new block added to group wont toggle on/off

david shepherd shared this bug 4 years ago
Won't Fix

I have a group of e.g. atmo thrusters and a toolbar element to toggle them on/off. I add a new atmo thruster to grid, and add to existing group. When I toggle toolbar element, this new thruster does not change state with the other blocks. If I go in to that new thrusters control panel and manually toggle the block on, it will now 'fall in sync' and start behaving like the others.

Replies (4)


Hello, Engineer!

Unfortunately we are unable to reproduce the issue. Could you please make a video of this issue? It seems really hard to reproduce it.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Ok so once I looked to reproduce the behaviour rather than just move on as quickly as I could, it becomes clear what is happening:

I toggled off the thruster group, added my new thruster (which defaulted to on) and added it to the group. It is now in the opposite state as the rest of the group and as the mode I chose (as there was no alternative) was to just toggle on/off it would always be in that opposite state, unless manually adjusted to match the state of the other group thrusters.

I imagine this is actually by design, although like a number of elements in SE, not particularly helpful.

My testing is viewable at

I am mostly enjoying playing SE but often it is confusing or unforgiving. Without Splitsie I wouldn't have got past 3 hours of it.




Hello, David,

as I see this thread is rather old now, as well as your last comment here.

Can I please ask whether this issue is still happening to you nowadays (game version 198)?

I did try the same procedure with lights - group them together, turn whole group Off, add new light (this one is On upon building it) to the group, turn On whole group and all light were synced properly; all On and Off properly, including the newly added one.

Is it same for you as well? Was the issue fixed in the meantime?

Thanks in advance for letting me know.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Ondrey.

If you read the David question again you will see that he was initially using "Toggle on/of" action from the toolbar.

Toggle on/of action toggles each device in a group to On/Off state based on the On/Off when the action was executed.

So if you have group with two devices in it and first device is turned On and second device is turned Off executing this action will turn Off the first device and turn On the second device.

Now what confused David and also me in the past is that on toolbar the action shows the On/Off state. But this is not On/Off state of the whole group but instead just of the first device in that group.

So I think you can close this thread as not being a bug.

And to avoid such confusion in future perhaps renaming Turn On/Off action for groups to Turn On/Off individual devices would be nice.

Oh and having a new special action that would store On/Off state in itself and thus allow turning On/Off of all devices on that group regardless of their current state would also be nice.


Hello, Silvo!

Thanks a lot! Yeah, it was my mistake, I did misread it, sorry.

When using the light group like this through the toolbar, it´s really happening.

The issue was added to our internal system.

Once more, thanks a lot for clarifying it!

We´ll see if that might be fixed in some way that it might work the same as using On/Off buttons in Control panel.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineers,

I came here back on this thread to resolve it as Won't fix.

Sadly, after closer look into this problem, it turned out that fixing it in a way that you described would most likely broke multiple builds for possibly all the players who built some grids in the past and are still using these.

So we decided to not fix this as there are also already other ways how you can sync the whole group to same state after adding more blocks there. Once properly synced, then it is working fine.

It currently works like this:

  • switching a group On/Off in terminal synchronizes the whole group to the same state
  • Switching a group On/Off on toolbar by "On/Off" command switches all blocks in the group to their opposite states

and it will stay like this for a reasons mentioned above.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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