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Modpack Load Order issue

Bluestar shared this bug 2 years ago

I think iv noticed an issue with modpacks and how they load in mods and what order there loaded in

Iv only noticed this due to a specific setup

I use this mod

It adds eating drinking ect it has been setup to add new hud elements to the vanilla hud or if it detects this hud mod

It will add a different style hud element to fit with the hud mod

The requirement is that the Hud Mod is set above the the Eat Mod, doing so works fine

But i use personal hidden modpacks where i group a bunch of mods of certain types so i can easily add mods to a world by just adding a few modpacks or modules as i call them

I have one for Hud based mods like the hud mod i listed or build vision mod ect, and i have another modpack for mods that adds new functions like eating or the defense shield ect

I set the hud modpack above the function modpack so the load order should be correct

But the eat mod defaulted to the vanilla style hud which tells me that maybe modpacks dont load in mods to the order in which they should

Whats required is to make sure that the game loads all the mods from each mod pack in the correct order in which the are set both in the ingame mod list and how the modpacks are ordered in the steam browser

Its not often mods require a specific load order, but they sometimes can and it may come in the form of modpacks like the AQD series. My case may be spesific but it could crop up elsewhere for other players with them not not knowing why there mod is broken due to a load order issue

Replies (9)


Hello, Bluestar,

thanks for letting us know.

However, this behavior is not broken, as there is full working functionality for this case. Please see Mod dependencies on the Steam Workshop page. It´s located here:


As you can see the highlighted area, if you (the mod owner) click there, you can add various other mods that should be downloaded and activated prior this one, in order for this one to work.

If you will use this option, you do not need to keep correct order yourself, because the dependencies logic detects those dependencies and loads mods in the correct order.

Will close this one.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Both mods dont require dlc and they dont require eachother

both mods work by them selves

but if you have the hud mod load higer in the list then the eat mod the eat mod is designed to detect this hud and will change what hud element it displays

There or no requirements to add as they dont require eachother, its done as a silent compatibility

I made a modpack with a few hud based mods and called the modpack 'Hud Module' which contains the hud mod

I made another modpack called 'Function Module' which contains the eat mod

Setting the Hud Module above the Function Module should set the load order to be the same as if these mods were loose, the eat md should detect that the hud mod was loaded higer in the list but it dosnt as if the hud mod was loaded lower in the list

leading me to believe there might be an issue

If your suggesting that i should add the hud mod to the function module as if it was dlc that defeats the point of having separate modules and would mean if i use the function module i would always use the hud mod

My main point was that despite i ordered the modpacks correct the loadorder dosnt seem to correspond, its as if the game when loading in the modpacks has them in a jumbled order, which normally dosnt matter for most mods but this is a case where it does and they may be other cases

What im asking is what happens when the game is loading modpacks how dose it load in all the dependences

Should it not go through each modpack load it then go thought and load its dependences then move on to the next modpack load its dependencies thus keeping to the same order they would be if the were loose mods in the list


Hello, Bluestar,

yeah, you are right. I´m sorry to highlight wrong line. It´s actually "Add/Remove Required items" where you can add child items (mods).

I do understands that they are not "dependent" as such in order to work properly. But on the other hand, you also write that it´s desirable to have them both active.

Also please know that if you have this HUD mod higher in the list and then the eat mod, the eat mod itself has HUD defined (the original one) as well. Thus this one rewrites the already modded one back to defaults.

Anyway... the dependencies are always better to set by the option described higher within the Steam Workshop itself. And since these two are created to work together (even you write "silently"), it seems better to me to be set this way as dependencies.

Hope I made it clear for you now and once more sorry for the false information in the image.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I knew you meant Add/Remove Required items

And thats exactly what i used to make the modpack(obviously)

The eat mod tells you to list he hud mod before the eat mod in the list

"HUD - Modern and Fancy (Color)

(Add above this mod in the list)"

I still think your missing the point of the issue

Its about two separate modpacks and how all the mods between the two modpacks are loaded

