Parachutes Do Not Auto-Deploy or Deploy Invisibly

Spaceman Spiff shared this bug 6 years ago

Two conditions seem to occur.

1. Parachutes do not auto-deploy when a grid containing parachute hatches is dropped in planetary gravity while following these steps:

a. While in creative mode, paste the grid that contains the parachute hatch(es) above the auto-deploy height.

b. Immediately save the map and exit.

c. Switch the map to survival mode and reload.

d. Watch the grid's parachutes fail to open.

e. Much sadness.

2. Parachutes do auto-deploy when a grid containing parachute hatches is dropped in planetary gravity while following these steps, but with strange behavior:

a. While in creative mode, paste the grid that contains the parachute hatch(es) above the auto-deploy height.

b. Wait for the parachutes to deploy, then immediately save the map and exit.

c. Switch the map to survival mode and reload.

d. Look carefully for the grid's parachutes; you won't find them, but the grid descends slowly as if the parachutes are present.

e. Less sadness, but sadness nevertheless.

Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Yes i was trying to create a drop pod for my survival server for various supplies in a cargo container, and everytime i try to paste in the grid with all of the supplies and canvas in parachute block and theres x2 just to be safe and this happens. I havent found the bug in singleplayer, but i have absolutely found it in multiplayer. As well it happens when i try to make a spawn ship containing the parachute block. Its a really weird bug that i hope gets fixed, it really fustrates me as in admin xD Note: Building organically (in survival) its works just not pasting it in..

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