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Negative Grid Mass

Dom27 shared this bug 3 years ago


After I hit great amount of grid mass, it sets grid mass to constant negative number. I cannot use jump drive because of that. Jump drive is calculating jump distance with negative mass too and the jump distance is negative too.

It's serious problem. Can you look at it?

Replies (6)


Hello, Dom27,

thanks for sharing the issue with us. However, I was not able to reproduce your issue.

Can you maybe be more specific about "great mass", please? Ship I tested had grid mass approx. 10mil kg and it was working just fine. I was able to jump with the ships as well. Correct numbers were displayed. Do you mean even more weight? If so... can you specify the weight that your ship has/had before it got broken?

Great help would be if you can BP the ship and share it on steam workshop and paste the link here, so I can check on your particular ship.

Thanks for any additional info in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Ondrej.

I think it was something more than 2 bil. kg. I could upload BP on workshop, but the problem is that I tried to paste it in the creative mode and it was just fine. It has over 294 bil. kg (I played with this bug some time). I didn't think, that it would be problem. I supposed it as only "cosmetic" bug. But I cannot use jump drive with it. I play with some mods, one of them is bigger containers, so you would have to download the mods too. But I don't think it has something to do with mods. I have same mods on local game and it is working just fine.

I play on server with it, so I cannot try to BP and paste it there. I did some "research" and I found out, that it may have something in common woth 32 bit integer. The largest number using 32 bit integer is 2 147 483 647 and the ship weight displayed is -2 147 484 000 kg. Could it be by the fact, that I have 64 bit version of the game and server runs on 32 bit version? (I don't know if it's true... just my idea).

Second idea is, it could happen when you hit exactly the wrong value, or value interval, and if you spawn it with bigger mass it is just fine. Could it be bugging that way?

Realy thank you for your help. If you need some additional info, I am ready to cooperate. I would be happy if we would find some solution.

PS: I think, we could write in Czech language, but it is ok to write in English, so more playes with this problem can read this discussion.


(Sorry - abundant comment)


Hi, Dom27,

thanks for coming back so early :)

Yeah, seems like you might be onto something here with those ideas. However, I would really need the BP of the ship :) Can you imagine me building ship with this mass for a day, two, three? :D That would not be productive usage of my work time ;)

When I paste it from BP, I can make changes with the weight by adding/removing blocks and testing around that mentioned peak weight, but I need that starting point :) It´s not that I don´t trust you, but I need to reproduce it as well in order to list it as a new issue into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Ondřej.

Ok, you need to download this modpack first:

Almost everything on the ship is from this modpack, even containers, so if you wouldn't have it, it wouldnt have such a great mass.

And here is the ship:

Thank you.


Hello, Dom27,

thanks for coming back and providing the additional info. Issue was successfully reproduced and put into out internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Ondřej.

I am really glad to hear that. You've done great work.

Could you provide me some info about when I could expect fix. I don't know how hard is to get of this bug and if it's supposed to be done in next patch or I have to to wait a little bit longer. And I don't know if the current ship mass will start to behave normal after patch or I have to ask admins on that server to copy and paste the ship after patch.

Thank you very much for your work.


Hello, Dom27,

unfortunately, we can not provide any further info about when the fix will be done and when pushed into the game itself. This is not done on our (QA) side, programmers have their responsibilities and priorities. So the only info I can share right now is that the issue is listed in our system. Someone will take a look on it when the right time comes.

And since I don´t know when a how the fix will be done, I can´t guarantee if you would need to build/paste the ship again.

That´s probably not what you wanted to hear, but I can´t provide any more info right now, sorry.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineer!

I´m happy to inform you that this issue will be fixed in upcoming game update v200.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm still having this issue. The grid mass value reported in the cockpit info screen and the value shown on the HUD do not agree, especially if carrying a large character inventory in creative mode.

I've posted the BP for the ship I'm working on to steam:

To recreate, simply spawn a large amount of stone (~300k) into character inventory and enter the cockpit. Watch the HUD mass value go negative. Exit the cockpit, drop inventory and re-enter. HUD value goes positive, but still doesn't match Info tab "Grid Mass" value.


Detailed Steps

1) Enter the cockpit with empty inventory and note the HUD mass value and Info Tab Grid Mass value. Values disagree. (Incidentally, is the unladen player mass 400kg?)

2) Exit Cockpit and Spawn a large amount of stone (~300k) into character inventory.

3) Enter the cockpit. Watch the HUD mass value go negative.

4) Exit the cockpit, drop inventory and re-enter. HUD value goes positive, but still doesn't match Info tab "Grid Mass" value.

5) Repeat steps 1-4, spawning different masses into player inventory each time. While in cockpit, move items between player inventory and ship inventory. Repeatedly exit and re-enter, moving different masses between player and ship before exiting, and changing player mass before re-entering. Relationship between changes in player inventory and changes in HUD display value is non-linear. Either there is a significant conversion error between 32-64bit vars, or there is a misstep in some HUD Display update event function somewhere.

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