Drills not collecting certain ores

RPLSkelliman shared this bug 4 years ago
Not a Bug

I have a small-grid mining ship with 4 drills, they dig through stone and such fine but when I mine nickel they do not collect any ore.

They work fine with other materials (stone, silver, cobalt) but not nickel, the hand drill is able to mine the it (drops the rocks of ore on the ground).

Update: They weren't collecting cause by the time I got down to the ore pocket, they were full of stone

Replies (2)


My drills cannot mine meteor material.


Mine cannot mine meteor material but can elsewhere even if it is the same material. Also, this is only happening when scripts are enabled, when they are not, everything works as expected. Affects all my ships. Confirmed with and without mods or scripts installed. Unless one (script) is hiding somewhere I dont know about.

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