(Multiplayer) Atmospheric Thrusters stop responding as if not powered/not present.

Karasu Gatonom shared this bug 6 years ago

A ship I was working on at first would not take off, and then fell from the sky, due to this bug. The thrusters simply don't react to controls or dampener setting, but the ship will move with gyro. It can be fixed my merging to the planet, but if it happens while flying I haven't found a way to resolve it.

Replies (14)


Hello Karasu,

thank you for the report. Can you please send us detailed reproduction steps, so our QA team can check it?

Thank you!


Unfortunately this bug seems to happen at random.

Server: Keen NA #2

In specific what I did at the time of encountering it was:

Spawned on Mars with Planetary lander.

Flew it around to identify ore spots.

Mined up to 5km away from it while making modifications as I got material.

Glitch happens while trying to fly after removing and replacing thrusters in said modifications.

Use Merge Blocks to merge it to planet so I can reblog safely, upon merge thrusters turn on.

Unmerge, change to ship again, works.

Finish modification, fly to ore and build on it while over there after realizing drill isn't going deep enough.

While standing on it, ship falls from sky and same bug.

Try merging again, nothing happens.

Relogging fixes it this time, and I spawn a new ship due to the damage.

ly specific thing I was doing was modifying the Planetary Lander


My ships thrusters stopped working entirely after disconnecting from connector.


I also have the same thing but in space. Symptoms is the same but with ions. When I press W I will hear the sound of thrust but the visual won't show the tail. Gyro twist will work. This only happens if I separate grids while building, such as welding projection, then grind the connection. From that point on, any connectors on the new ship will also bug, even shutting off reactors on both grids, then only turn on the new ship's reactors so the station connector is red, and ship connector is white. When you thrust forward, the ship will be pulled back to the same spot (assuming the thruster bug isn't present).

I solved it by grinding the cockpit and rebuilding while not connected.


I think I have created a repruducable version of this bug (rotation working, but thrusters seem to be disabeled)

I have reopted the bug under the title:


Can you verfy that this is the same thing?


cant seem to find the personal pcu limit but my large ship is 1898 and the small ship is 1359. when i flew my small drilling ship to the astored to mine sure it acted heavy but when i got close to the large ship this problem started happening the gyro scope seemed to fix it for a second. so my small ship partly has the problem. then i noticed my gyro on the large ship wasn't holding it in place so i was just going to move it away from the astorid and my large ship wont move except for the gyro. so i tried converting it to a station now it said error cant be turned in to a ship any more. im zimr on NA #3


I have had this same issue. As stated, it is a random, but frequent occurrence. I have had this issue with different atmospheric miners, so it isn't isolated to one build. I have had the issue occur while mining and also from a stationary parked position. It is always accompanied by a 100% power draw resulting in zero lift while in an idle state.


Game status has been in multiplayer with various mods active.


Happen to me when Xocliw was doing his 24 hour stream. It was the server with Ground and Space team, I used a atmo miner and connected to a station to drop off resources. The moment I disconnected from the station the ship thrusters were dead and nothing I did can fix it. I had to call Xocliw over and had him cut and paste it and than it was back to normal.



we were able to reproduce non-working thrusters with reproduction steps from Beny Benz. I hope it is same issue as the one described on top of the page. If anyone would be able to provide different reproduction steps for the issue, we will be happy to check it as well but until we see otherwise, I would hope it will be fixed with: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/general/topic/1-187-088-ships-floating-thrusters-not-working-but-rotation-is


Hi so a year later im having this exact issue. Thanks




Reposting cause I didnt mean to comment, but can't delete old reply.

I also just ran into this bug, I just built a grinder in multiplayer survival, used it, returned home and dumped inventory, and after disconnecting from connector, thrusters are dead even thought they are on. The ship has plenty of fuel/power, there is no remote block, the cockpit is main and has thruster control. The gyros still work, (although the ship is very back heavy for no apparent reason). please help.


I just ran into this issue on my new server.


Just got similar issue. Ship suddenly stopped responding to WASD C Spacebar, Gyros not working either. I can move it by setting thrusters/gyros override but not with mouse or keys. Tried turning it to station and back, grinded every control seat/remote and put it back. No effect. Ship is dead.


I've had this issue with my mining ship multiple times.

Connected to my base, then disconnect and thrusters stop working, I can use gyro, but not thrusters, not even inertia dampers work


I rent a dedicated SE server. The thruster big has happened to all of us a few times. 6 of us play on the private server. It's been 5 years since the bug has been reported. Has anything been done to fix this?

I want to play the game....not research all the bugs. Thanks


ive seen this many times and im thinking it could be due to the connection or separation between the thrusters and the cockpit. im am going to try running a strut spine across all the blocks the have thrusters on them or maybe even remouting the trusters on a that spine. will see.


Having this same issue now. Got in a ship and the spacebar, up thrust doesnt work. Tried different ships but its the same for all. Another player can use them normally.... any ideas


Got the same issue with my miner drone, crashed it 2 times because of this, both times it was the up thrusters, as if they overheat

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