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Dedicated Server freeze maybe Steamworks issue

Florian Kinder shared this bug 6 years ago

This issue appeared twice during last week.

This is the last log entries of the server:

2018-08-27 16:46:35.447 - Thread:   6 ->  GC Memory: 4,518,368,224 B
2018-08-27 16:46:56.755 - Thread:   6 ->  STATISTICS LEGEND,time,ReceivedPerSecond,SentPerSecond,PeakReceivedPerSecond,PeakSentPerSecond,OverallReceived,OverallSent,CPULoadSmooth,ThreadLoadSmooth,GetOnlinePlayerCount,Ping,GCMemory,ProcessMemory,PCUBuilt,PCU,GridsCount,RenderCPULoadSmooth,RenderGPULoadSmooth,HardwareCPULoad,HardwareAvailableMemory
2018-08-27 16:46:56.755 - Thread:   6 ->  STATISTICS,51794.3833335467,0.02544594,0.1741409,0.08034992,7.63218,653.2324,4287.659,86.36617,13.66849,5,0,4340.256,4529.34,337910,462090,89,0,0,16.06478,53023
2018-08-27 16:47:05.453 - Thread:   6 ->  GC Memory: 4,560,415,744 B
2018-08-27 16:47:07.066 - Thread:   6 ->  Clusters reordered
2018-08-27 16:47:35.469 - Thread:   6 ->  GC Memory: 4,457,596,752 B
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->  Autosave initiated
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->  Character state: True
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->  IsServer: True
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->  MyAsyncSaving.InProgress: False
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->  Autosave
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->  Saving world - START
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->     Making world state snapshot.
2018-08-27 16:47:38.483 - Thread:   6 ->     Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 4,467,026,920 B
2018-08-27 16:47:38.568 - Thread:   6 ->     After snapshot.: GC Memory: 4,482,944,720 B
2018-08-27 16:47:38.586 - Thread:   6 ->     Directory cleanup: GC Memory: 4,482,532,848 B
2018-08-27 16:47:38.586 - Thread:   6 ->  Saving world - END
2018-08-27 16:47:38.586 - Thread:  18 ->  Session snapshot save - START
2018-08-27 16:47:38.587 - Thread:  18 ->     Checking file access for files in target dir.
2018-08-27 16:47:42.314 - Thread:  18 ->  Session snapshot save - END
2018-08-27 16:47:57.696 - Thread:   6 ->  STATISTICS LEGEND,time,ReceivedPerSecond,SentPerSecond,PeakReceivedPerSecond,PeakSentPerSecond,OverallReceived,OverallSent,CPULoadSmooth,ThreadLoadSmooth,GetOnlinePlayerCount,Ping,GCMemory,ProcessMemory,PCUBuilt,PCU,GridsCount,RenderCPULoadSmooth,RenderGPULoadSmooth,HardwareCPULoad,HardwareAvailableMemory
2018-08-27 16:47:57.696 - Thread:   6 ->  STATISTICS,51854.4,0.02634907,0.152523,0.08034992,7.63218,654.6548,4297.556,91.98034,3.92486,5,0,4341.695,4529.34,337910,462090,89,0,0,18.92152,53015
2018-08-27 16:48:05.484 - Thread:   6 ->  GC Memory: 4,557,101,560 B

And after restarting it, it shows this multiple times, until server were able to get up:

2018-08-27 17:43:10.442 - Thread:   6 ->  MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2018-08-27 17:43:10.442 - Thread:   6 ->  Server Name: Jager & Friends
2018-08-27 17:43:10.442 - Thread:   6 ->  World Name: (Workshop) The Solar System
2018-08-27 17:43:10.473 - Thread:  24 ->  Remote API unable to start. Run dedicated server in administrator mode or use AllowRemoteHttp.bat file.
2018-08-27 17:43:10.566 - Thread:   6 ->  Auto Restart Enabled
2018-08-27 17:43:10.568 - Thread:   6 ->  MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2018-08-27 17:43:10.616 - Thread:   6 ->     MyGuiGameControlsHelpers()
2018-08-27 17:43:10.643 - Thread:   6 ->     Havok: Physics.Init
2018-08-27 17:43:10.643 - Thread:   6 ->     Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [S]
2018-08-27 17:43:10.645 - Thread:   6 ->     HkGameName: SpaceEngineers Release
2018-08-27 17:43:10.653 - Thread:   6 ->     MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2018-08-27 17:43:10.657 - Thread:   6 ->        MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2018-08-27 17:43:10.784 - Thread:   6 ->        MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2018-08-27 17:43:10.852 - Thread:   6 ->     MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2018-08-27 17:43:10.959 - Thread:  16 ->  MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START
2018-08-27 17:43:12.276 - Thread:   6 ->     MyGuiScreenGDPR.ctor START
2018-08-27 17:43:12.278 - Thread:   6 ->     MyGuiScreenWelcomeScreen.ctor START
2018-08-27 17:43:12.282 - Thread:   6 ->     Loading last session C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\se3\Saves\The Solar System
2018-08-27 17:43:12.729 - Thread:   6 ->     Downloading world mods - START
2018-08-27 17:43:12.738 - Thread:   6 ->        Exception while loading world: Steamworks is not initialized.
2018-08-27 17:43:12.740 - Thread:   6 ->           at Steamworks.InteropHelp.TestIfAvailableClient()
   at Steamworks.SteamUGC.ReleaseQueryUGCRequest(UGCQueryHandle_t handle)
   at VRage.Steam.Steamworks.MySteamUgcClient.ReleaseQueryUGCRequest(UGCQueryHandle_t handle)
   at VRage.Steam.MySteamWorkshopQuery.QueryCleanup()
   at VRage.Steam.MySteamWorkshopQuery.RunQuery()
   at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyWorkshop.GetModsInfo(List`1 publishedFileIds)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyWorkshop.GetModsDependencyHiearchy(HashSet`1 publishedFileIds, Boolean& hasReferenceIssue)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyWorkshop.CheckModDependencies(List`1 mods, List`1 publishedFileIds)
   at Sandbox.Engine.Networking.MyWorkshop.DownloadWorldModsBlocking(List`1 mods)
   at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.InitQuickLaunch()
2018-08-27 17:43:12.740 - Thread:   6 ->     MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2018-08-27 17:43:12.746 - Thread:   6 ->     Timer Frequency: 3515625
2018-08-27 17:43:12.746 - Thread:   6 ->     Ticks per frame: 58594
2018-08-27 17:43:12.746 - Thread:   6 ->     Exiting..
2018-08-27 17:43:12.750 - Thread:   6 ->     MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - START
2018-08-27 17:43:12.765 - Thread:   6 ->     MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - END
2018-08-27 17:43:13.564 - Thread:  16 ->  MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END
2018-08-27 17:43:13.810 - Thread:   6 ->     Network readers disposed
2018-08-27 17:43:13.811 - Thread:   6 ->     Logging off Steam...
2018-08-27 17:43:13.812 - Thread:   6 ->     Shutting down server...
2018-08-27 17:43:13.818 - Thread:   6 ->     Done
2018-08-27 17:43:13.864 - Thread:   6 ->     Steam closed
2018-08-27 17:43:13.875 - Thread:   6 ->     Log Closed
I also noticed that the output of the remote api, will show same total time, which should increase normaly.

Replies (1)


After talking with friends, it looks like this happens because steam server were offline.

Replies have been locked on this page!