This object is in archive! 
Dedicated Server, Exception while loading world:
Won't Fix 2019-04-22 19:05:53.817 - Thread: 1 -> Log Started 2019-04-22 19:05:53.817 - Thread: 1 -> Timezone (local - UTC): -4h 2019-04-22 19:05:53.817 - Thread: 1 -> App Version: 01_190_009 2019-04-22 19:05:53.817 - Thread: 1 -> Steam build: Always true 2019-04-22 19:05:53.817 - Thread: 1 -> Is official: True [NO][IS][NAMP] 2019-04-22 19:05:53.817 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 24 2019-04-22 19:05:53.895 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) 2019-04-22 19:05:53.911 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CommandLine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\DedicatedServer64\SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe" -noconsole -ignorelastsession -checkAlive 2019-04-22 19:05:53.911 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitProcess: True 2019-04-22 19:05:53.911 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True 2019-04-22 19:05:53.911 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.Version: 4.6.2 or later (394802) 2019-04-22 19:05:53.911 - Thread: 1 -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\DedicatedServer64 2019-04-22 19:05:55.989 - Thread: 1 -> CPU Info: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5640 @ 2.27GHz 2019-04-22 19:05:55.989 - Thread: 1 -> IntPtr.Size: 8 2019-04-22 19:05:55.989 - Thread: 1 -> Default Culture: en-US 2019-04-22 19:05:55.989 - Thread: 1 -> Default UI Culture: en-US 2019-04-22 19:05:55.989 - Thread: 1 -> IsAdmin: True 2019-04-22 19:05:56.692 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START 2019-04-22 19:05:56.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyScreenManager() 2019-04-22 19:05:56.692 - Thread: 1 -> Game dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\DedicatedServer64 2019-04-22 19:05:56.692 - Thread: 1 -> Content dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content 2019-04-22 19:05:56.692 - Thread: 1 -> Found processor count: 24 2019-04-22 19:05:56.692 - Thread: 1 -> Using processor count: 16 2019-04-22 19:06:00.379 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.379 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.411 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.411 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.411 - Thread: 1 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.411 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.458 - Thread: 7 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.489 - Thread: 7 -> 1b6066886cf475c4b203d9ec5e2fb76ee50acc55 2019-04-22 19:06:00.504 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntities - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.504 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.504 - Thread: 1 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.504 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.520 - Thread: 1 -> MyTransparentGeometry - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.520 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.551 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.551 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.551 - Thread: 1 -> MyMath - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.551 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.551 - Thread: 1 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.583 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyServerDebugCommands - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyClientDebugCommands - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerClient - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyMultiplayerBase - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyDedicatedServer - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyAIActionsParser - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyAIActionsParser - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncDestructions - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncScenario - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncScenario - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySyncEntity - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.598 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.676 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.676 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandCharacter - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandConsole - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyCommandEntity - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyAiTargetManager - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.692 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - START 2019-04-22 19:06:00.864 - Thread: 1 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.864 - Thread: 1 -> Preallocate - END 2019-04-22 19:06:00.864 - Thread: 1 -> Bind IP : 2019-04-22 19:06:01.567 - Thread: 7 -> Loading scenarios 2019-04-22 19:06:01.692 - Thread: 7 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:10.645 - Thread: 1 -> Server successfully started 2019-04-22 19:06:10.645 - Thread: 1 -> Product name: Space Engineers 2019-04-22 19:06:10.645 - Thread: 1 -> Desc: Space Engineers 2019-04-22 19:06:10.645 - Thread: 1 -> Public IP: 2019-04-22 19:06:10.645 - Thread: 1 -> Steam ID: 90125260825920520 2019-04-22 19:06:10.676 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:10.754 - Thread: 1 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:10.754 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:10.754 - Thread: 1 -> Server Name: Unified Authority Dedicated 2019-04-22 19:06:10.754 - Thread: 1 -> World Name: test1 2019-04-22 19:06:11.067 - Thread: 37 -> Remote Server Listener started. Listening on port 8080 2019-04-22 19:06:11.223 - Thread: 1 -> Auto Restart Enabled 2019-04-22 19:06:11.239 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:11.239 - Thread: 1 -> Installed DLCs: 2019-04-22 19:06:11.364 - Thread: 1 -> MyGuiGameControlsHelpers() 2019-04-22 19:06:11.473 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Physics.Init 2019-04-22 19:06:11.473 - Thread: 1 -> Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, 2019-04-22 19:06:11.473 - Thread: 1 -> HkGameName: SpaceEngineers Release 2019-04-22 19:06:11.661 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:11.661 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:11.911 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:12.067 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:12.583 - Thread: 21 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:16.223 - Thread: 1 -> Downloading world mods - START 2019-04-22 19:06:16.254 - Thread: 1 -> MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking: getting 7 items 2019-04-22 19:06:16.723 - Thread: 10 -> Mod query successful 2019-04-22 19:06:16.739 - Thread: 22 -> Up to date mod: Id = 312976851, title = '(DX11) Eikesters Decorations and more - Part I' 2019-04-22 19:06:16.754 - Thread: 24 -> Up to date mod: Id = 603906728, title = 'Light Block Improvements - easy control panel access' 2019-04-22 19:06:16.754 - Thread: 1 -> Up to date mod: Id = 381591639, title = 'Small Advanced Rotor' 2019-04-22 19:06:16.754 - Thread: 25 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1157796670, title = 'Eyes Just Got Clear (1.186 Drugs Are Bad Mkay Update)' 2019-04-22 19:06:17.254 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1675862109 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail 2019-04-22 19:06:17.254 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail 2019-04-22 19:06:17.254 - Thread: 26 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1675862109, title = 'schon_solar_edit' 2019-04-22 19:06:17.442 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 776706275 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail 2019-04-22 19:06:17.442 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail 2019-04-22 19:06:17.442 - Thread: 23 -> Up to date mod: Id = 776706275, title = 'Tiered Ship Tools' 2019-04-22 19:06:17.692 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1365616918 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail 2019-04-22 19:06:17.692 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail 2019-04-22 19:06:17.692 - Thread: 28 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1365616918, title = 'DefenseShields - v1.9(56)' 2019-04-22 19:06:17.692 - Thread: 1 -> Mod download time: 0.96 seconds 2019-04-22 19:06:17.692 - Thread: 1 -> Downloading world mods - END 2019-04-22 19:06:17.692 - Thread: 1 -> Loading session: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Saves\test1 2019-04-22 19:06:19.583 - Thread: 1 -> GC Memory: 103,147,944 B 2019-04-22 19:06:19.583 - Thread: 1 -> Process Memory: 282,267,648 B 2019-04-22 19:06:19.583 - Thread: 1 -> Experimental mode: Yes 2019-04-22 19:06:19.583 - Thread: 1 -> Experimental mode reason: ExperimentalMode, MaxPlayers, ProceduralDensity, BlockLimitsEnabled, EnableSpectator, EnableCopyPaste, EnableIngameScripts 2019-04-22 19:06:19.629 - Thread: 21 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:19.629 - Thread: 21 -> ReloadVoxelMaterials 2019-04-22 19:06:19.739 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_7.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:19.817 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:19.817 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_Arabian.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:19.848 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:19.848 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidBase2.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.083 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.083 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Barths_moon_base.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.145 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.145 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\barths_moon_camp.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.254 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.254 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Bioresearch.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.458 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.458 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Corridor_Tunnel_256x256x256.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.567 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.567 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_FrontRightAsteroid.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.614 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.614 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_Side.