Advanced Rotor does not match standard Rotor's displacement range

Strikethrough shared this bug 4 months ago

When attaching a small rotor head to the large advanced rotor, it is attached too close to the advanced rotor body. At +2cm of displacement the small rotor head is experiencing a physics collision with the large advanced rotor base. The standard rotor base does not experience this collision until -3cm, leaving a 5cm difference in displacement before collision. This means that spawning a small rotor head on an advanced rotor immediately increases the risk of clang.

Furthermore, the advanced rotor displacement does not reach out as far as the standard rotor's does:6f805b29dab7eb71413bd4269f3155ea

Fig 1: Rotors with large heads (left group) and small heads (right group). Each group has an advanced rotor (left rotor in group) and a regular rotor (right rotor in group).

This makes subgrid clearance harder to adjust while maintaining an inventory connection. One work around is to use a hinge, but that locks the alignment in a way that cannot be adjusted, thus making some projector weld jobs impossible.

Replies (1)


Hello Engineer!

We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

We've managed to reproduce the issue you're describing. We've added your ticket to our internal system.

We will update this thread when we have more information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

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