Character bounces

Dominic shared this bug 5 years ago

In my game with my friend and I where he is the host, whenever we are on large grid stations, (such as our base on the moon) if turn off our jetpacks and land while we were still moving we will bounce. It's gotten to the point to if we land without stopping to a complete stop we bounce in the direction we were heading at the speed we were at when we were landing

Replies (6)


Same here. It basically makes it really hard to engage magnetic boots on a large grid station without any artificial gravity.


We have the same issue. I didn't notice at first, so it might have gotten worse the longer we played or the larger the base became.


Hello, Engineer!

Unfortunately we weren't able to reproduce your issue with our setup. Could you please provide us save file with the world where is this issue happening?

Thank you very much!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm experiencing the same issue. Landing from jetpack at any speed causes bouncing until I hit voxels, where I then stand normally. Running too fast on grid seems to cause the same thing. It's inconsistent though, seems to happen only after extended play, maybe? I've included the save I'm experiencing it on.


One thing I've noticed, it seems to only affect static grids. When the glitch begins, it seems to affect stations but not ships.

I've noticed also that with the magnetic boots and no gravity, seemingly flat blocks can cause the engineer to bounce like he's hitting something, which can get this glitch going. I've noticed it on armor blocks, interior blocks, and catwalks.


I had it happen on a dedicated server. I'll ask the admin for the save.


Me and my friends are encountering this same bug.

It tends to show up on our lobby session between 3-5 hours of uptime and reacts in the following way.

walking over a planetary surface has no issues, however walking onto, or jumping while running on, a large grid can cause the player to skip like a stone across a lake, not stopping until they collide with a solid object, at which point the character appears to 'attach' to the grid and can walk like normal.

When the game has reached this state of instability it is also impossible to walk up ramps, or through doorways, as they seem to push you out from whatever side you attempt to walk into.

We've found that as soon as we find the game doing this, a simple save and reload will fix it. It effects all large grids across the current game session and we've been able to replicate it with nothing more than a flat square of light armour blocks.


Hello, Engineers!

We were successfully able to reproduce the issue. It should be resolved soon.

Thank you all very much for help and your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I am having this issue with the moon base, characters bounce on the surface making it unplayable.


Hello, John!

As this thread is quite old, It would be best to create a new thread for this with reliable steps to reproduce the issue :) You could include a log file and save file

  • You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.
  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.
  • Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards,

Laura, QA Department

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