build planner withdraw wrong ressource

david shared this bug 5 years ago

when i want to withdraw ressources from my storage it often says it cant take X ressources but its not in the plan of the thing i want to build... latest one i took a screenshot

i was building an ore scanner and was having troubles getting my ressources, it said it couldnt get int. plates and it clearly had enough of, any way... it randomly gives me the right ressources once, then go build the scanner, after that i want to build a spot light... use the withdraw ressources on my component storage and it says it can not withdraw detector comp.

but a spot light doesnt require a det. comp.

Replies (1)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Yourtopic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue asit will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


More testing yesterday got me to figure when it does this its missing a component of the item that was withdrawn before...

With the example i provided it kept saying to me it couldnt get a det. comp. out no matter what item i wanted to build, i looked and there were no det. comp. in storage so i built one to see, then i clicked to withdraw components for the spot light and it said all componenets withdrawn... but all it took was the det. comp. But the if id click again it would take the ressources it needed to build that spot light...


i tested it this morning and was able to replicate any time i want... when you dont have X ressource of a thing you want to withdraw... then it wants to withdraw that X amount of that ressource before withdrawing anything else...and as long as you dont have that ressource in your container it cant process to the next querry i guess...

e.g 1: withdraw ore scanner dont have det. comp in storage (it will withdraw everything but the det. comp.)

2: try and withdraw any other block even if you have all ressources in storage and it wont let you it will say cant withdraw det. comp.

3: build or add the missing det. comp. and ask to withdraw any block you have the ressources for, it will withdraw the missing ressource (det. comp.)

4: ask to withdraw the block again and it will withdraw components if it has all the ressources, if not it starts the loop again

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