Multiplayer issues - Pistons,Motors and Welder walls

Arunas Pranckevicius shared this bug 4 years ago


After coming back to game after long break I am still seeing same game breaking server performance issues:

The idle pistons and motors causing server load which is making server unplayable.

The welder walls with 10x10+ square causing server to halt on use when printing things.

The cryopods with disconnected people stay with whole grids spawned which cause memory and CPU load on servers.

These issues been over 2 years and still not addressed. Which limit people what they can do online.

To replicate issues - the 10+ mining bases with stationary rotary drills on 3+ pistons attached to advanced motor and 10+ cubes width with multiple drills can cause any server to crawl after a while. And printing blueprint while it is attached on projector on same pistons while stationary welder wall covers whole area will make any server to halt while printing.

Please fix as soon as possible becaue these issues make players handicapped and forcing server admins to delete any grids with pistons and motors for sake of server survival.

I am unable use them and play online while these issues as still persisting.

Kind regards,

Arunas Pranckevicius

Replies (2)


Attached some information from Lost Colony scenario after building mines with rotary drills on motors and pistons.


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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