Economy silver paint skin (And style pack moss and wood skins)

aidan francis shared this bug 5 years ago

I assume similar issues have already been reported with the style pack, but I will sumarize it as best I can. Apparently, the silver armour skin is now a part of the style pack, while the wood and Mossy apparently now need the economy update. However? I cannot use either of the two skins that require the style pack DLC. Given that the descriptions of the two DLCs have not changed on the steam store, I can only assume this is something that occurred with the most recent minor update, as the day before I was able to build and post a ship that used both the gold and silver skins, having the appropriate DLCs.

Please fix this as soon as you are able.

Replies (5)


I was undecided regarding purchase of the economy deluxe pack, but the silver skin was the item that convinced me to buy it. I can't believe that Keen would just deny customers the products they've already paid for. I assume this was unintentional and should be an easy fix. All my builds use the silver skin to a degree as a design trademark. Not having access to it is actually having a substantial effect for me in that regard. I do hope you get this straightened out quickly. I'd like access to the product I've purchased. Thanks!


I have the same problem this is unacceptable they must have no QA to make this kind of blunder, how can you pay for DLC and the take it away with an update! Unbelievable!!!!


I didn't know how it could get worse... but it has. So I have a few saved blueprints with the silver skin, right? Well. Now, if I paste them in, they do not have any silver on them at all. Da **** Keen! You realize now that my rather nice looking, shiny N1 starfighter, a ship I posted on the workshop for others to use, will now be completely BLUE, to anyone who doesn't have the two skins I used to make it!


Hi guys,

thanks for your reports. We already know about it, skins are incorrectly set. We will fix the issue in next hotfix (on Monday or Tuesday).

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Fixed in hotfix v192.102.

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