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.645 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.645 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\ChineseRefinery_Second_128x128x128.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.661 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.661 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere1_64x64x64.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.676 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.676 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere2_64x64x64.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.676 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.676 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithCorridor_128x64x64.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.692 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.692 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithHoles_64x128x64.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:20.708 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:20.708 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\EacPrisonAsteroid.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:21.161 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:21.161 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\EngineersOutpost.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:21.301 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:21.301 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Fortress_Sanc_1.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:21.333 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:21.333 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\hopebase512.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.348 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.348 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\hopefood128.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.364 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.364 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Junkyard_RaceAsteroid_256x256x256.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.458 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.458 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\JunkYardToxic_128x128x128.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.489 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.489 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\many_medium_asteroids.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.504 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.504 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\many_small_asteroids.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.520 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.520 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\many2_small_asteroids.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.536 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.536 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Mission01_asteroid_mine.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.629 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.629 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Nearby_Station_7.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.645 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.645 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_1000m.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.661 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.661 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_1.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.708 - Thread: 1 -> MyScriptManager.LoadData() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:22.786 - Thread: 1 -> Exception while loading world: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path1 2019-04-22 19:06:22.786 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.786 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_2.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.801 - Thread: 1 -> at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2) at VRage.Game.MyModContext.Init(ModItem modItem) at Sandbox.Game.World.MyScriptManager.LoadData() at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.PrepareBaseSession(MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint, MyObjectBuilder_Sector sector) at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Load(String sessionPath, MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint, UInt64 checkpointSizeInBytes, Boolean saveLastStates, Boolean allowXml) at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.InitQuickLaunch() 2019-04-22 19:06:22.801 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:22.801 - Thread: 1 -> Timer Frequency: 2213619 2019-04-22 19:06:22.801 - Thread: 1 -> Ticks per frame: 36894 2019-04-22 19:06:22.801 - Thread: 1 -> Exiting.. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.833 - Thread: 1 -> MySession::Unload START 2019-04-22 19:06:22.833 - Thread: 1 -> AutoSaveInMinutes: 5 2019-04-22 19:06:22.833 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.IsDedicated: True 2019-04-22 19:06:22.833 - Thread: 1 -> IsServer: True 2019-04-22 19:06:22.833 - Thread: 1 -> Autosave in unload 2019-04-22 19:06:22.864 - Thread: 1 -> Saving world - START 2019-04-22 19:06:22.864 - Thread: 1 -> Making world state snapshot. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.864 - Thread: 1 -> Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 241,924,904 B 2019-04-22 19:06:22.942 - Thread: 1 -> Exception occured: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.GetCheckpoint(String saveName) at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Save(MySessionSnapshot& snapshot, String customSaveName) 2019-04-22 19:06:22.958 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.958 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\RedShipCrashedAsteroid.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.973 - Thread: 1 -> Network readers disposed 2019-04-22 19:06:22.989 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.989 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\reef_ast.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:22.989 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:22.989 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\rift_base_smaller.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.004 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.004 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Russian_Transmitter_2.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.051 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.051 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\ScratchedBoulder_128x128x128.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.067 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.067 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_1.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.067 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.083 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_2.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.083 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.083 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_Asteroid.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.098 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.098 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\small2_asteroids.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.114 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.114 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\small3_asteroids.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.114 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.114 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithManyTunnels_256x128x256.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.176 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.176 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithSmallTunnel_256x128x256.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.208 - Thread: 1 -> Network readers disposed 2019-04-22 19:06:23.208 - Thread: 1 -> Logging off Steam... 2019-04-22 19:06:23.208 - Thread: 1 -> Shutting down server... 2019-04-22 19:06:23.223 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.223 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\VangelisBase.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.301 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.301 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x128x128.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.317 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.317 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x256x128.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.348 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.348 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIslandStorySector_128x256x128.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.395 - Thread: 21 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved. 2019-04-22 19:06:23.395 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\small_largestone.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.411 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidDebris.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:23.426 - Thread: 1 -> Done 2019-04-22 19:06:23.426 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:23.458 - Thread: 1 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:23.583 - Thread: 1 -> MySession::Unload END 2019-04-22 19:06:23.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - START 2019-04-22 19:06:23.598 - Thread: 1 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - END 2019-04-22 19:06:23.598 - Thread: 1 -> Havok memory statistics: hkFreeListMemorySystem memory overview: ======================================= Allocation totals: 438712 allocated by heap 1600 allocated by debug 16777216 allocated by solver ------- 17217528 computed total 17217528 reported total Heap usage: 78800 (17%) unused in thread local freelists 144248 (32%) unused in main heap 215664 (49%) used in main heap ------- 438712 allocated by heap Peak usage: 362976 (59%) peak heap used (versus current) 0 ( 0%) peak solver used (versus available) 2019-04-22 19:06:26.004 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Leedah_Asteroid.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:28.661 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Quantorea.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:30.739 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_001.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:31.864 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_002.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:32.692 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid_011.