Paste operation failed selected area is occupied

MrSupreme2 shared this bug 5 years ago

Ever since after the Economy update, anytime I try to copy/paste something (particularly a Station grid that is a modified version of "Octo Dock") I get an error saying Copy/Paste operation failed, selected area is occupied.

I did have some other grids attached via connectors in trading mode but I noticed the copy function completely ignored those grids. However I did have a Safe Zone installed and active on the station generating a 500m safe zone around the station using features from the economy deluxe DLC.

The game would give me that error message from earlier and what felt like an infinite loading wheel on the bottom but when I removed the safe zone block entirely I was finally able to paste the station and in the same spot. Also got the same error situation with just turning off the safe zone block completely instead of deleting the block.

Replies (4)


Have the same Bug which basically makes administrating our server nearly impossible when we want to fix a bigged grid :-(


See attached Blueprint


I am having the same issue with a large Ship that I built. It too has a safe zone generator on it. However I have tried many options, including removing all of the mods, removing all subgrids, removing all new blocks from the economy update (including the Safe Zone Generator). To no effect.

Furthermore I have noticed that the problem only occurs in any sort of public game. When I set a server to offline I have no issue pasting the blueprint. As soon as I set the server to Private / Public / Friends only I get the same error message 'Paste Operation Failed - Selected Area is occupied'.

If I paste the bluprint in an offline server, then set it to Friends only, invite my friend the ship never loads in for him, but does for me.

Would love help with that, since there is a lot of work in that blueprint, and it would be a shame if no one ever was to see it.

Best regards!


A moderator on our server said he was able to paste a grid after removing the projection tabe.

maybe the projection is somehow colliding with the station.


Hi! That did work for me! Thank you very much! A shame really, because the projector blocks are exceptionally.

Again: Much appreciated! :)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Yourtopic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue asit will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Update: I was obviously confused - it has unfortunately not fixed my issue. Problem still persists as described above.


I have come up with a work around - so that people encountering this problem will have a way to salvage their hard work.

The issue appears to be lying within the blueprint. It must be somehow corrupted - I don't really know.

So what I did was I segmented my Ship into 3 Parts, blueprinted each of them (in my case: Bridge, Body, Tail)

Put down the Body, reattach the blocks that you deleted in order to segment it, then attach the Bridge and the Tail.

You now end up with an identical ship to the original which you can blueprint.

The new 'Frankensteined' blueprint was in my case fully functional and perfectly fine. The whole process didn't take me more than 15 minutes. :)


This problem seems to occur with one of my creations too.

It is a trading station, which weighs in at about 7000 blocks. I started to build it a few weeks before the economy update, and this error started to happen about 2 weeks after the update. I suspect that the rotors in the middle were disturbing the pasting operation. I cannot paste it into a solo-creative world, neither have i used mods. Although i had made differrent blueprints at differrent stages of my build, but none of them can be spawned.

I have put several dozen of hours into this blueprint, so its slightly upsetting.

Hopefully this doesn´t mean a permanent loss of my creation :/


Hi! I can absolutely see where you're coming from. I assume you still have a savegame with the original Station pasted in? The save on which you built it? If so, try to dismember it in some parts - depending on size 3-5. So basically just go to parts that are easily reattachable like bridges, hangars, long arms etc and cut them out in a straight line. You now end up with 3-5 different grids that you might be able to blueprint. Name them accordingly (Station Bridge, Station Hangar, Station long arm, station solar farm or whatever) and paste them back into the game attatching them to each other. Hopefully what you end up with is a Station almost identical (or fully identical if you chose to rebuild the parts where you cut it out). For me, this has fixed my issue and I was since able to blueprint and post my ship. Let me know, if that worked for you. If you're not sure what I meant (because honestly this is one hell of an iffy description) I can see to take a couple of screenshots that might help you understand what I mean.

Best of luck!


Thank you very much for your help! It worked with another creation, sadly i didnt have a savegame where the station was intact, so i basically lost my station, but my capital ship is woking again.

again, thank you so much!


Fixed in hotfix v192.102.


This issue seems to have rearised with the contact update i tried removing the subgrids and seems to fix it but it seems to be seeing the subgrids and wheels as separate grids and impeding the pasting of the grid i tried everything to solve this issue removing all mods adding the build freedom plugin the only thing that seems to fix it is to remove everything that counts as a subgrid


Well since someone else went ahead and necro'd this, ill go ahead and pile on. Same issue here. Cant paste grids. Completely vanilla game and vanilla BP so no mods. Local solar system game so not on a server. creative game type.


I've got the same issue as well, creative mode, copy paste enabled and local offline.


Same issue here, cannot paste any blueprints no matter what they are. Unfortunate :(


Yup same problem here. Can't copy and paste. Can't paste from Blueprints.

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