Version 205 : Factorum encounters on asteroids sometimes fail to remove voxels where appropriate

Milten Ignis shared this bug 6 days ago

Affected encounters:

All factorum encounters (unidentified signals) which feature stations inside asteroids.

Issue description:

Affected encounters spawn in with voxels of the asteroid unchanged. I.e. where there should be a corridor free of voxels, there is stone. Comparable to expected behaviour as if only the grid had been forcibly spawned inside any regular voxels.

See provided screenshots for further illustration.

Observed occurence:

Irregularly on dedicated servers, both vanilla and modded.

Reportee has no data available on occurence in singleplayer worlds.

Refer to OGSA for further confirmation and info if needed, we had to dig them out for other players a few times already. Provided screenshots have been taken from the #help-for-offical-servers channel on discord.


No reproduction that forces the bug 100% to occur is known to me at the time of reporting this.

General steps to potentially observe described behaviour:

1. Start up Dedicated server

2. Wait for encounters to spawn

3. Check encounters

4. GOTO step 2

Additional comments/Random ideas:

- Potentially an issue with loading the prefab in properly or voxel regeneration playing havoc (no, not the physics engine) in the process?

- Perhaps check if old (pre-factorum) "asteroid hideout" sprt encounter is affected aswell.

- Unsure if forcibly spawned in encounters are affected.

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