Medical bay stops providing health/O2/H/energy randomly

Daze Dream shared this bug 6 years ago

A minute after server restart, our medical bay simply stops working. We can still respawn and change cosmetics but the resupply panel just doesnt give us anything. Sometimes it works again, then stop working again for long periods of time.

Replies (12)


Also having the same issue - joined a vanilla dedicated server, deconstructed my respawn ship and built a station - medical room is powered and connected to an O2/H2 generator, but does not supply power nor O2/H2. Can still respawn and change appearance, and medical room still makes sounds as if it were recharging/refilling my suit.


I too have also had this problem. I'm not sure how to reproduce it, it seems quite intermittant.


Cannot reproduce.

We are trying to find out how is this possible.


It feels related to the conveyor system slow down you guys implemented, +desync.


For me it is reproducable like this: 1. Place a battery anchored to voxel

2. place medbay ontop

It will not refill your energy

If It does not work with planets when you test it, try asteroids


I have a cyro chamber right next to it and the cyro chamber works fine but my mediacl bay does not

help plz


Just out of curiousity are there are de-sync or rubberbanding issues while this is happening? I remember quite a while ago that I would be unable to interact with things properly because the server and my client disagreed about where my avatar actually was. Just a thought.


Sometimes this happens also in offline.


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load a world in survival
  2. Enable creative tools
  3. Paste blueprint from attached file

Medical Room refills only health, connected cockpit refills everything else


I have reproduced in another way: (Single player offline)

1) Build new large ship rover grid

2) Power solar panel

3) add in battery to charge grid.

4) As night falls, the solor output = 0, Build a med bay on the rover

5) Only heath recharges from the medbay now, powered from the batteries.

6) With daylight arriving the solar panel now generates power again, and the medbay can function and give health, power, 02 and H. Once this happens, the Medbay will work without the solar panel as well. It may be something to do with how it is powered.



I was able to reproduce the issue with attached blueprint from @Tmoire and I reported it into our system. I wasn't able to reproduce other casees from this topic though, so if anyone has any other way to reliably reproduce it, ideally from attached world or blueprint, please keep sharing it here.

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I have been getting this bug randomly 1.188 on non-dedicated multiplayer with me as the host.

Happening in a new survival world created today on star system. We created a base on the moon and it's powered by a reactor with output well below max. On top of it is a H2/O2 Generator with plenty of ice.

Since I'm host I can't just quit and come back in, so whenever the bug happens I've been able to survive by placing tanks in the generator (which fill O2 & H2 tanks fine), and then sitting in a flight seat (which charges me fine) - just the med bay that seems to break.

Also tried grinding it down below functioning and welding it back up but it didn't help (will try destroying and rebuilding it next time).


I also have experienced this bug a couple of times in an offline single player world, usually after playing for many hours. Only way to fix it is to grind down the medbay to a non-functional state and then weld it up again.


Saw this as well on 1.188.104, offline single player survival. Newly constructed medical bay never worked.

Unable to reproduce since loading a save game addressed the problem. It was a medical bay built on top of a conveyor junction with a connection to a H2/O2 Generator. Nothing seemed to address the problem, except building an Oxygen Tank via creative tools (still in survival) which restored functionality to the medical bay - curiously all functions and not just O2 recharging. Removing the tank caused the problem to return. Maybe this is a clue?

While the problem was active (which I didn't know at the time would only be present until loading a save) grinding and rebuilding the medical bay had no effect. Neither did building a brand new medical bay in another location via creative tools or grinding rebuilding parts of the conveyor network.

This is definitely a bug since even a conveyor-less medical bay should still recharge.


on a headless server that i run. Have over 120 hours of server uptime and 40 hours of playtime.

Made a few medical bays, done several things and out of nowhere my buddy couldn't get h2 out of the medical bay but had his life and o2 refilled.

Now today, i can't get H2 out but my o2 is refilled....

Running on lateest 1.193.103

T/S taken

- Rebuilt medical bay

- Rebuilt converyer tubes to the h2 and o2 tanks

- Spawned in a cheaty h2 tank just now (can't test o2 since i am getting o2 at this point)

- restarted game

- restarted server


Ok so chalk this one up to us being stupid. I just copied my world and stripped the base apart, found out something was not fully built....

My theory on what happened was as my buddy was getting recharged i was working on airvent system. So his o2 was refilled from the o2 in the air and it appeared that the medical bay did it. Then today, looking into the problem, i did the same stupid thing! Ran into the pressureized room. Hit F, and then saw my o2 was now full.... not noticing it was just walking into the room.

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