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hydrogen/hydrogen network

kenn6808 shared this bug 3 years ago

Hi we found a huge problem with the hydrogen network as you can see in the video, we use mod in this world but you can recreate it in vanilla, as you can see i am in creative at the time and as it seams is that the hydrogen network does not work as it should as you see the truster does not need to be attached to be used. this is recreated in survival too, not sure how long it has been as it does not look like you guys have done an Update for some time but could be you have done a silent update. it could be cool if it could be fix to the weekend as there are Star coure test tournement.

if you need more info please say so i will be ready if you need anything. have a nice day kind regards Kenn6808

Replies (5)


Hello, Engineer!

Unfortunately we couldn't reproduce this issue on our side. Would you mind uploading and sharing a link to a blueprint of a grid on which the issue can be reproduced? If possible, don't use any mods.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


here is the BP it is importen to remove one of the tanks and as you will see there will be one master and the two others can be removed. if you remove the mast everyone of them will turn off, if you place another one in it's place it will become the master. it's really strange.

this is without any mods.


Confirmed Mr. F-Bomb's findings on first attempt, so it's a bit disappointing that you, as a dedicated QA department, would have difficulties reproducing this …


  1. Launch SE into a vanilla survival world (admin tools allowed)
  2. Create Hydrogen producer grid with energy supply.
  3. To that grid, add two large Hydrogen Tanks.
  4. Connect the tanks physically to each other and the supply grid to avoid splitting grids later.
  5. Connect one tank via conveyor to the hydrogen production.
  6. To the free ports of the tanks, add Hydrogen Thrusters, at least one thruster each per tank.
  7. Connect the thrusters also physically to the main grid to avoid splitting grids later.
  8. Optional but helpful to rule out residual H gas keeping the "pilot flame" alive: Set all thrusters to a decent override value to have some substantial consumption.
  9. Delete and replace one tank at a time. Note how a certain group of thrusters remains firing even when they are disconnected from the hydrogen supply.

Worthy of note:

  • This does not create hydrogen from nothing. The hydrogen used in the disconnected thrusters is still drained from the system as if the conveyor net was still intact.
  • It is also not just a graphical issue. The thrusters really do produce thrust and block damage per use.
  • Disconnected thrusters keep firing without connection to the hydrogen supply even when the thrusters have new conveyor-type blocks added (as a separate conveyor net not connected to the hydrogen supply).
  • Disconnected thrusters follow WASD input.
  • Grinding one (1) affected thruster below functional updates ALL disconnected thrusters to behave as expected (ie. not fire without actual connection).
  • After welding the partially ground-down thruster back up, adding and removing tanks continues to produce the buggy behaviour.
  • Issue happens both on freshly built as well as pasted blueprints.

Video and BP attached.


Clarification for step 3:

To that grid, add two large Hydrogen Tanks in series, with only one tank connecting directly to the hydrogen supply and with the other one connected to the supply only through the first tank.


i wounder if keen will ever see this measeges we have made ever again


Hello, Keen, how much more information do you need to switch from "Need more information" to "Reported – Awaiting fix"? There's a video, there's a blueprint file, that should do, no?


i think they will see it if you made another ticket.


Would be nice if they at least acknowledged the new material. I don't expect them to drop everything and devote the entire company to fixing what's been reported at all costs, but asking for shit and ghosting the whole thread even when it's given is just embarrassing and disappointing. It's been three weeks since they got what they asked for, yet couldn't be arsed to at least leave a note.


In todays broadcast the guy said he reads these everyday, but this is now proven to be a lie lol.


Yes, I caught that, too, and while I wouldn't go as far as outright calling it a lie based on the mere absence of a response, I'd appreciate if there was a little more of something and a little less of nothing. At least for reports like these that already have an advanced amount of information to follow up on, let alone information that was given after it was requested. It's not like it's as unsubstantiated as certain other ones here that have barely anything beyond "Shit's broken, fix it." in the way of a description.

As said, I don't expect them to reschedule their entire fiscal year from Marek having himself new solid-gold XBOX DLC business cards printed all the way down to the humble QA sprint due to sudden availability of new data for one reported issue, but a little acknowledgement along "We received what you sent after we asked for it and will address it ASAP" would not go amiss. At least change that status to something that, under the circumstances, doesn't scream "We're ignoring you 'til you turn blue and there is nothing you can do about it".


So, SE 1.200.x then?


This appears to be fixed in 1.200.025.

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