99% load on my GPU

echo_in_the_verse shared this bug 3 years ago

So since yesterday i have been encountering a problem when playing SE everytime i start a world my GPU loads at 99-100 and when that happens the game crashes, Sometimes it doesnt and it just says my card is loading 99% wich i dont think is right this only happens on SE i tried other games like Medival Engineers, Star Citizen heck even cyberpunk and they all work fine Note: in the menu all is fine and load is alright but ingame load goes crazy

Replies (2)


Hello echo_in_the_verse!

Sorry you're having this issue. Can I please ask for a log of the issue happening? You mention yesterday, is this after the most recent update? (197.169) Or, was it happening before this? Could I also ask what your PC specifications are?

You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Yes this was right after yesterdays update all my friends that have an Nvidia system also have this problem its something that doesnt agree in the drivers here is my system specs for some reason i cant upload the crash log i wil send this in another reply


I could only send my crash log if i added it in an rar file


Hello echo_in_the_verse!

Thank you very much for the further information and log. The crash should be addressed in the next hotfix soon. We will be investigating the full GPU load after this :)

Kind Regards,

Laura QA Department

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