Can't disconnect/moving from a merge block that is switched off

Yandila shared this bug 5 years ago

I want to build something like this: and testing out some things in space engineers with Pistons and Rotors .

1. set some blocks as a ground

2. put a Rotor/Piston on a block

3. put some blocks and a Rotor at the end on the head of the first Rotor/Piston

4. put a merge block on the head of the last Rotor/Piston

5. put a merge block on some nlocks on the Ground so you can move the Rotors/Pistons that the two merge blocks can connect

After they connected i switched off the merge blocks and want to move the blocks with the Rotors/Pistons away. That didn't work.

The only way to fix it was to flex away the last head oft the Rotor/Piston and the rotor/piston will moving right away. But after restoring the build the Problem was still there.

Best greetings


Replies (3)


Hey !

18 months later, the bug is still present.


Hello, Yandila,

thanks for letting us know. This issue was reproduced successfully and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hi Ondrej, hi QA, hi Yandila and all the suffering people out there!

This problem is not 17 months, not 2 YEARS... it's over 5 YEARS old and nobody was really interested in fixing it. You are good guys! Don't misunderstand me! But this is an urgent priority ONE bug, which keeps all these wonderfull Engineers from proceeding!

BUT - here is a workaround WITHOUT flexing away anything! YES! This is for the actual version 1.20 and may work for others.

AND - maybe I even found the reason for you programmers... ;-)

So, first: what's necessary to reproduce it (it's the old idea of a huge hangar door closing airtight):

- place a whatever connecting aid-block (e.g. piston) to an edge of your MAIN structure

- place hinge to move the desired door

- construct your door so that if you close it ONLY the edges of all blocks touch the edges of the blocks in your main structure

- place a merge block on the inside of your door so that it will close with a merge block on the main structure (NO other blocks around the merge block - so they must "stick out" of the door AND of the main structure)

(similar as shown in this video: )

For the programmers: Until now you don't have any problem! You have a main structure and a no name substructure.

Now comes the action: Close the door!

Here comes the problem:

When closed the two structures MERGE into the MAIN structure. So if you try to deactivated the merge blocks ( =unmerge) and reverse the hinge block ( =open the door), this doesn't work anymore, because the two structures seem to "stick" to each other.

BUT - here's the solution:

Open the K-menu of the HINGE (Not (!) ANY control block of the MAIN structure!!). If you take a look at the Info-Tab you can now see that the system changed your "door" into a static structure. So the system actually (internally!) still "remembers" that this is a separate structure. "Static structure" is only a name, but in this case it is CAUSED by an internal function of SE. The system doesn't "know" anymore, that this structure was "movable". Even though it LOOKS the same (both buttons "ship" and "station" are not activated - as initially), INTERNALLY it is considered a station - which is NOT movable.

So here comes the trick: just press on "Convert to ship" and the hinge moves again! I'm really sorry to say, that you would have to repeat this every time after closing and merging these two structures, BUT: I could repeat it several times - it WORKS FINE!

DEAR programmers! WHY? Why did you keep this secret so many years for yourself??!! Why don't you just let us move this hinge WITHOUT the extra step of "ship-y-izing" the structure again??? PLEASE don't torture us anymore! Fix it!

Thanks to all for your patience! I only discovered this yesterday after 2 years of suffering, trying every single video on this issue!!!

Now I hope my (excuse-me!!) pathetic words give Keen a push to QUICKLY send us this urgent hotfix! (...and not let us wait another 17 months!)

Kind regards to everyone!

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