[Can be closed] Finished an Acquisition Contract doesn't always give the Space Credits

Fireztonez shared this bug 5 years ago
Not a Bug


I just finish an Acquisition Contract, for about 550 Interior plate how should give me more than 4 000 000 SC, but I didn't get any credit for that mission. The amount of Interior Plate have consumed from my inventory, but, I didn't get the credit.

I test just after that to finish my second Acquisition Contract, for 144 Gold Ingot and I did get the Money for that contract. So, not sure if this is an intermittent issue or if this is a bug with that specific contract, but for sure, something goes wrong with that.

If it can help, This append at the RVWE - Station on Mars, in Single Player game.

Replies (1)


I just look the redifusion of that instant from my Live and finally I'm totally wrong with the payment amount, it is only 102 402SC, and I did get the amount...

So Sorry, this is not a bug, Can be closed!

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