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.083 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\stone_mediumstone.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.083 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\VoxelstoneStoneFe.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.114 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-001.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.114 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-002.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.129 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-003.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.129 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-004.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.145 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-005.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.161 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-006.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.161 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-001.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.192 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-002.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.208 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-003.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.223 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-004.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.239 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-005.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.270 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-006.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.286 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-007.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.317 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-001.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.395 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-002.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.473 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-003.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.567 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-004.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.629 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-005.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.708 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-006.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.786 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-007.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.864 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-008.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.926 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-009.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:35.989 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-010.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.067 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-011.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.129 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-012.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.208 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-013.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.270 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-014.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.348 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-015.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.411 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-016.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.458 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-017.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.504 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-018.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.567 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-019.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.629 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-020.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:36.692 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-001.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:37.145 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-002.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:37.489 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-003.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:37.833 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-004.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:38.036 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-006.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:38.333 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-007.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:38.536 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-008.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:38.895 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-009.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:39.254 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-011.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:39.676 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-012.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:40.020 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-013.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:40.411 - Thread: 21 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SpaceEngineersDedicatedServer\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-014.vx2' 2019-04-22 19:06:41.333 - Thread: 1 -> Steam closed 2019-04-22 19:06:41.364 - Thread: 1 -> Log Closed
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Log Started
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Timezone (local - UTC): -7h
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> App Version: 01_190_009
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Steam build: Always true
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Is official: True [NO][NIS][NAMP]
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0)
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.CommandLine: "D:\Server Files\SE\DedicatedServer64\SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe"
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.Is64BitProcess: True
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True
2019-04-22 16:43:47.899 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.Version: 4.6.2 or later (461808)
2019-04-22 16:43:47.899 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\WINDOWS\system32
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> CPU Info: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1275 v6 @ 3.80GHz
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> IntPtr.Size: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> Default Culture:
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> Default UI Culture:
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> IsAdmin: True
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> MyScreenManager()
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Game dir: D:\Server Files\SE\DedicatedServer64
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Content dir: D:\Server Files\SE\Content
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Found processor count: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Using processor count: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> Preallocate - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntities - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.555 - Thread: 5 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.555 - Thread: 5 -> dad1ef7b55a736db14f804915754f0feb0b78d6e
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntities - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyTransparentGeometry - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyTransparentGeometry - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMath - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMath - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyServerDebugCommands - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyServerDebugCommands - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyClientDebugCommands - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyClientDebugCommands - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClient - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClient - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServer - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServer - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyAIActionsParser - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyAIActionsParser - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncDestructions - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncDestructions - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncScenario - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncScenario - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncEntity - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncEntity - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.617 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.617 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandCharacter - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandCharacter - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandConsole - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandConsole - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandEntity - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandEntity - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyAiTargetManager - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyAiTargetManager - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.680 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.680 - Thread: 6 -> Preallocate - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.680 - Thread: 6 -> Bind IP :
2019-04-22 16:43:50.945 - Thread: 5 -> Loading scenarios
2019-04-22 16:43:50.976 - Thread: 5 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:53.882 - Thread: 6 -> Server successfully started
2019-04-22 16:43:53.882 - Thread: 6 -> Product name: Space Engineers
2019-04-22 16:43:54.398 - Thread: 6 -> Desc: Space Engineers
2019-04-22 16:43:54.398 - Thread: 6 -> Public IP:
2019-04-22 16:43:54.398 - Thread: 6 -> Steam ID: 90125261113606155
2019-04-22 16:43:54.413 - Thread: 6 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> Server Name: Founding Fathers (Steam Group Access)
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> World Name: Anocratic Coalition of Planets
