Grinding and rebuilding blocks on signal sources doesn't unlock progression

Stephen Baillie shared this bug 5 years ago

Unknown signal sources seem to be buggy for unlocking progression, in that grinding their blocks down and rebuilding them doesn't count as building them for the purpose of progression.

To demonstrate, start a new survival game with progression enabled, and spawn in a drop pod on Earth. Just wait around until an unknown signal spawns, then find it and grind the cargo container down below the functional point, but don't destroy it. Then weld it back up again - conveyors will NOT be unlocked. Then go back to the drop pod, remove the passenger seat, and try exactly the same procedure on the cargo container behind the seat - conveyors WILL be unlocked.

The two actions should be equivalent, but somehow they're not.

Most of the time this wouldn't matter, as you can just take the components and rebuild the item elsewhere to satisfy progression, except in the case of batteries - and I found this problem while trying to survive in space spawning only in a space suit, and just surviving off unknown signals. The only thing stopping me from getting basic infrastructure (and therefore everything else) running is that I can't connect a small grid to a large one, as rotors are progression locked behind batteries!

Replies (4)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department



I'm getting the same issue. Grinding down and rebuilding cargo, lights and batteries doesn't unlock progression. I like playing extreme survival where I start with nothing and only scavenge unknown signals. This issue means I can't grind and rebuild a battery to progress on to rotors. A workaround is to enable creative tools, drop a small battery and rebuild that. It's disappointing to have to do that though :)


A man after my own heart :-)

The other workaround I've used is to just turn off progression, but again it's disappointing to have to do so.



I have only bought the game just a couple of days ago and have been looking up tutorials on how to survive on the earth like drop pod but when I go to break down the things I need and rebuild them I am always stuck at the small conveyor in the pod where I can deconstruct below the working line but it will not let me rebuild it until I unlock the very tech I am trying to rebuild. Why does it do this only on the conveyor and nothing else? seems a bit unfair and totally breaks the tutorials.


The cargo container comes before the conveyor in the progression. There's a small cargo container to the right of the conveyor in your screenshot. Rebuild that and you'll be able to do the conveyor. No need to build a medium cargo container.



I found a workaround. it is to build an unattatched medium storage in the air and let it drop to the ground and then build it out so it will unlock the previous progression. I must say that the tech tree is extremely spread out and somewhat difficult to follow occasionally. The game is great but the interface and controls could use some major work... especially when i am using my jet pack and cannot pan left and right with my mouse without eventually turning sideways fairly quickly no matter how much I try to keep my wrist straight and that has been a thorn in my side for a while now. Yes I know about q and e but honestly I don't think I should have to. No normal astronaut would end up on his side trying to simply rotate around to see the horizon, but I digress.

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