[205] Light blocks "bulb color" has wrong math (too dark)

Digi shared this bug 3 months ago

First the code that handles the bulb color on all lighting blocks:

// Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents.MyLightingLogic
public Color ComputeBulbColor()
    float intensityRatio = IntensityBounds.Normalize(Intensity);
    float add = 0.125f + intensityRatio * 0.25f;
    float r = (float)(int)Color.R * 0.5f + add;
    float g = (float)(int)Color.G * 0.5f + add;
    float b = (float)(int)Color.B * 0.5f + add;
    return new Color((int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
The problem here is that Color.R/G/B are 0-255 range, halved and then "add" is at most 0.375, so basically nothing and I can confirm this in game:


Top row with green colors is so you can see compared to armor how dark the light bulbs are, they're at max color and max intensity.

Second row the same but for white.

3rd row white but 0.5 intensity, as you can see it's zero difference in brightness.

I did power them too and the same result in comparing the 2nd row and 3rd row there's no difference in brightness of the material.

Please fix the math in the mentioned method to be able to reach full color when at full intensity.

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