2019-04-22 16:43:54.444 - Thread: 25 -> Remote Server Listener started. Listening on port 28080
2019-04-22 16:43:54.538 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.538 - Thread: 6 -> Installed DLCs:
2019-04-22 16:43:54.569 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiGameControlsHelpers()
2019-04-22 16:43:54.585 - Thread: 6 -> Havok: Physics.Init
2019-04-22 16:43:54.601 - Thread: 6 -> Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [S]
2019-04-22 16:43:54.601 - Thread: 6 -> HkGameName: SpaceEngineers Release
2019-04-22 16:43:54.616 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.616 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.694 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.757 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.897 - Thread: 18 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:56.428 - Thread: 6 -> Downloading world mods - START
2019-04-22 16:43:56.444 - Thread: 6 -> Server connected to Steam
2019-04-22 16:43:56.444 - Thread: 6 -> Server PolicyResponse (1)
2019-04-22 16:43:56.741 - Thread: 10 -> Mod dependencies query successful
2019-04-22 16:43:56.741 - Thread: 6 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod 858883451
2019-04-22 16:43:56.741 - Thread: 6 -> MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking: getting 8 items
2019-04-22 16:43:56.959 - Thread: 10 -> Mod query successful
2019-04-22 16:43:56.975 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 844344346, title = 'Long Range Lights v2 ADDER'
2019-04-22 16:43:56.975 - Thread: 20 -> Up to date mod: Id = 321588701, title = 'Automated Inventory Sorting'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.053 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1172408535, title = 'Easy NPC Takeovers'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.522 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1359954841 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.522 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.522 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1359954841, title = 'Rotary Airlock'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.662 - Thread: 18 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:57.662 - Thread: 18 -> ReloadVoxelMaterials
2019-04-22 16:43:57.694 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_7.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_Arabian.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidBase2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.787 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.787 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Barths_moon_base.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1379837654 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1379837654, title = 'MA Fighter Gunner Cockpit'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\barths_moon_camp.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.834 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.834 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Bioresearch.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.881 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.881 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Corridor_Tunnel_256x256x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.912 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.912 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_FrontRightAsteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_Side.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\ChineseRefinery_Second_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere1_64x64x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere2_64x64x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithCorridor_128x64x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithHoles_64x128x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\EacPrisonAsteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.990 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1351695612 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.069 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.069 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\EngineersOutpost.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.100 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.100 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Fortress_Sanc_1.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\hopebase512.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 20 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1351695612, title = 'Small Hydrogen Tank'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.178 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 597867323 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.178 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.178 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 597867323, title = 'Founding Fathers Encounter Expansion Mod 3.1'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 858883451 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 6 -> Up to date mod: Id = 858883451, title = 'Founding Fathers Server Mod V2.1'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 6 -> Mod download time: 1.35 seconds
2019-04-22 16:43:58.318 - Thread: 6 -> Downloading world mods - END
2019-04-22 16:43:58.318 - Thread: 6 -> Loading session: C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\FF-SE-RELEASE\Saves\Anocratic Coalition of Planets
2019-04-22 16:43:58.443 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.443 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\hopefood128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.459 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.459 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Junkyard_RaceAsteroid_256x256x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\JunkYardToxic_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\many_medium_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\many_small_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\many2_small_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Mission01_asteroid_mine.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Nearby_Station_7.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_1000m.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_1.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.600 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.600 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\RedShipCrashedAsteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\reef_ast.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\rift_base_smaller.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Russian_Transmitter_2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.678 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.678 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\ScratchedBoulder_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_1.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_Asteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\small2_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\small3_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithManyTunnels_256x128x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.725 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.725 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithSmallTunnel_256x128x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.771 - Thread: 6 -> GC Memory: 230,408,840 B
2019-04-22 16:43:58.771 - Thread: 6 -> Process Memory: 418,410,496 B
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 6 -> Experimental mode: Yes
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 6 -> Experimental mode reason: ExperimentalMode, ProceduralDensity, MaxFloatingObjects, SyncDistance, TotalPCU, EnableSpectator, EnableCopyPaste, EnableIngameScripts
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VangelisBase.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x256x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.834 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.834 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIslandStorySector_128x256x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.850 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.850 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\small_largestone.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.850 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidDebris.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:59.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Leedah_Asteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> MyScriptManager.LoadData() - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Exception while loading world: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2)
at VRage.Game.MyModContext.Init(ModItem modItem)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MyScriptManager.LoadData()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.PrepareBaseSession(MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint, MyObjectBuilder_Sector sector)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Load(String sessionPath, MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint, UInt64 checkpointSizeInBytes, Boolean saveLastStates, Boolean allowXml)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.InitQuickLaunch()
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Timer Frequency: 3703126
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Ticks per frame: 61719
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Exiting..
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> MySession::Unload START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> AutoSaveInMinutes: 5
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.IsDedicated: True
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> IsServer: True
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> Autosave in unload
2019-04-22 16:44:00.380 - Thread: 6 -> Saving world - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.380 - Thread: 6 -> Making world state snapshot.
2019-04-22 16:44:00.380 - Thread: 6 -> Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 438,095,000 B
2019-04-22 16:44:00.427 - Thread: 6 -> Exception occured: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.GetCheckpoint(String saveName)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Save(MySessionSnapshot& snapshot, String customSaveName)
2019-04-22 16:44:00.443 - Thread: 6 -> Network readers disposed
2019-04-22 16:44:00.677 - Thread: 6 -> Network readers disposed
2019-04-22 16:44:00.677 - Thread: 6 -> Logging off Steam...
2019-04-22 16:44:00.677 - Thread: 6 -> Shutting down server...
