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G-Menu Block Position Issue

Bluestar shared this bug 2 years ago

So this bug is based around me trying to make a custom block position sbc

So i can order the blocks in the 'all blocks' category the way i want along with modded blocks ect

I have the attached file(Had to set to .txt in order to upload) of what i have so far, iv only started to reorder the first few rows

Firstly you have a naming inconsistency which took me some time to realize

All your older blocks are formatted this way
























































and all the newer blocks are formatted this way























































The CubeBlock/ being added to all the new blocks and not the older blocks

Not so much an issue other then being confusing at first and not being overall consistent

So to the exact issue, im unable to position the block/group called LargeBlockHeavyArmorSlopedCornerTip or Cubeblock/LargeBlockHeavyArmorSlopedCornerTip

I am trying to position it like so








But it refuses to go to this position and always appears in X-8 Y-0 position

Iv tested trying to move to any other slot but it only appears in X-8 Y-0 regardless

Iv tried changing the names to any of the other blocks in that group iv tried with or without CubeBlock/ in the name.

In this test im running no other mods, just a new mod on my desktop in AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Mods

That only contains the attached sbc file in 'data' folder

Iv tested for a few days to make sure its not just me missing something obvious

I got this mod idea from an older mod that did this but has long since not been updated

So what im doing certainly used to work at somepoint

Not quire sure what the exact issue is, maybe something new is causing an override so no matter what i do it gets overridden. or an issue with finding the correct block/group name.

Dont know i put my hands up and offer it to you as a bug

Side note, I had to move the beam block/group from X - 1, Y - 1 to X - 6, Y - 1

in order for the LargeHeavyBlockArmorSlope2Base to go into X - 1, Y - 1

I had to manually move the beam block in order for the X - 1, Y - 1 slot to be available

where as the kitchen block or fire cover blocks automatically move without me manually moving them

So it seems to me some blocks will auto move out of the way when another block is taking its spot and some blocks will only move if its told to move itself. And then there is the LargeBlockHeavyArmorSlopedCornerTip block that refuses to go anywhere you tell it to go

Replies (2)


This issue is kinda hard to explain so i may not have done a great job so i can expand more if needed


Hello, Bluestar!

Thank you for the thorough information. I have reported this internally for you :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department

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