Engineer Combat Personnel Overhaul

Ryukki shared this feedback 6 years ago

I feel like with the advancements in medieval engineers I think we should get something. They have weapon reloading,they can heal themselves and they can ragdoll when they die (which we use to). I know this is a Space Engineer game but personnel combat does happen often but it really ends up being silly with our rifles only being infinite machineguns that stop firing when we run out of ammo or die. Can we please get some form of reloading on rifles (Maybe a slow and heavy loading handheld rocket launcher too)

Than of course sometimes when people raid a ship or crash land and get injured I think we really NEED a way to heal ourselves so we don't die especially with the upcoming medical room penalty coming(Could we nerf the gatling gun knockback so it stops instant killing engineers). If Medieval Engineers can heal themselves I think a SPACE Engineer should too. I made a topic for medkits

I really would like to see some improvement to the personnel combat in SE with the upcoming survival update. (could be added later if needed).

Replies (2)


I've voted for this, however, I would like to say one thing; Don't nerf the the gatling turrets.1. I don't feel like they instant kill.

2. if they do, perfect. Means you have to come up with a better solution than to jetpack your way to the enemy.


The knockback force is insane and will instantly kill you if your running around, I don't think people like being instant killed by a stray bullet and being penalized for respawning in the medical room (upcoming feature) its way too easy to die in survival and I play with medkit mod and suit shields mod.

Besides interior turrets just have to stare at you and your instantly killed. I just want to ride around on top of my friend rover and shoot handheld rocket launchers (when they worked) or go run around my base firing back. I don't jetpack to ships I take out defenses than board them. I just hate how another instant kill method been added and thats a fun killer.


Well I've managed to board multiple ships just by Jetpacking from my ship to theirs.

II only play with Stargate mod and a bunch of AI PvE mods when I play singleplayer.

But I've been hit tons of times by the interior turret.

They do not Instant kill you. In fact you can easily drain them.

Same goes for the bigger turret.

You just have to build something that can render them useless against you.

For me that's part of the fun.

If you want guns to be shooting gummyballs, it's fair.

However, I do not agree and will therefore not support it :-)


Well when you get on the surface or on a ship wall and gatling bullet hits you have fun fusing into it. If you overlook a interior turret it will kill you or nearly kill you with no means of healing. I just like exploring ship for some interior exploration if I wanted to render it useless I would kill the ship. I didn't say gummy balls they shouldn't kill you because the impact so INSANELY high just weaken the impact :-P


I hope people realize the size of the of the 25mm gatling bullet being fired at them. That is larger than a .50 cal and a size more used to take out aircraft or tank. Now imagine an A10 in real life firing its 30mm gun and you surviving one hit. In short it would not happen...


I hope you realize that the bullet impulse is stupidly high on a engineer but it doesn't have that effect on light armor grids. The impulse is whats killing Engineers not the bullet. Just tone it down or apply it to grids too. Also realism? I don't see any uranium in the planet...


+1 Character combat could definately need improvement. And I don't even think it would need massive ammount of work to make it ok. One thing I would also like to see is reduced mouse sensitivity when aiming down sights. Right now that is basically unusable thanks to mouse sensitivity when zoomed in. Same goes for camera.


I made a topic for fixing npcs because having some npcs that are Engineer scale to fight with would make some great PVE fun along with having a decent Engineer combat system in the game.

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