[Bug Report] 01_199_025 - Voxel Materiel named "ice and iceEuropa2" are Flickering when adding

brian bjorke shared this bug 3 years ago

Trying to the Voxel hand in creative to fill in some land caused by infinite kamikaze encounters. But it tends to look like this in the GIF below. I've attached the world file link as well.

https://gyazo.com/f3949cadf63585a769a9cdc2a57b2d9e" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://gyazo.com/f3949cadf63585a769a9cdc2a57b2d9e">https://gyazo.com/f3949cadf63585a769a9cdc2a57b2d9e


GPS:Edge of glitch 5km:17707.87:131073.94:-121431.77:#FF75C9F1:

This is the Star System map under the custom new game options. I found that this glitch happens with and without mods, and the flickering stops when I go more than 5km away from that location on the moon.

Here is a discussion I had with someone who helped me with troubleshooting the glitch. Thanks to Dan2D3D for his help.


Replies (1)


Hello, brian,

thanks for letting us know and for providing the save.

Issue you are talking about was successfully reproduced and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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