Terminal Actions "label" not showing in Setup Actions or button mouseover.

gruzzob shared this bug 2 months ago

Terminal Actions such as Set Velocity on rotors/pistons have an extra parameter to set the label which shows on the toolbar icon for the action (when putting the action on the toolbar for a cockpit/etc).

However in the Setup Actions for blocks such as timers no label is shown.

Similarly, the highlight for buttons panels/etc shows the name of the action rather than the label.

This oversight makes the maintenance and usage of automation, or reverse engineering of others' creations more difficult than the presence of the label feature would suggest.

Replies (1)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reaching our forum with this problem and letting us know about it.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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