Small grid items do not spawn at unidentified signal

error 404 shared this bug 3 months ago

I have seen this 2 times by now, and i have heard it from other players too.

Unidentified signal spawned.

We jumped there.

Destroyed defences. Got inside, destroyed the turret and small drone.

There was a large grid refinery or a assembler, but no SG item, only an empty mag plate.

We did not shoot at the hangar, there was no destruction inside. Also there could not have been some other player inside before us, as the turret was intact, no holes on the outside or any blocks ground up anywhere.

This was the asteroid cluster signal, with the wrecked ships on the outside, i don't know what exactly its called.

Replies (3)


Maybe you guys should add a small battery or a small reactor to the SG item?


I found another signal yesterday, the SG item was missing. There is a turret close by which i destoyed with a single rocket hit. Could the blast be strong enough to destroy the items?

I went over the area with the welder, no block was damaged.

Files: 1.png

Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for reporting this issue. Unfortunately, we were unable to reproduce it on our end. To help us investigate further, could you please provide some additional details?

- Has this occurred only during these two specific encounters? The first being a Storage Facility with shipwrecks outside, and the second a small facility with an ambush, based on your description?

- Is this issue happening on your local world or a server?

- What happens between the moment the global encounter spawns and you reach the place of the small grid? Do you use a jump drive to get there?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, we already have a similar issue in our system related to magnetic plates not connecting on grids when they spawn. The resolution for this may also address the issue you're experiencing.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


-All events are on UK2 or EU2.

-There were other examples, but i have enough of SG proto items, so i simply do not care if they can't be bothered to spawn in.

-Yes, it is a official server, i jump there. None has ever spawned close enough to fly wthout jumping.

Also, magnetic plates are sometimes unreliable, they randomly release objects they should be holding, . I have lost a refinery this way, as it just floated off a magnetic plate, than swung back, made some acrobatic moves and exploded on my ship.

I had a friend replicate it reliably every time.

He held a large PT gyro with a small magnetic plate on his SG ship, and every time he rolled or rotated the ship, magnetic plate would release the gyro.


Please, have your developers add a SG battery to the PT item, and if i find some magplates disconected i will inform you, and the item will not vanish.


Hello Engineer,

Thank you for the report. We’ve noted the details and made an internal report based on your observations. We have a few leads that might resolve this issue and are working on addressing it in future updates.

Best regards,

Keen Software House


Yay great.


Btw, this iss still a normal event, happens on many signals. I do not report them individualy but just leting you know its still alive.

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