Block picker

Luboš Kadeřábek shared this feedback 5 years ago

Like color picker, but for blocks!

I am actually really surprised that this feature doesn't exist.

Replies (3)


It is a good idea because the G and toolbar loop is a good way to make things that look drastically different in appearance but blocks are not as distinguishable in their 2D icon.

When looking at a part in the environment we know exactly what we want and it's often the thing we are looking at already when repeating patterns.


Please please please add this to the game. Its such a quality of life helper when I can "CTRL+G" a block that has multiple variants instead of hunting down the block that may or may not be on my action bar.


This would be very useful for building in survival. I think it would also be useful in creative, but definitely in survival where we don't have access to symmetry building.

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