to explain further what you mean? So far gravity generators do affect astronauts with enabled jetpack in the way that they are permanently working when the dampener is on to prevent the astronaut from falling. What do you suggest? Do you want the astronaut to fall no matter if the dampener and jetpack is on or not? Then you would have to disable you own gravitiy generator every time you want to repair or improve your own space structures.

Is it that what you want to suggest?


Hello, thank you for writing.

I'm not sure it works like you described. I placed a spherical generator, disabled my dampeners, and I wasn't accelerated. So I assumed that if it doesn't move the player when he is without dampeners then the suit does not have to work when they are enabled.

And indeed that is what I want. The idea is to use it as a shield to make it harder for astronauts to reach your ship with a grinder and start grinding it.


OK i am not really sure about the working pvp mechanics of space engineers because i avoid pvp at games most the time but shouldnt the effect of grinders on structures be disabled if the user is not member of the block owners faction or something? I mean to build on the same strucutre or recycle blocks with a grinder one needs to be in the faction of the structures owner, or not?

It somehow sounds silly in my head if everybody simply can deconstruct constructions of other players as if they own them. Destroy them with rifles and stuff into scrap metal ok.. but deconstruct them into the components and then perhaps even rebuild them yourself? Just imagine one recycles an hostile gatling tower to them rebuild them on the own ship lol.


Unfortunately, that's exactly how it works. Someone can fly to you, start grinding and hacking your stuff, and destroy everything with basically zero investment. Since you spawn with tools.


In that case, your suggestion would only be payback for a complete different problem. As i said deconstruction tools should be useless against or at the very least much much slower working against construction on not allied players. So slow that defense systems would allways kill an aproaching astronaut with grinder before any block gets completly recycled.

How do those safty bubble blocks affect this problem, do grinders work in safty zones?


Grinding enemies is slower, that part is good. You can disable grinders and control who and what can enter the zone, but you can't have a zone on a moving ship.


Well you can always have multiple defense towers guarding your ships surroundings so that an aproaching player is in the line of fire by enough towers no matter from where he/she aproaches your ship and gets killed. before even in close range to grind anything, no?


You are right, that is the best defense currently possible. I'm just asking for an additional layer of defense. It's basically the same as a gravity shield against gravity guns, but against players.


How about using a grid of negative gravity generators (-1G) that push aporaching players away from your ship? Place them that they have no effect inside your ship but the max range away from it. Then player can still aproach your ship but they have to consume hydrogen for their jetpack to counter your shields. If you use enough of them so they their AoE overlaps their repulsive effect should even be increased if i understood that part about gravity generators in the SEwikia.


That's what I'm proposing, since the repulsive effect seems to only work if the player in question has his jetpack off.


Ok just checked it and hydrogen is not consumed while hovering over the ground inside an artifical gravity field. But it should. Artifical gravity has only an impact on so few objects anyway that the effect on astronauts should stay active under any circumstances.


Sounds like a bug. In artificial gravity, the Engineer should fall. When the Engineer has his jetpack and dampeners on, hydrogen is consumed to keep the Engineer in place. When the Engineer has no hydrogen, or the dampeners are off, or the jetpack is off, the Engineer will fall. This definitely works for Gravity generators, but it sounds like for Spherical Gravity generators it might be broken. You should report it as a bug.


I checked it non normal gravity generators and they had no effect when dampeners and jetpack is enabled, no hydrogen ist consumed. I know how fast the hydrogen in the spacesuit runs out from flying over the planet surface but in space inside an artifical gravity field i can hover over the ground forever (till oxygen and energy runs out of course)


Yep, I saw where you said that above. You should open a bug for it.

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