O2/H2 Generator, Small Hydrogen Tank, Medical Room Not Allowing H2 Refilling

G E shared this bug 4 years ago

There are a few bugs here, I've experienced in several play-throughs. The first I will describe is one I cannot fix even after breaking down the block and rebuilding. The others I can get to work eventually if I break down/rebuild enough.

Set-up: large grid, no ships attached. Small cargo container below O2/H2 generator. Gen is connected via conveyor tubes (elbow and straight tubes only) directly (there are no other connections incoming to this conveyor line) to a small hydrogen tank. The tank is directly attached to the medical room connector.

1. Cannot refuel jetpack from medical room UNLESS there is ice being transformed in the generator. Once all ice is consumed and stored in the hydrogen tank, medical room will not refuel anymore. I tried with stockpile on and off. My suspicion is the medical room cannot draw unless there is ice in the gen. As the respawn pod is able to resupply H2, but it has ice to break down. I could keep ice in the gen, but then would not be able to have a tank. I've tried put H2 bottles in both places too to no avail.

2. With several different set-ups, sometimes when I build a generator and put ice in it, it just chews through it not producing anything. (in these simple early game set-ups, I have nothing connected to it to use it up). I'm on earth and there's no oxygen draw--unless it thinks it needs to produce oxygen, not being in a "closed" system. I say "closed" bc there's no blocks or tubes going anywhere that should suck oxygen out. This is a consistent bug that happens with or without a H2 tank connected. I've been able to fix it by breaking it down and rebuilding.

3. When I built my gen, tank, medical room originally, it would not break ice down to send H2 to the tank. I tried flipping blocks on/off, stockpile on/off, putting bottles in, every button possible. I was able to transfer bottles between the two. It cannot be a connection or power issue as previous bug posts advised as one, I checked, and two it eventually works by rebuilding. It seems to be random when it works, but for me it finally worked after I rebuilt the generator. (I rebuilt conveyors first, then tank, last was gen).

Other posts I found, some dating older than a year, seem to report bugs only with docked ships. This grid is not attached to a ship (as of now). It is possible O2 is also affected in the same way, or perhaps these bugs do not happen if there is O2 demand/an O2 tank connected in tandem. I have not tested O2 in tandem or individually.

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