Setting Rotor Angle Via Setup Action Inherently Sets Upper Limit

Ren shared this bug 5 days ago
Not a Bug

I have a custom turret which is placed on top of a rotor, which sits upon a piston. On the base grid which the piston stems from, there are 3 timers. The timers are set up as follows:

Timer 1:

  1. Turret Bay Door Hinges: Set Angle to 90 degrees.
  2. Extend Piston
  3. Toggle custom controller AI on.

Timer 2:

  1. Start Timer 3.
  2. Toggle custom controller AI off.
  3. Turret Rotor: Reset velocity.
  4. Turret Rotor: Set angle to 0 at 30 RPM.

Timer 3:

  1. Turret Bay Door Hinges: Set Angle to -90 degrees.
  2. Retract piston.
  3. Set turret elevation hinge angle to -90 degrees.

Timer 1 activates the turrets, and timers 2 and 3 are to deactivate the turrets and retract them back into the bay. For some reason upon deactivating the turret, timer 2 will somehow inherently set the upper limit of the rotor to 0. It doesn't stop the turret from fully rotating, but I'm wondering if this is a bug.

Replies (1)


Hello, Engineer,

I am sorry you are experiencing this issue.

We can confirm that this is the intended actions of the Set Angle action.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House,

QA Department

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