I've Got Present For You Achievement

Robert Harding shared this bug 59 days ago

This achievement was not obtainable under the following conditions.

1. Blew up myself and another player of opposing faction - This was done with/without creative tools. This was done with/without the warhead being set to denotate on a timer and with the detonate button being pressed.

2. Blew up myself and another player of the same faction - This was done with/without creative tools. This was done with/without the warhead being set to denotate on a timer and with the detonate button being pressed.

Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer,

Thank you for reaching our forum with this issue.

We are aware of this issue. We've added your report to our internal system ticket on this issue. We will update this thread when we know more about it.

Thank you for your patience,

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I also had this issue and the same results and outcome.

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