More toolbars

Kyle Clarke shared this feedback 3 years ago

With all the new blocks being added, I'm completely out of toolbar space.

Adding 0, - and + toolbars, and toolbar slots would help a lot.

Consolidating some of the block groups would help too, there are 8 light/heavy armor block groups and 5 window groups.

Replies (2)


Yeah. Even after I have modified my own BlockVariantGroups.sbc to combine some sets, and re-arrange armor to cover just 8 slots in more logical groupings ... I am still out of room when I want to get into doing decor let alone all these new blocks added. So I have to have one toolbar as kind of an influx mash of random crap I have to pull out of the toolbar editor.

This was even after putting ALL windows in one group, and ALL letters, ALL LCDs, etc in single groups. Problem with that is "picking the right one from a group" is this annoying rolling of the mouse.

God, what I wouldn't give for a "right-click chooser" like Empyrion has for variations of a block. So fricken fast and easy to quickly change from shape to shape with just 1 toolbar item wasted for it all.

Anyhow... since SE can never have its GUI updated in that way, adding more toolbars MIGHT be doable and will help some.

So I toss my upvote on this notion.


One simple way to do it: Just add a second set of toolbars. The attached screenshot (badly modified in Krita) shows an option

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