2019-04-22 16:44:00.771 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Quantorea.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:00.787 - Thread: 6 -> Done
2019-04-22 16:44:00.787 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.787 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> MySession::Unload END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> Havok memory statistics:
hkFreeListMemorySystem memory overview:
Allocation totals:
438712 allocated by heap
832 allocated by debug
16777216 allocated by solver
17216760 computed total
17216760 reported total
Heap usage:
77072 (17%) unused in thread local freelists
146168 (33%) unused in main heap
215472 (49%) used in main heap
438712 allocated by heap
Peak usage:
363424 (59%) peak heap used (versus current)
0 ( 0%) peak solver used (versus available)
2019-04-22 16:44:01.568 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:01.911 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:02.271 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid_011.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\stone_mediumstone.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VoxelstoneStoneFe.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-005.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.302 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-005.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.302 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.302 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-007.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.317 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.333 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.364 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.395 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.427 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-005.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.458 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.489 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-007.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.505 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-008.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.536 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-009.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.567 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-010.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.583 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-011.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.614 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-012.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.645 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-013.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.677 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-014.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.770 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-015.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.802 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-016.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.817 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-017.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.833 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-018.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.848 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-019.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.864 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-020.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.864 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.989 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.098 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.208 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.364 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-007.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.426 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-008.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.536 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-009.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.645 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-011.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.770 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-012.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.879 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-013.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.989 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-014.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:05.270 - Thread: 6 -> Steam closed
2019-04-22 16:44:05.270 - Thread: 6 -> Log Closed
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Log Started
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Timezone (local - UTC): -7h
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> App Version: 01_190_009
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Steam build: Always true
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Is official: True [NO][NIS][NAMP]
2019-04-22 16:43:47.820 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.ProcessorCount: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0)
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.CommandLine: "D:\Server Files\SE\DedicatedServer64\SpaceEngineersDedicated.exe"
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.Is64BitProcess: True
2019-04-22 16:43:47.883 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem: True
2019-04-22 16:43:47.899 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.Version: 4.6.2 or later (461808)
2019-04-22 16:43:47.899 - Thread: 6 -> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\WINDOWS\system32
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> CPU Info: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1275 v6 @ 3.80GHz
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> IntPtr.Size: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> Default Culture:
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> Default UI Culture:
2019-04-22 16:43:49.023 - Thread: 6 -> IsAdmin: True
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> MyScreenManager()
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Game dir: D:\Server Files\SE\DedicatedServer64
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Content dir: D:\Server Files\SE\Content
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Found processor count: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:49.133 - Thread: 6 -> Using processor count: 8
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> Preallocate - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceWorldGenerator - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MySpaceBuildComponent - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.539 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntities - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.555 - Thread: 5 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.555 - Thread: 5 -> dad1ef7b55a736db14f804915754f0feb0b78d6e
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntities - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyObjectBuilder_Base - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyTransparentGeometry - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyTransparentGeometry - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.570 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDeformationTables - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMath - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMath - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MySimpleObjectDraw - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyEntityComponentsDebugDraw - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServerBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClientBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobbyClient - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerServerBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.586 - Thread: 6 -> MyServerDebugCommands - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyServerDebugCommands - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyClientDebugCommands - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyClientDebugCommands - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClient - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerClient - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerLobby - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerBase - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyMultiplayerBase - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServer - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyDedicatedServer - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyAIActionsParser - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyAIActionsParser - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncDestructions - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncDestructions - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncScenario - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncScenario - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncEntity - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MySyncEntity - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiScreenAdminMenu - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.602 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.617 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiIngameScriptsPage - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.617 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandCharacter - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandCharacter - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandConsole - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandConsole - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandEntity - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCommandEntity - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyAiTargetManager - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyAiTargetManager - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.633 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - START
2019-04-22 16:43:50.680 - Thread: 6 -> MyCubeGridDefinitions - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.680 - Thread: 6 -> Preallocate - END
2019-04-22 16:43:50.680 - Thread: 6 -> Bind IP :
2019-04-22 16:43:50.945 - Thread: 5 -> Loading scenarios
2019-04-22 16:43:50.976 - Thread: 5 -> MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:53.882 - Thread: 6 -> Server successfully started
2019-04-22 16:43:53.882 - Thread: 6 -> Product name: Space Engineers
2019-04-22 16:43:54.398 - Thread: 6 -> Desc: Space Engineers
2019-04-22 16:43:54.398 - Thread: 6 -> Public IP:
2019-04-22 16:43:54.398 - Thread: 6 -> Steam ID: 90125261113606155
2019-04-22 16:43:54.413 - Thread: 6 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> MyCampaignManager.Constructor() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> Server Name: Founding Fathers (Steam Group Access)
2019-04-22 16:43:54.429 - Thread: 6 -> World Name: Anocratic Coalition of Planets
2019-04-22 16:43:54.444 - Thread: 25 -> Remote Server Listener started. Listening on port 28080
2019-04-22 16:43:54.538 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.538 - Thread: 6 -> Installed DLCs:
2019-04-22 16:43:54.569 - Thread: 6 -> MyGuiGameControlsHelpers()
2019-04-22 16:43:54.585 - Thread: 6 -> Havok: Physics.Init
2019-04-22 16:43:54.601 - Thread: 6 -> Havok: Version: Release(0), 1800, [S]
2019-04-22 16:43:54.601 - Thread: 6 -> HkGameName: SpaceEngineers Release
2019-04-22 16:43:54.616 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.616 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:54.694 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.757 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:54.897 - Thread: 18 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START
2019-04-22 16:43:56.428 - Thread: 6 -> Downloading world mods - START
2019-04-22 16:43:56.444 - Thread: 6 -> Server connected to Steam
2019-04-22 16:43:56.444 - Thread: 6 -> Server PolicyResponse (1)
2019-04-22 16:43:56.741 - Thread: 10 -> Mod dependencies query successful
2019-04-22 16:43:56.741 - Thread: 6 -> Reference issue detected (circular reference or wrong order) for mod 858883451
2019-04-22 16:43:56.741 - Thread: 6 -> MyWorkshop.GetItemsBlocking: getting 8 items
2019-04-22 16:43:56.959 - Thread: 10 -> Mod query successful
2019-04-22 16:43:56.975 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 844344346, title = 'Long Range Lights v2 ADDER'
2019-04-22 16:43:56.975 - Thread: 20 -> Up to date mod: Id = 321588701, title = 'Automated Inventory Sorting'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.053 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1172408535, title = 'Easy NPC Takeovers'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.522 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1359954841 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.522 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.522 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1359954841, title = 'Rotary Airlock'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.662 - Thread: 18 -> MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END
2019-04-22 16:43:57.662 - Thread: 18 -> ReloadVoxelMaterials
