CTC with Drill as weapon assigned not not mining voxel for joined clients

Kathezel shared this bug 3 months ago

Me and my friend noticed that using a CTC to drill voxel does not work for him.

Me, as the admin and host, can use a drill on a CTC to drill voxel but if my friend is trying to use it the drill is not working.

Noticed in modded and tested again without mods and still does not work.

Only tested in "SP multiplayer", so not on a dedicated server.

If he is using the CTC: On my screen the Drill is not rotating at all, for him it's rotating but does not mine voxel

(ether right- or left click)

If I use the CTC: On my end all as intended, on his end the Drill is not rotating but voxel are disappearing.

Simple setup of the CTC is in the attachment.


1. Make a multiplayer world (Not dedicated server)

2. Build a simple CTC with a drill as weapon assigned.

3. Let your friend who joined try to drill the voxel via the CTC left click.

It looks like the Client of any member on the server is not sending Data to the others that they are using a CTC with a Drill as a weapon assigned. So any information that someone is using a CTC drill weapon is lost and will cause the server not to let joined members mine voxel and others don't see the drill spinning.

> Just a hypothesis! <

If needed, I can provide a video of this bug.

Replies (1)


Hello engineer,

Thank you for reaching our forum. We are already aware of this issue and have an internal ticket for it.

For now, we will add this thread to our internal ticket.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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