[205] Cannot mod SessionComponents_Economy.sbc - crashes

Digi shared this bug 3 months ago

The crash:

Thread:   1 ->  Error: Error during loading session:System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(IEnumerable`1 source)
   at Sandbox.Game.World.Generator.MyFactionGenerator.GenerateFactionsCount(MySessionComponentEconomyDefinition economyDefinition, List`1 factionTypes, Int32 factionsCount)
   at Sandbox.Game.World.Generator.MyFactionGenerator.GenerateFactions(MySessionComponentEconomyDefinition def)
   at Sandbox.Game.SessionComponents.MySessionComponentEconomy.BeforeStart()

The weird part is the mod has nothing to do with factions... at least not directly.

The steps to cause this crash:

1. Create a local mod folder: %appdata%/SpaceEngineers/Mods/YourMod/Data/

2. Copy the game's Data/Game/SessionComponents_Economy.sbc into that local mod's Data folder

3. Create a Star System world with that local mod present (economy generator has to run with the modded file)

The cause is that there's a MyFactionGenerator.LegacyModSupport() that reassigns faction types' ratios from the session component if it's a modded one, this is flawed because as you can see copying it from the game causes confusing problems.

The fix is very simple, if all the FactionRatio_* from the economy session definition are 0 then skip doing the LegacyModSupport() entirely.

Replies (1)


Hello Digi,

Thank you for reaching our forum and letting us know about this issue.

We have added this issue into our internal system.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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