2019-04-22 16:43:57.694 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_7.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Arabian_Border_Arabian.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.725 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidBase2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.787 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.787 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Barths_moon_base.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1379837654 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 19 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1379837654, title = 'MA Fighter Gunner Cockpit'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.803 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\barths_moon_camp.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.834 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.834 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Bioresearch.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.881 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.881 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Corridor_Tunnel_256x256x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.912 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.912 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_FrontRightAsteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Chinese_Mines_Side.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\ChineseRefinery_Second_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.928 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere1_64x64x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphere2_64x64x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithCorridor_128x64x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\DeformedSphereWithHoles_64x128x64.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:57.944 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\EacPrisonAsteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:57.990 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 1351695612 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.069 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.069 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\EngineersOutpost.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.100 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.100 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Fortress_Sanc_1.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\hopebase512.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.115 - Thread: 20 -> Up to date mod: Id = 1351695612, title = 'Small Hydrogen Tank'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.178 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 597867323 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.178 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.178 - Thread: 17 -> Up to date mod: Id = 597867323, title = 'Founding Fathers Encounter Expansion Mod 3.1'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 10 -> Workshop item with id 858883451 download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 10 -> Error during downloading: Fail
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 6 -> Up to date mod: Id = 858883451, title = 'Founding Fathers Server Mod V2.1'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.303 - Thread: 6 -> Mod download time: 1.35 seconds
2019-04-22 16:43:58.318 - Thread: 6 -> Downloading world mods - END
2019-04-22 16:43:58.318 - Thread: 6 -> Loading session: C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\FF-SE-RELEASE\Saves\Anocratic Coalition of Planets
2019-04-22 16:43:58.443 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.443 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\hopefood128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.459 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.459 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Junkyard_RaceAsteroid_256x256x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\JunkYardToxic_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\many_medium_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.490 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\many_small_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\many2_small_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.506 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Mission01_asteroid_mine.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Nearby_Station_7.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_1000m.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.537 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_1.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.600 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.600 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\PirateBaseStaticAsteroid_A_5000m_2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\RedShipCrashedAsteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\reef_ast.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\rift_base_smaller.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.662 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Russian_Transmitter_2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.678 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.678 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\ScratchedBoulder_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_1.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_3_2.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Small_Pirate_Base_Asteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\small2_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\small3_asteroids.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.709 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithManyTunnels_256x128x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.725 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.725 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\TorusWithSmallTunnel_256x128x256.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.771 - Thread: 6 -> GC Memory: 230,408,840 B
2019-04-22 16:43:58.771 - Thread: 6 -> Process Memory: 418,410,496 B
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 6 -> Experimental mode: Yes
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 6 -> Experimental mode reason: ExperimentalMode, ProceduralDensity, MaxFloatingObjects, SyncDistance, TotalPCU, EnableSpectator, EnableCopyPaste, EnableIngameScripts
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.787 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VangelisBase.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x128x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.818 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIsland_128x256x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.834 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.834 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VerticalIslandStorySector_128x256x128.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.850 - Thread: 18 -> Voxel storage was in old format. It is updated but needs to be saved.
2019-04-22 16:43:58.850 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\small_largestone.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:58.850 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\AsteroidDebris.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:43:59.693 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Leedah_Asteroid.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> MyScriptManager.LoadData() - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Exception while loading world: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: path1
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2)
at VRage.Game.MyModContext.Init(ModItem modItem)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MyScriptManager.LoadData()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.PrepareBaseSession(MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint, MyObjectBuilder_Sector sector)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Load(String sessionPath, MyObjectBuilder_Checkpoint checkpoint, UInt64 checkpointSizeInBytes, Boolean saveLastStates, Boolean allowXml)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.InitQuickLaunch()
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Timer Frequency: 3703126
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Ticks per frame: 61719
2019-04-22 16:44:00.318 - Thread: 6 -> Exiting..
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> MySession::Unload START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> AutoSaveInMinutes: 5
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.IsDedicated: True
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> IsServer: True
2019-04-22 16:44:00.365 - Thread: 6 -> Autosave in unload
2019-04-22 16:44:00.380 - Thread: 6 -> Saving world - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.380 - Thread: 6 -> Making world state snapshot.
2019-04-22 16:44:00.380 - Thread: 6 -> Before snapshot.: GC Memory: 438,095,000 B
2019-04-22 16:44:00.427 - Thread: 6 -> Exception occured: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.GetCheckpoint(String saveName)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Save(MySessionSnapshot& snapshot, String customSaveName)
2019-04-22 16:44:00.443 - Thread: 6 -> Network readers disposed
2019-04-22 16:44:00.677 - Thread: 6 -> Network readers disposed
2019-04-22 16:44:00.677 - Thread: 6 -> Logging off Steam...
2019-04-22 16:44:00.677 - Thread: 6 -> Shutting down server...
2019-04-22 16:44:00.771 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Quantorea.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:00.787 - Thread: 6 -> Done
2019-04-22 16:44:00.787 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.787 - Thread: 6 -> MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> MySession::Unload END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - START
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> MySandboxGame.UnloadData() - END
2019-04-22 16:44:00.880 - Thread: 6 -> Havok memory statistics:
hkFreeListMemorySystem memory overview:
Allocation totals:
438712 allocated by heap
832 allocated by debug
16777216 allocated by solver
17216760 computed total
17216760 reported total
Heap usage:
77072 (17%) unused in thread local freelists
146168 (33%) unused in main heap
215472 (49%) used in main heap
438712 allocated by heap
Peak usage:
363424 (59%) peak heap used (versus current)
0 ( 0%) peak solver used (versus available)
2019-04-22 16:44:01.568 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:01.911 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\SuperRock_002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:02.271 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid_011.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\stone_mediumstone.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\VoxelstoneStoneFe.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-005.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid64-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.286 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.302 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-005.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.302 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.302 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid128-007.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.317 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.333 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.364 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.395 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.427 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-005.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.458 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.489 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-007.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.505 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-008.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.536 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-009.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.567 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-010.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.583 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-011.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.614 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-012.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.645 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-013.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.677 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-014.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.770 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-015.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.802 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-016.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.817 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-017.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.833 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-018.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.848 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-019.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.864 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid256-020.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.864 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-001.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:03.989 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-002.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.098 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-003.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.208 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-004.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.270 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-006.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.364 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-007.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.426 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-008.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.536 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-009.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.645 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-011.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.770 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-012.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.879 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-013.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:04.989 - Thread: 18 -> Loading voxel storage from file 'D:\Server Files\SE\Content\VoxelMaps\Asteroid512-014.vx2'
2019-04-22 16:44:05.270 - Thread: 6 -> Steam closed
2019-04-22 16:44:05.270 - Thread: 6 -> Log Closed
Hello, Engineer!
Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.
Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.
We really appreciate your patience.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Hello, Engineer!
Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.
Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.
We really appreciate your patience.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
getting the same issue as well since friday.
download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
for every mod on my dedicated server (i cleaned things out to attempt to fix)
I ended up trying out torch and i was able to install the new mods i wanted working but.... torch is a little buggy on my server and crashes once in a while.
i'm not sure why torch is able to download the mods but SEdedicatedserver is not able to but perhpas this may help.
getting the same issue as well since friday.
download finished. Result: k_EResultFail
for every mod on my dedicated server (i cleaned things out to attempt to fix)
I ended up trying out torch and i was able to install the new mods i wanted working but.... torch is a little buggy on my server and crashes once in a while.
i'm not sure why torch is able to download the mods but SEdedicatedserver is not able to but perhpas this may help.
I have been able to get two mods to download correctly but a 3rd is always failing. Hopefully this helps get a repro in house.
Working Ids: 295393216 445996030
Failing Id: 1521905890
Logs from workshop_log.txt:
[2019-04-24 06:55:11] [AppID 244850] Loaded workshop items in "C:\TCAFiles\Users\user\10318\Content\Workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)
[2019-04-24 06:55:13] [AppID 244850] Unloaded installed workshop items
[2019-04-24 06:55:13] [AppID 244850] Loaded workshop items in "C:\TCAFiles\Users\user\10318\WORLD" (2 installed, 3 needed)
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Starting Workshop download job
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Workshop update job started while app is running, commit : yes
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Update canceled: No servers found for depot 244850, manifest 6264352600496841210 (No connection to content servers)
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Cleared workshop info for item 1521905890
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Download item 1521905890 result : Failure
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Finished Workshop download job : No connection to content servers
[2019-04-24 06:55:15] [AppID 244850] Detected workshop change : changed cached item 1521905890, new manifest 6264352600496841210
I have been able to get two mods to download correctly but a 3rd is always failing. Hopefully this helps get a repro in house.
Working Ids: 295393216 445996030
Failing Id: 1521905890
Logs from workshop_log.txt:
[2019-04-24 06:55:11] [AppID 244850] Loaded workshop items in "C:\TCAFiles\Users\user\10318\Content\Workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)
[2019-04-24 06:55:13] [AppID 244850] Unloaded installed workshop items
[2019-04-24 06:55:13] [AppID 244850] Loaded workshop items in "C:\TCAFiles\Users\user\10318\WORLD" (2 installed, 3 needed)
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Starting Workshop download job
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Workshop update job started while app is running, commit : yes
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Update canceled: No servers found for depot 244850, manifest 6264352600496841210 (No connection to content servers)
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Cleared workshop info for item 1521905890
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Download item 1521905890 result : Failure
[2019-04-24 06:55:14] [AppID 244850] Finished Workshop download job : No connection to content servers
[2019-04-24 06:55:15] [AppID 244850] Detected workshop change : changed cached item 1521905890, new manifest 6264352600496841210
So I have noticed that the mods that do NOT fail are packaged as a "7498374983187_legacy.bin" file, and the mods that are producing the "k_EResultFail" error are in a normal folder/file hierarchy.
So I have noticed that the mods that do NOT fail are packaged as a "7498374983187_legacy.bin" file, and the mods that are producing the "k_EResultFail" error are in a normal folder/file hierarchy.
I probably found a reliable way of replicating this, but with cancelled status.
1. Have SEDS installed via Steam and make sure it's not running.
2. In %appdata%/SpaceEngineersDedicated/ move/delete everything.
3. Extract the contents of the attached into it.
4. Run SEDS from Steam and start it without changing anything.
It should crash and auto-restart, the 2nd launch will probably download it fine, but that's not really the important bit.
@everyone Unless someone that has the fail result one can supply some kind of minimal size package for someone else to replicate with then they'll probably never fix it xD
I probably found a reliable way of replicating this, but with cancelled status.
1. Have SEDS installed via Steam and make sure it's not running.
2. In %appdata%/SpaceEngineersDedicated/ move/delete everything.
3. Extract the contents of the attached into it.
4. Run SEDS from Steam and start it without changing anything.
It should crash and auto-restart, the 2nd launch will probably download it fine, but that's not really the important bit.
@everyone Unless someone that has the fail result one can supply some kind of minimal size package for someone else to replicate with then they'll probably never fix it xD
Further to Digi's comment above, this zip file contains a basic starting solar system world with nothing built yet and it consistently returns k_EResultFail on attempting to download one of my own mods. I've tried several other mods with the same result, have left just one in there for easy testing. I didn't realise that all of my mods are currently returning this error when people try to use them on DS...
The zip contains the save folder and the SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg file.
On my local machine these files go in C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\ however if yours is in appdata then follow Digi's instructions. I will assume Keen devs know where these files need to go :P
Like I said, for me this is consistently returning the k_EResultFail on mod downloads which then sends the server into a crash/reboot loop resulting in me needing to force close the application to get it to shutdown.
Further to Digi's comment above, this zip file contains a basic starting solar system world with nothing built yet and it consistently returns k_EResultFail on attempting to download one of my own mods. I've tried several other mods with the same result, have left just one in there for easy testing. I didn't realise that all of my mods are currently returning this error when people try to use them on DS...
The zip contains the save folder and the SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg file.
On my local machine these files go in C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\ however if yours is in appdata then follow Digi's instructions. I will assume Keen devs know where these files need to go :P
Like I said, for me this is consistently returning the k_EResultFail on mod downloads which then sends the server into a crash/reboot loop resulting in me needing to force close the application to get it to shutdown.
That is the exact issue I have with this workaround I don't have access to these files. I am going to see if I can put in a ticket to get this change made on my server but I'm not hopeful. This issue should be addressed with an update.
