Server-Breaking DS Bug, feels urgent-ish

Ash Vance shared this bug 2 months ago

Environment: Default Space Engineers server on a Windows 10 PC, running an existing instance in admin mode that has worked flawlessly in this configuration before.

Description of Bug: Entering "/" in the "World Name" field while in the "New Game" world mode (not using/loading a Saved World), causes the DS GUI to repeatedly throw an error stating that there is an invalid character in the world name. This happens on EVERY interaction with the DS GUI, including attempting to close it. I had to close it through Task Manager.

Steps (I took) to replicate:

Step 1: Start SE DS GUI in admin mode and select an existing instance

Step 2: Change world mode radio button to "New Game" and select the "Empty World" starting preset.

Step 3: Type in a world name to replace "Empty World" that includes the forward slash character ("/") (the question mark key but un-Shift-ed on a standard QWERTY layout)

Step 4: ???Bug???

I've attached a video file as well as a youtube link here: Space Engineers - Dedicated Server Bug (SERVER-BREAKING)

This... *feels bad*. Right? Like... I don't wanna sound alarms about urgency here, but a slash triggering this kind of breakage is concerning to say the least. What else can brick the DS GUI that we haven't discovered yet?

Replies (1)


Hello Ash,

Thank you for reaching our forum with this issue.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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