SG Gatling Turret Storage Space

error 404 shared this bug 54 days ago

SG Gatling turret can only hold one type of item, the ammo for it.

Yet for some reason there is 84 liters of space and Gatling ammo boxes are 16 liters a piece, always leaving 4 liters empty.

Could you please modify ammo box volume or gun capacity so the numbers add up?

Also Gatling type 2 is not a Gatling gun as it does not operate by Gatling principle aka rotary barrels and feed mecfhanism: That is an absolutely absurd naming mistake to make and a great insult to Richard Gatling himself.

By that logic is an apple a banana Type "???

Could you please fit the

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Hello Engineer,

Thank you for reaching our forum with your issue.

We've added your report to our internal system.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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