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Hydrogen engine starts working delayed after construction

Simpson3k shared this bug 3 years ago

My problem with it is that after the construction of the hydrogen engine is completed it seems to stay inactive.. its hydrogen tank is not filling, its animation is not working, no sound. even though its connected to a conveyorsystem with enough plenty of ice and enough eletricity on the grid to work. Then i do something else and when i check the engine in the system console a minute later or so its hydrogen tank full all of a sudden and when i return to it its working.

This is no problem in ships or stations in wich the hydrogen engine is only an emergency power generator but if its the primary power generator in a ship i build and i have to wait for i dont know what before it finaly decides its time now to start working, thats not improving the current mood if i may say so.

Please make it working right from the very moment its construction is completed, like pretty much every other block in this game.

Replies (4)


Hello, Simpson3k,

thanks for sharing your issue with us. However, when I did try it, I could not observe the behavior you are mentioning.

Obviously, I need some "secondary"/initial power source (e.g. single solar panel), so the conveyors and O2/H2 generator have power to actually work and change ice to hydrogen and distribute it to the engine itself. Right in the moment, the engine begins to fill (so it actually have some hydrogen in it), it starts to work immediately.

You think it might be possible you make and share me a video here of this bug happening and providing the blueprint of affected ship might be beneficial as well.

Thanks in advance for providing those.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


I made a fraps video, sadly i dont have much time before fraps splits up the video i hope this works. Ok it seems i underestimated the file size from 4k lol

Ok i forgot to show you the ice in the storage and the loaded batteries, but you can see the warm oxygen atmosphere at the bottom of the screen in case you need some kind of proof that artifical oxygen is all around.

Do you think a blueprint makes any sense? If the bug does not happen at your game, even if the hydrogen engine is inactive in my game, it will for sure start to work in yours as soon as you spawn the station, no?


Hello, Simpson3k,

thanks for the next info and for the video as well.

The thing is - we currently indeed have some known issues with hydrogen engine and batteries and power distribution through the grid. I did not use the battery as the main source first time I tried, but the solar panel - that might be the reason it was working for me.

Please try:

turning off and back on the engine

replace the batteries with some other power source (e.g. solar panel, reactor... )

try to mingle around with batteries settings - Auto, Discharge, Recharge

try to turn off some devices on the grid that you don´t desperately need and are consuming great amount of power

pay attention on your grid power need/availability

Hope some of these tips would help to you for now, till the issue would get fixed properly.

If you are still experiencing this issue even after trying this workaround tips, please do share me the blueprint or save file of the game where this broken grid is, and I can try to "make"/find some solution for you :)

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Seems like the upload of the zipped savegamefolder was successfull. The issues with the batteries is good to know, means if i really need the engine work fast, i will add a temporary solar panel to hydrogen only powered ships. But for the current space station its only a backup so its ok. Still its good that you have an idea how to fix it.

That´s the mods i am using in case anyone wants to try out this savegame. Make sure you remote open the hangar door on the iceplanet in case you want to land there :)


Hello, Simpson3k,

thanks for the save file! It was a big help to actually see what is happening there and then I could build as small and compact grid that has only the objects needed.

I played with it for quite long time in order to find (and give you) some temporary solution, that you can use. But to be honest, I was confused most of the time, because of that other bug that I told you about already. It was really hard to distinguish where that old issue ends and where the possibly new issue starts, or whether that is all just outcome of the initial bug with the power distribution.

It was hard, but ultimately, I found some pattern in what is happening in your build.

First of all - the newly built engine did not work right from the beginning, because the H2/O2 gen was already supplying and filling up the tank. After the tank is filled, than the engine starts to fill and work as well... some times.

However, there was times, that even after waiting for the tank to be filled, it was still broken.

It seems that the temporary workaround for you might be to do some change in the conveyor system - disassembling some object that is connected to it - it might be the hydrogen/oxygen tank, but that seems harsh and I can see you won´t be willing to do that. So even after disassembling the air vent, the engine starts to work.

To put it in short - you need to do *some* change in the conveyor system, to "push through" the hydrogen.

As said before, it is somewhat likely to be at least part of the issue with the power distribution, but I did put this one exact issue with these steps to reproduce to our internal system as well. Might be part of the original issue, might be connected to it, might be something totally different. We´ll see.

Thanks for your patience!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Not sure but I think the problem might lie in the fact that Hydrogen Engine Tank is for some reason only filling when hydrogen engine is actively working.

For instance if you have action on your hot-bar to Turn On/Off the Hydrogen Engine as soon as you will turn it Off its tank will stop filling even if there is bunch of ice available on conveyor system. But as soon as you turn it On its tank will start filling again.

I'm guessing that its storage tank is following pull on demand logic for filing its tank (similar to Assembler retrieving needed ingots for production) which only works when the hydrogen engine is actively working and not like active storage which can be filed with ice whenever it becomes available in conveyor system.

Or maybe the Hydrogen Engine tank just have to low priority so Ice isn't put into tank until there is stil space to store it elsewhere like in other cargo containers..


Hello, Engineers!

I´m happy to announce you that this issue is already fixed and will be introduced to the game in upcoming major update.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Thank you very much to solve this issue Keen and thanks to you Ondrej for your patience and understanding.


Hello, Engineer!

The fix for this is in v200

Thank you.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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