Mined asteroids disappear sometimes

AKU1 shared this bug 4 years ago

I set GPS coord, mined asteroid, after that i revisite area, but asteroid gone.

Replies (11)


you should check your voxel trash removal settings - alt-F10, then select trash removal in dropdown, then select voxels in the next drop down - if there is a button at the bottom that says suspend, it means the voxel cleanup system is enabled and after the specified time (defined in this menu), if the selected voxel types are far enough away (distance defined in this menu) from a grid or player, they can reset or disappear - can also be triggered by reloading

however - if the button says Enable it means the system is not activate and so it could be something else


I don't have access to removal settings because i'm not admin on server.


ah ok - well you likely can't get that asteroid back - and worth finding out what the settings are on the server - you may need to leave a static grid or something to preserve an asteroid


We are experiencing the same issue on a modded dedicated server. Even with a static grid on the asteroid, once any voxels have been mined and a player leaves the immediate area, it disappears from the world. We have disabled 'Revert Asteroids' which was enabled by default in v1.196.011 in an attempt to fix the situation.


Hello, Engineers!

Thank you for contacting us. We are aware of this issue and we will address it as soon as possible.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


as an additional note, while the Revert Asteroid setting is enabled by default, the entire voxel cleanup section is showing as Disabled, since the Enable button is showing (changed to Disable if enabled) - so definitely something weird going on (i had an asteroid with a station attached disappear, leaving the station there) - but looks like this one is being handled - thanks!


meant Suspend rather than Disable in the above post

also - mining the asteroid wasn't necessary, a new asteroid with an attached base simply disappeared as soon as the player was far away


i should note, it was also only the procedurally generated asteroids that were automatically spawned (i.e. the ones that don't appear in the sbs file - i assume they are only in the compiled binary)


also to be clear this issue for me was in single player and is still occurring after today's patch (1.196.014) - the patch appears to cover some of the issues that were labelled awaiting fix, and even had an asteroid related one so wanted to clarify that this is currently occurring in single player


Further Update: Appears to be default behaviour if Voxel trash removal settings are not enabled - to prevent it, the voxel trash removal settings must be enabled and then the settings can be modified.

With the voxel trash removal settings disabled it seems asteroids will disappear forever once they are out of visual range of the engineer - it is not clear that this is the default behaviour but ok, at least i can now experiment with the setting enabled (it's just a little counter intuitive - to need to know that by default asteroids will always disappear, and that you need to enable the settings which can make them disappear to stop it)

Last update - after playing around with the settings it appears fairly inconsistent - certainly the voxel trash removal settings need to be enabled to prevent asteroids from disappearing, but once they have been enabled, disabling them doesn't appear to restore the default behaviour, and when they are enabled the behaviour seems somewhat inconsistent and not necessarily in line with the names of the various settings.

However, at least i now know what tests i need to perform to try and find some workable settings. Knowing that there is a mystery default when the settings are disabled was the key piece of information!

Ok - one last interesting discovery - GPS markers seem to keep asteroids spawned - for how long i cannot confirm - but certainly longer than with no GPS



Hello, Engineers!

This issue should be fixed in version 196.014. Can you please confirm?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

Thank you.


Issue is not solved. Asteroids still disappearing.


The issue still persists after a player has mined a voxel even if there is a static grid on the asteroid when the player leaves the area.


The issue has not been resolved, it is still existing today. :(


The issue has not been resolved. An asteroid that have been mined then disappear once no player is within the sync distance.


Further to my earlier comments - after some testing i realized that i had been making some mistakes in my method with regards to using the spectator cam (since if the spectator is far from the player, grids will be rendered but asteroids will not) - therefore so far as i can see this is a multi player issue rather than a single player one - and in fact i was getting the opposite behaviour, in that mined asteroids were still being rendered even when the player was well beyond the render range

P.S. i know this does not help with those experiencing the issue - but i wanted to clarify my earlier comments to ensure that the devs are clear that this appears to only be happening in multi player

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