On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 10:24 AM <> wrote:
That is the exact issue I have with this workaround I don't have access to these files. I am going to see if I can put in a ticket to get this change made on my server but I'm not hopeful. This issue should be addressed with an update.
On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 10:24 AM <> wrote:
Just ran into this issue on my end while setting up a new server. Sadly, it means I can't use most of my favorite mods.
Just ran into this issue on my end while setting up a new server. Sadly, it means I can't use most of my favorite mods.
My Host fixed it for us. they changed something in the Config.vdf \DedicatedServer64\config\config.vdf hope ithelps some to find a fix :)
My Host fixed it for us. they changed something in the Config.vdf \DedicatedServer64\config\config.vdf hope ithelps some to find a fix :)
Glad to see that this is still being looked at as I ran into this issue just today. I hope that this gets fixed soon as my server world is now unplayable until this gets fixed. Thanks for all who have looked into this so far. The work arounds don't seems to work for me. Hopefully there will be an update soon.
Glad to see that this is still being looked at as I ran into this issue just today. I hope that this gets fixed soon as my server world is now unplayable until this gets fixed. Thanks for all who have looked into this so far. The work arounds don't seems to work for me. Hopefully there will be an update soon.
meh workaround wont work for my friends and server we need fix now :( unplayable :( and blank typing field still lmao.. another bug...
meh workaround wont work for my friends and server we need fix now :( unplayable :( and blank typing field still lmao.. another bug...
I'm the only one who still have this problem?
I'm the only one who still have this problem?
we are still trying to reproduce it, unsuccessfully though. I've tried multiple worlds and mods and it didn't happen with none of them.
I would suspect old local mod data could be causing the problem (appworkshop_244850.acf or Content folder in %appdata%). It would help us if someone with the issue would try to remove (and backup) these and tell us if it made a difference.
Thanks for all the feedback!
we are still trying to reproduce it, unsuccessfully though. I've tried multiple worlds and mods and it didn't happen with none of them.
I would suspect old local mod data could be causing the problem (appworkshop_244850.acf or Content folder in %appdata%). It would help us if someone with the issue would try to remove (and backup) these and tell us if it made a difference.
Thanks for all the feedback!
That's the first time you have said that you've RECENTLY tested it and we still haven't seen a log. Good luck getting help if you're going to be a prick to the people trying to solve it for you. I was willing to help despite your salty comment, but your increase in hostility and now childish behavior has torched that bridge.
That's the first time you have said that you've RECENTLY tested it and we still haven't seen a log. Good luck getting help if you're going to be a prick to the people trying to solve it for you. I was willing to help despite your salty comment, but your increase in hostility and now childish behavior has torched that bridge.
Hi all,
After having same issues with medieval engineers + mods on nitrado server, trying for days to get it to work, I will shut down the server and use my own system as server, where every mod works fine. Keen should rent the same kind of gameserver for a day for a few bucks and would probably have the same issues with mods. These gameservers are nothing more than hundreds of virtual servers, running on one big server, what makes the difference.
Hi all,
After having same issues with medieval engineers + mods on nitrado server, trying for days to get it to work, I will shut down the server and use my own system as server, where every mod works fine. Keen should rent the same kind of gameserver for a day for a few bucks and would probably have the same issues with mods. These gameservers are nothing more than hundreds of virtual servers, running on one big server, what makes the difference.
Hi all. Our self-hosted dedicated server had a similar issue about a week back. The only thing that would allow us to start the server was to transplant the config file from a newly generated server to our existing one. We lost ship/station ownership and a few other things, but the server was playable again.
Hi all. Our self-hosted dedicated server had a similar issue about a week back. The only thing that would allow us to start the server was to transplant the config file from a newly generated server to our existing one. We lost ship/station ownership and a few other things, but the server was playable again.
I FOUND A FIX!!!!!!! on your Dedicated server go to steam, right click on Space Engineers Dedicated Server and go to Properties, Go to the Beta tab and revert your game to version 1.194 (built for/around frostbite) DO THE SAME on your gaming pc, Run space engineers on your pc and create a new frostbite game, When it loads hit ESC and SAVE AS, then go to your C:\Users\ACCOUNTNAME\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\[YOURSTEAMID]\frostbite 2020-30-10blablabla and copy the top frostbite save to your servers SE DS game save mine is C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Raider
Run your server and you shouldn't have any errors
I FOUND A FIX!!!!!!! on your Dedicated server go to steam, right click on Space Engineers Dedicated Server and go to Properties, Go to the Beta tab and revert your game to version 1.194 (built for/around frostbite) DO THE SAME on your gaming pc, Run space engineers on your pc and create a new frostbite game, When it loads hit ESC and SAVE AS, then go to your C:\Users\ACCOUNTNAME\AppData\Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves\[YOURSTEAMID]\frostbite 2020-30-10blablabla and copy the top frostbite save to your servers SE DS game save mine is C:\ProgramData\SpaceEngineersDedicated\Raider
Run your server and you shouldn't have any errors
Hello, All!
It has been quite a while since anyone has reported that they have come across this issue again.
I appreciate there have been a number of updates since this was first reported. Is this still an issue that persists with you or has it since been resolved?
Kind Regards
Laura, QA Department
Hello, All!
It has been quite a while since anyone has reported that they have come across this issue again.
I appreciate there have been a number of updates since this was first reported. Is this still an issue that persists with you or has it since been resolved?
Kind Regards
Laura, QA Department
Hello, Engineers!
Because there is no new comment from you, and we are unable to reproduce the issue on our own, I will close this thread now as outdated.
If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all needed info there.
Thank you for understanding.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Hello, Engineers!
Because there is no new comment from you, and we are unable to reproduce the issue on our own, I will close this thread now as outdated.
If you or any other player will experience this issue again, please make a new thread and provide all needed info there.
Thank you for understanding.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Replies have been locked on this page!