Here is the mod list if i was to load the mods individually

- Hud Mod

- Hud compass

- Buildvision

- Buildinfo

- Eat drink sleep repeat

- plant and cook

- Defense shields

loading the mods like this the hud works with eat drink sleep

Here is the mod list in modpack form

- Hud Module

- Function Module

This is what the loadorder should be

- Hud Module

hud mod

hud compass



- Function Module

Eat drink sleep repeat

plant and cook

defense shields

But loading the world the eat drink sleep mod uses the vanilla hud instead of the hud mod

Soo why? when the loadorder should be the same as if they were loaded individual

which is my point there perhaps not loaded in the same way, the order of the mods in the modpacks and across several modpacks dont seem to be ordered correctly otherwise my modpack setup should just work

I can fix this by loading the two mods individualy and not having them in the modpacks

but my entire point of raising this here was to point out the issue as its a clear oversight somewhere in how modpacks are loaded. Its rare that mods have a required loadorder most of them work individually but it could appear again and a player have no idea why a mod is conflicting or not working. I only know because i specifically made the modpacks


Hello, Bluestar,

ok, thanks for clarifying it even more. Now I fully understand what is happening and it´s really worth to be look into.

Can I please get the mod-packs that you are using, so I can try it on my own on my end? Both - Hud Module and Function Module - so I can try and check the combinations that you are mentioning above. You shared just the mods themselves in the initial message. I would need full mod-packs with each and every mod like you wrote here.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I will make 2 test modpacks and leave them public and message back with links to them

My functional module has almost 20 mods in it which would be abit unnecessary for your testing

Ill make two mod packs with the required mods and test them to make sure they still have the issue im reporting then link you too them.

Thanks for baring with me wile i explained the issue better

A sidenote of something that should also be looked at is when loading a modpack dose it load the required mods first before loading any content the modpack itself might come with. What needs to happen when the game gose to load a modpack is it first loads the mod requirements then load any content the modpack comes with

The reasoning for this a modpack might want to take several separate mods and make edits to each individual mods configuration files to make them compatible with each other, so to note a simpe example

Modpack had two mods as requirements, these two mods by them selves dont work together

The modpack includes edited files that needs to override files from both required mods, creating an integration patch between the two mods.

So by making sure that modpacks loads the required mods first then the files it comes with it will ensure that the correct files are overridden in the correct order

I dont know if it already works this way as its not something i have started to do but i thought i would mention this as this i being looked at

I will message back with links to test modpacks


Okay here are the test modpacks

Test Hud Modpack and Test Eating Modpack

I tested these packs and they have the same issue but i also discovered something else

My first test i loaded the modpacks as follows

-Test Hud Modpack

-Test Eating Modpack

Here the hud mod should be set higher in the list as noted by the eating mod, i load the world and its using the vanilla hud

Second test i reversed the order of the modpacks

-Test Eating Modpack

-Test Hud Modpack

The world loads and it is now using the hud mod

So it seems that that modpacks required mods load in the reverse order then they do if there individual mods?

Hope this helps

Sidenote the 'plant and cook' mod is meant to be loaded higher in the list then the eating mod as noted in the eating mods description which i have done so in the 'test eating modpack' list but giving the posible reverse order loading you may want to double check which mod is loaded first the 'plant and cook' mod or the 'eat drink sleep' mod


Hello, Bluestar!

Thanks bazillion times for the modpacks! With these, I was able to actually find also all the the mods themselves and try described behavior on my own! And... you are absolutely right! There is happening something weird as soon as the mods are set up in the modpacks.

After this issue was successfully reproduced on our side, I did put it into our internal system.

Thanks again for exhaustive information and description of the issue and for great cooperation!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


No problem, Its a case that i noticed it as i was creating a specific setup with mod collections to group mods together for easy installing when making new worlds

On the topic, would be great to have an inbuilt way to group mods and or create modpacks wile in the mod list menu when creating a world. I had to make an empty mod file upload to steam then go to steam then add all the mods, was thinking something as simple as using the the way we can select multiple mods in the left panel list and add a new button in the middle 'Create group'. Where it basically just makes a modpack, gives you an input box to write the modpack name and uploads it for you with all the selected mods auto added to the requirements and auto tagged as 'Modpack'.

Then maybe add another button to add selected mods to an exiting modpack where you select mods on the left then press the 'Add to Group' and it brings up a selectable list of all your own created workshop files filtered 'modpack' tagged only

Something super simple, Would make creating modpacks nice and simple

When they work properly :P

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