
Daniel Tice shared this bug 3 years ago

Export to Obj file is not working anymore

Replies (2)


Hello Daniel!

Thank you for letting us know about this. I have successfully reproduced and reported the issue internally.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Commenting for visibility, and appending part of the log.

2021-04-07 22:37:50.210 - Thread:   1 ->  Error while exporting to obj file.
2021-04-07 22:37:50.218 - Thread:   1 ->  System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: source
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.ExtractModelDataForObj(MyModel model, Matrix matrix, List`1 vertices, List`1 triangles, List`1 uvs, Vector2& offsetUV, List`1 materials, Int32& currVerticesCount, Vector3 colorMaskHSV)
   at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.GetModelDataFromGrid(List`1 baseGrid, List`1 vertices, List`1 triangles, List`1 uvs, List`1 materials, Int32 currVerticesCount)
   at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyCubeGrid.ExportToObjFile(List`1 baseGrids, Boolean convertModelsFromSBC, Boolean exportObjAndSBC)

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